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The Joys of Fighting Mirage


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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > You play Berserker with LB and wanna prove anything? I mean ofc condi and hybrid Mirage need some nerfs but this is just cringe... Mirage will be fine when they finally double the cd of illusionary ambush and axe 3, give staff only one phantasm, same as for the greatsword trait (only one phantasm and give some other boni for that). lower the condi application (icd on ineptitude, slight nerf of staff, axe, scepter ambushskills from mesmer and clones). This has to go hand in hand with a lot of nerfs of other classes who are as equaly broken as condi/hybrid Mirage. I mean Holo is a joke of balance, Powernecro dmg is a little bit out of hand atm (also the passive dmg procs have to go), Meditationguard way to braindead for the reward it gives (too high too easy to apply dmg with way too high sustain), axespam boonsoulbeast and so on. It is not even near understandable why mesmer gets so much more hate than everything else in meta.

> >

> > AHAHA you have to be kidding you want reaper to be nerfed? lol they got little to no sustain outside reaper shroud and thats already, and its easy to counter, and chill got nerfed by 30% so nope, nothing will come close to as broken as mesmer.


> Reaper is in a good spot. Lesser Spinal Shiver was absolutely ridiculous before the nerf, it could crit for over 3k. Passive traits should never do that. But they nerfed it and now it's reasonable. I do think that the quickness trait was overkill but I'm happy with where Reaper is now after the most recent patch.


And thats fine, but butchering the damage of reaper would kill it, and the axe dmg.necros need the pressure.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > > > I made a short video showing what it's like to try to hit a mirage through all the visual clutter. I did not have fun. Thanks to @"Lora.2905" for the help.

> > > >

> > > > I am not sure what is the purpose of this video or what it proves. You are fighting a mirage with a weapon focused on single target damage in a severely underpowered build. You could use the same build against almost any meta build and the result would be the same.

> > >

> > > & i thought i was the only one that could tell.

> > > Could you tell despite the mesmer player making obvious move easily identified but the warrior was targeting only Clones as well? Like really? He could 'nt tell who was who?

> >

> > I'll respond to this since there are a lot of comments saying the same thing: condi berserker is underpowered, but not egregiously so. It's valuable versus rev, though in general it's true that I wouldn't take this in most matchups, I was testing out various condi warrior builds as I have a friend who wants to be more competitive versus revs in Conquest.

> >

> Then you should of not use this video as an example. Especially when it's obvious it was bad play & letting yourself killed that killed you. & not the mesmer. Promote propaganda that Warriors aka spellbreaker this season is under power vs Mesmers Is not an excuse to have it nerf. Warriors is far from weak. Far from it. Power & Condi warrior build carves threw all Clones/illusions in one AA from it's weapon as all AoE's as well. Clones just pops like balloons before they can even reach a warrior. & no good mesmer player takes more then Torch 4 (Prestige) a 3sec stealth that has a 30 sec CD to be invisible. Not unless the mesmer player want to lose some very important utilities. So the mesmer always stealthed excuse does not hold up either. & lastly, ALL good player can detect by one glance witch is witch when it comes to a clone & players. There movement are so different. Unless that mesmer player stays completely still witch happens very few times. It don't take more then one look.

> So in all i don't accept your answer & i'm pretty sure others feels the same.




Okay there's a lot of misinformation in your response.


1. I was playing Berserker, so it's absurd to pretend that I'm spreading "propaganda" that Spellbreaker is underpowered. Nor do I agree that SB is underpowered.

2. Condi warrior does not "carve threw all clones/illusions in one AA," there is usually at least 2 condi ticks necessary for the illusion to die. Power warrior does cleave through in one hit, I'll give you that.

3. "the mesmer always stealthed" I never claimed this, some people inferred that I couldn't find the mesmer, I never claimed I couldn't do it. It is **difficult** to find the mesmer at times, high-level mesmers do in fact stand still intentionally. Your claim that it "happens very few times" is because low-level mesmers are too dumb to stand still. High-level mesmers aren't as foolish. Feel free to do what I did and get footage of mesmers in the top 50 who aren't smart enough to stand still, then come back and make an argument. Until then I don't see any reason to take your word on anything since you are clearly prone to making assumptions that aren't based in fact.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > > > This is great video

> > > > This is exactly how its looks like... now add necromancer, deadeye or another mirage and tell me how to fight in that mess with warrior.. good video! It's pretty much highlight issue.

> > > >

> > > > .. even spellbreaker can't kill mirage unless it's really bad mirage.

> > > > Same for Thief. Thief must be incredible bad to even allow warrior to touch him.

> > > >

> > > > I thing it belong to warrior forum but...

> > > > ...Warrior is realy sux pvp. Core war underperform a lot against elite specs (no surprise). Berserker is total useless. And spellbreaker is nerfed so hard and other classes are boosted so mutch that warrior just sux in pvp no matter what build you play of how good u are.

