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Please remove the root from 2 skills


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There is nothing more frustrating than getting into fights in wvw while everybody is zipping around and you get rooted over and over and over and over using personal skills... This frustration is amplified by the plethora of enemy immobilize, knock backs, dazes/stuns, cripple, barriers... being tossed around that impede movement. I can understand a root on a skill like Hunter's Ward (#5 on longbow), but some are just meh.


On to the 2 skills that I desire to have the root removed from...


-True Shot (#2 on longbow).


-Zealot's Defense (#3 on sword).


I'm going to preemptively thank the team for removing the root on those skills and making the flow of combat better, as opposed to stop and go choppy! Thank you!

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Root on true shot was not needed after the heavy nerf, with the buff I think the root is acceptable for a ranged attack. ZD is fine as a root, but something needs to be done about it's hit box, as it doesn't even need to be dodged, just walk sideways, you have to be INSIDE the person to hit them with it, and the block width could be bigger, or make it an actual block, or an evade like mes.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> Root on true shot was not needed after the heavy nerf, with the buff I think the root is acceptable for a ranged attack. ZD is fine as a root, but something needs to be done about it's hit box, as it doesn't even need to be dodged, just walk sideways, you have to be INSIDE the person to hit them with it, and the block width could be bigger, or make it an actual block, or an evade like mes.


Definitely. Pistol Whip on thief is a stun, heavy damage and an evade, Blurred Frenzy on mesmer is effectively an evade and mediocre damage and ZD is just... mediocre damage. Sure it blocks projectiles, but tell me, how useful is that? When are you going to be using this in melee range of someone who is going to be using projectiles on you? Also, this attack can't even block its own projectiles which goes against the rules of projectile reflect according to the wiki (a projectile can be reflected twice or reflected once and blocked once before becoming unblockable).


I don't think ZD needs to be mobile, but it's getting to be about that time again where it should be updated or buffed in some way.

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ZD needs SOMETHING. It's so bad that it basically means Sword only has 2 weapon skills.


-Damage is hardly better then AA

-Range is too short to affect kiters

-Projectiles are too slow to hit anything that's moving

-Using it as a projectile block only gives them more time to pull range on you since you can't follow them


If it didn't root, at least I could use it as cover while moving forward towards a ranged attacker. As it is, you only ever lose range and lose damage while using it. It's best use in combat is to not use it at all.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> ZD needs SOMETHING. It's so bad that it basically means Sword only has 2 weapon skills.


> -Damage is hardly better then AA

> -Range is too short to affect kiters

> -Projectiles are too slow to hit anything that's moving

> -Using it as a projectile block only gives them more time to pull range on you since you can't follow them


> If it didn't root, at least I could use it as cover while moving forward towards a ranged attacker. As it is, you only ever lose range and lose damage while using it. It's best use in combat is to not use it at all.


Damage is actually worse than AA. It is a dps loss in pve. I think they Anet should buff it’s damage in PvE by 50% or even double. For sPvP, I think it is okay. If the projectile block cone is a bit wider every thing should be fine.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> ZD needs SOMETHING. It's so bad that it basically means Sword only has 2 weapon skills.


> -Damage is hardly better then AA

> -Range is too short to affect kiters

> -Projectiles are too slow to hit anything that's moving

> -Using it as a projectile block only gives them more time to pull range on you since you can't follow them


> If it didn't root, at least I could use it as cover while moving forward towards a ranged attacker. As it is, you only ever lose range and lose damage while using it. It's best use in combat is to not use it at all.


Your last bullet point is exactly why ZD needs something. It essentially invalidates the benefit of ZD meaning the only point of ZD is damage and landing the entirety of ZD isn't even that rewarding especially considering it's single-target.


If I had to propose a buff:

* Modest buff: increase projectile speed and add tracking so that someone within 600 range cannot avoid the attack simply by strafing.

* Reasonable buff: Increase projectile speed/tracking, increase damage, and make projectiles pierce.

* Dream buff: Make the skill mobile


~~Regardless of buffs, one thing that needs to be done is make this skill able to destroy its own projectiles. If someone reflects me using trueshot, I can block it with aegis/shelter/Shield of Courage, so I don't see why if someone reflects ZD projectiles, that ZD itself cannot destroy those projectiles. This seems like a bug to me. ~~


Edit: Tested this recently. I'm wrong, it does seem to destroy its own reflected projectiles now. This must have been ninja-fixed within the past couple patches which is great. Doesn't count as a buff since that's how it should have been to begin with though.

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