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Guild Hall is too small

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The new Guild Hall looks pretty cool and so on but it's TOO small! Walking through it considering where to place over 2000 decoration pieces like I had in my old hall and from what I can see I'll be lucky if I can put 1/4 of them out before it's way too cluttered. Different spots far from each other with different themes aren't going to be as easy in this new hall unfortunately since everything is so close together. In Lost Precipice I had so many areas that were set up in so many different ways. This new hall seriously needs to be twice the size it is.


As it is I'm going to have to build lots of stuff up in the sky just to make use of the hundreds of gold worth of decorations I have.. :( **sigh**

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We opted to keep Lost Precipice because this guild hall is just so meh.. The detail is nice and the arena WOULD be better if it didn't have a giant hole in the middle. Our hall is decked out, beautifully decorated. Can't justify channging it out for almost no structures and a pile of sand.

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Anet did go to extremes with the old halls and the new one - too big to too small. The old halls had rooms, buildings, and spaces that could be decorated, defined, and suited to a purpose; decorating was easy and aesthetic was easily achievable. The new hall has only 5, essentially, pre-decorated buildings and nothing but outdoor space; also there is a shortage of straight walls and corners.


There is an extreme shortage of flat ground in the new hall, which actually prevents aesthetically pleasing placement of decorations (they often end-up floating in the air, even small items often end-up floating.) About the only decorations that place well in the new hall is mostly in the non-potted plant category. Oh, and the new hall has this wonderfully strange Stonehenge that floats in the air by the waterfalls, and a few suitable spaces that are clipped in-half by invisible walls.


Yes, the new hall is slightly too small, and it could benefit from a slight increase in size. Also, it could benefit from a few satellite buildings like farms, ranches, and some Zephyrite structures clinging to the cliffs; for us to decorate and use. Also we need a tomb/temple in a cliff face (Halloween decorations area.) One major positive of the new hall is how much more beautiful the mine is compared to the old halls. The hall feels too Vabbi and not enough Crystal Desert.

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I used the map to measure and compare it to the others after we first captured it. Believe it or not, it seems to be very close in size to the other two - but it does feel much smaller. The difference is in the vertical nature of the others - and the lack of "hidden" areas and actual rooms or flat surfaces in the new one. It makes it hard to decorate in meaningful ways.


While my guild will be keeping the new one (we worked hard to capture it), it is painfully obvious that considerably less effort went into designing it. The guild dev team is either gone or has been gutted in favor of other content.


In general, guilds seem to have been neglected with both this expansion and the past few years of content (as Ive said too many times already with no response whatsoever - 4.5 years with no new guild missions is disgraceful).


Guilds make up the backbone of this game, imo. It's time to refocus at least a little energy on them. For example, maybe give us our own bounty boards to build and place in the guild hall - and give us the tools to place rudimentary building or flat surfaces in the guild hall (with some kind of concession regarding the decoration cap) so we have areas worth decorating.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> On the contrary I'd say the first two Guild Halls were way too big. This one is perfect however. A call back to the Gw1 Guild halls.


I'd say you're not a scribe/ explorer then. You are probably an asura with incredibly bad jumping skills. They like their stuff all close together and easy to access, which is fine. Anet can make guild halls like this but also add exploration areas around it. I think Gilded Hollow is almost a perfect mix of this, but still lacking in some things. LP is more spread out and still lacking in some things. Windswept way too small. For instance...


Alot of the potential housing areas in windswept are cut off by invisible walls! HUUUUUUGE PROBLEM!

just getting access to this roof is kinda tricky from jumping up as invisiwalls are in your way. ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZDkXphk.jpg "") it's a great secret house location but, another inivisiwall blocking half the room (as defined by red lanterns) ![](https://i.imgur.com/1MkKhNE.jpg "")


Another cool potential house just below it completely cut off by invisiwall ![](https://i.imgur.com/KMcWM6Q.jpg "")

way too close, can't access it at all. This is one example of where rolling sand dunes in the background that seem like they go off to infinity would have been a better border then where it is now. You wouldn't of had to have much of anything out there other then sand.


and then there's this thing ![](https://i.imgur.com/U2Isl5W.jpg "") another cool location with a rock formation that looks like you're suppose to go underneath,

but nopes invisible wall.