> > > >

> > > > Even guardian and ranger is now more warrior than warrior. And necromancer was always problem for war ..

> > > >

> > > > Whats left... ? elementalist and potato.. good luck to find any in spvp...

> > > >

> > > > **Fact is easiest kill for good warrior is other warrior...**

> > > >

> > > > I thing they went too far with defence nerfs. **And berserker need total rework.**

> > > >

> > > > Off topic:

> > > > >! Warrior is bad even in pve. Classic axe/axe/gs with banners deal so low dmg. And there i talk about theoretical golem dmg - in real - because u are melee without range option its even worst.. Only reason why warrior is allowed to participate in "high-end" pve are banners...

> > > >

> > > > BTW:

> > > > **All players who cry about that warrior is too powerful are players who kill them self with reflect / counter or they get killed with simple combo bull charge+hundred blades..** - no comment :/

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > but spellbreaker can decap a point once and deny it from being retaken by 2-4 players depending on skill.

> >

> > Maybe half year ago before all nerf on defence trait line happend. 2-4 players ? You can't be more far from truth. U can see in video just one player mirage rips you out... 2 players maybe if they are bad and not so good combo like scourge and guard. 3 ? no way 4 ? maybe in dream. Furthermore U can't just hold point .. you have to move all time to target or disengage but you have to move. Plus if you want to block and counter. U can do that only against one player.. You have no cooldowns not do it more often.. And without that u will die in 2-3 sec just like any other class. So warrior is usually extra bad in mass pvp. I think Anet want to make warrior to be more offensive with all defence nerfs. I thing sure why not make berserkers proper offensive warrior... otherwise we have only one option and that is sustain spellbreaker/def/disc.. If you thing its to hard to kill that warrior ok give us another option...

> >

> > **Again we have only one viable build and that one is nerfed to ground so we have zero viable builds ... gg**

> >

> > Look at mirage in video.. and compare damage + survivability - It's disgusting. Warrior can only dream about that.

> >

> > But i don't want to go too far from original topic... You can visit warrior forum..

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56984/help-vs-thieves-and-mesmers

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53431/do-something-with-power-berserker-already

> >

> > etc.. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/warrior

> >

> > **I just wanted to say that video is very accurate and i'm glad someone revealed that S*.** Also that video is made from perspective of warrior. I play warrior as main and know that frustration very well.. Its not fun its not fair and its should be considered in next balance patch.


> they were dueling. if huskyboy wanted to avoid the damage and hold the point he could have easily.


> running head onto a mirage is gonna end badly for a lot of people


Just NO... Make your own video how you hold point against that mirage or 2-4 players =) .. Sorry. it's just bul*. I'm serious show me otherwise its end of discussion for me.


**P.S. for Huskyboy.1053. Try it again with spellbreaker spec.. You will end up same.**

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> Yes Mirage are annoying, but when I ran a SB, I'm able to hold of 5 people in a node for a good amount of time cause of defense, shield, signet, and rune AND still able to produce decent cleave to kill softies. Mirages and their clones melt easy when fighting AoE heavy class like Holo, SB, DH, or Reaper.


SB does pretty well against condi mesmer because it has full counter. Use the resistance trait and Berserker Stance and Featherfoot Grace and yeah, you're specced to survive pretty well, no doubt. It's exactly what SB is designed to do.

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Srsly you are lacking skills. You seemed to be unable to instantly spot the real target and target him, you even used the headbutt on an obvious illusion, also not to mention you are not using a meta build against a meta build.


I as a thief have completely no problem on spotting the real target and can land my steal everytime accurately on the correct target.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> > People think the problem is mirage power level. And not anything about the design of it.


> I don't even think it's that. People are just tired of Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage based builds being ultra dominant every single season, regardless of the reason why. Arenanet is taking too long to flatten out this problem and it's forming a mentality where players could care less if a Mirage patch was properly or improperly done, they just want to see some amputation to its over performance.


Not entirely, I also believe that developers blindly head in the direction of fun and engaging PvE aspect of each elite spec, leaving a big, stinking pile of you know what on the PvP element of it. For the past 2 years I've been giving a taste of multiple MMORPG's and their PvP gamemodes. Sure, there are bits and pieces of unbalanced gameplay, as always, that's universal truth that there are plenty of balancing issues in every game. The question is, how game breaking they are, and if you can reasonably counter them?