And that watery area behind it you want to explore..

![](https://i.imgur.com/ta5oywk.jpg "") just for looking, no touchy! the invisiwall blocking access again. :(


"Oh look, now anet is getting it! rolling sand dunes that go off to infinity yaaaay!" ![](https://i.imgur.com/av97uVd.jpg "")


"Oh wtf... there's a wall here.... maaaaaan" ![](https://i.imgur.com/djL7qds.jpg "")


I want to explore beyond these borders. I know others do too. Have all the vendors , guild buff and merchants be all centerd that's fine. Ya can even duplicate some out in the distance if need be and not have them appear on maps till you explore/ get near. hidden waypoints, hidden lootable chests, hidden housing areas near hidden waypoints, get the picture?


Wow'ing us with LP and GH and then dissapointing us with windswept :( **Smaller hall you say? fine just push walls back a little bit, beyond the housing areas that are cut off!**


Could of had secret underground cave system! (which would of satisfied us explorers a bit more) "Under ground caves you say? How would that of worked?" Well glad you asked :D for instance the lagoon area of Desert Highlands would have been perfect for an oasis off in the distance here amongst the sand dunes. imagine a place like this:

![](https://i.imgur.com/Tsr18q2.jpg "")

not marked on the map , hidden waiting for explorers to stumble apon. :) ![](https://i.imgur.com/qPoCpVG.jpg "")

Cave like areas ![](https://i.imgur.com/mOR1rud.jpg "")


maybe more like Tomb of primeval kings, winding deep under the map so players could have home areas!(and not be interfered with by objects on the surface. And deeper water areas for the race track to really make use of skimmer mounts wound have been nice! The whole hidden idea of the first 2 halls seems left out here in a BIG way!



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My major gripe is the layout. Take daily gathering for instance. In GH I would just run leftish a bit (accounting for any decorations). In the new hall the placement is hideously on another platform. What is more there is not a straight (or straightish) line to where the nodes are from where you enter the hall.

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> My major gripe is the layout. Take daily gathering for instance. In GH I would just run leftish a bit (accounting for any decorations). In the new hall the placement is hideously on another platform. What is more there is not a straight (or straightish) line to where the nodes are from where you enter the hall.


it's about the same really. Just jump on raptor mount, turn left. Leap twice avoiding the little pole things in your way, go up rock slant right to em. True the path they provided is 99% useless. It doesn't go straight up to scribehall and makes you go around in weird way. I fixed this by adding a path using In my guild hall using "Rec Room Floor Tiles" i think from raids? ![](https://i.imgur.com/gPKYIBH.jpg "") (mount navigation skill required)


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I also think this hall is more about use of mounts, so stuff won't be as easy to run to, which kinda defeats the purpose for people that wanted a smaller guild hall.

I hope they add more (better designed :D) Hybrid layout guildhalls b4 next expac.) they probs won't though. But **hybrid designs** will probs be the best. Everything centered close round the center while still having LOTS of places to explore, hidden areas, secret areas and many house like nooks n crannies like LP!

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I would like to at least get an option for “further exploration” that would clean up rebuild and maybe find more areas in windswept. We managed to make a floating city up where that random floating stuff is. Like seriously.... who the hell just randomly threw stuff together and called it good?

Another idea of mine... all the lore books I have been collecting. I would like to be able to donate them to the guild hall to make a library where any one can just pop in and learn history to their hearts content. Maybe even give us a secret guild collection where we can all work together to gather more knowledge and history about Tyria to truly make our library grand.

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Personally, I think the Guildhall is too small and furnished in the places that matter, and too big in unnecessary areas. Further exploration and a large field is all well and fine, but in reality, the only places that matter in a guildhall is between the Waypoint and the Guild Services. These are the places people are going to see most often, and therefore where your gold is best spent.


But, hey, it's not all bad! I WILL admit there is an area in the back sandfields where I plan to build a snowfort on wintersday! :^)

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I mean, different strokes and all but I considered both Gilded Hollow and Lost Precipice to be **much** to large to be sensible, and even Windswept Haven is **still far too large**.


I want an actual guild **hall**. Something cozy. Manageable. Something where 90% isn't empty space never used other than to dump decorations into it and then promptly forget about them. A single house, with a single (not 156000342342342) scribing station, and so on.

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