I've noticed an enormous, unproportional disparity in terms of mobility that a player may have access to while playing a class which its main forte is said mobility. In pretty much every other MMORPG there is a strictly specified limit of how mobile a class can get *in combat*. This is achieved thanks to no weapon bound skills for example, so the meta of utility is strict. To cut it short, WoW's rogue class may escape from you one time, they may disengage from combat a second time. But after the second time, if their decision was wrong, they will die with no possible way of disengaging again. The problem here is that the PvE mobility is copied and pasted to a PvP game mode where such movement capabilities are just as forgiving as they are advantegous. The ammount of mobility in Guild Wars 2 is simply, as said above, unproportionally high.


As for faulty mechanics, this is also true. There are games that would rather delete the sheer concept of a mirage than let it enter a competitive game mode. It is also disproportional to be able to do as many things at once as a mirage can. Bad players are decent, good players are nigh unkillable, no matter who and in what scenario they fight. The only cases when they get beaten? Their mistakes that tend to happen to the best of us, like a slipped finger, fps/ping spike (not their mistake though), or perhaps a bad moment in estimating cooldowns, movement, or a first time fight with a cheesy build that later on is countered like butter with a warm knife, once a mirage figures out how it works. To summarize, it does not matter how well you play, it matters how good is the mirage you fight against, and if his/her mistakes are possible to be exploited.


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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > > > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > > > > I made a short video showing what it's like to try to hit a mirage through all the visual clutter. I did not have fun. Thanks to @"Lora.2905" for the help.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am not sure what is the purpose of this video or what it proves. You are fighting a mirage with a weapon focused on single target damage in a severely underpowered build. You could use the same build against almost any meta build and the result would be the same.

> > > >

> > > > & i thought i was the only one that could tell.

> > > > Could you tell despite the mesmer player making obvious move easily identified but the warrior was targeting only Clones as well? Like really? He could 'nt tell who was who?

> > >

> > > I'll respond to this since there are a lot of comments saying the same thing: condi berserker is underpowered, but not egregiously so. It's valuable versus rev, though in general it's true that I wouldn't take this in most matchups, I was testing out various condi warrior builds as I have a friend who wants to be more competitive versus revs in Conquest.

> > >

> > Then you should of not use this video as an example. Especially when it's obvious it was bad play & letting yourself killed that killed you. & not the mesmer. Promote propaganda that Warriors aka spellbreaker this season is under power vs Mesmers Is not an excuse to have it nerf. Warriors is far from weak. Far from it. Power & Condi warrior build carves threw all Clones/illusions in one AA from it's weapon as all AoE's as well. Clones just pops like balloons before they can even reach a warrior. & no good mesmer player takes more then Torch 4 (Prestige) a 3sec stealth that has a 30 sec CD to be invisible. Not unless the mesmer player want to lose some very important utilities. So the mesmer always stealthed excuse does not hold up either. & lastly, ALL good player can detect by one glance witch is witch when it comes to a clone & players. There movement are so different. Unless that mesmer player stays completely still witch happens very few times. It don't take more then one look.

> > So in all i don't accept your answer & i'm pretty sure others feels the same.

> >

> >


> Okay there's a lot of misinformation in your response.


> 1. I was playing Berserker, so it's absurd to pretend that I'm spreading "propaganda" that Spellbreaker is underpowered. Nor do I agree that SB is underpowered.

> 2. Condi warrior does not "carve threw all clones/illusions in one AA," there is usually at least 2 condi ticks necessary for the illusion to die. Power warrior does cleave through in one hit, I'll give you that.

> 3. "the mesmer always stealthed" I never claimed this, some people inferred that I couldn't find the mesmer, I never claimed I couldn't do it. It is **difficult** to find the mesmer at times, high-level mesmers do in fact stand still intentionally. Your claim that it "happens very few times" is because low-level mesmers are too dumb to stand still. High-level mesmers aren't as foolish. Feel free to do what I did and get footage of mesmers in the top 50 who aren't smart enough to stand still, then come back and make an argument. Until then I don't see any reason to take your word on anything since you are clearly prone to making assumptions that aren't based in fact.


So is zerker warr in a better spot than spellcounter? heard part of the problem was with core being too strong for warriors.


Also as for mesmers:What hard counters mesmers and mirages so far? because i think thats telling if nothing hard counters them.


For that matter:does thieves still counter engineers with holo? because they got lots of boons they can spread.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > > > > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > > > > > I made a short video showing what it's like to try to hit a mirage through all the visual clutter. I did not have fun. Thanks to @"Lora.2905" for the help.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I am not sure what is the purpose of this video or what it proves. You are fighting a mirage with a weapon focused on single target damage in a severely underpowered build. You could use the same build against almost any meta build and the result would be the same.

> > > > >

> > > > > & i thought i was the only one that could tell.

> > > > > Could you tell despite the mesmer player making obvious move easily identified but the warrior was targeting only Clones as well? Like really? He could 'nt tell who was who?

> > > >

> > > > I'll respond to this since there are a lot of comments saying the same thing: condi berserker is underpowered, but not egregiously so. It's valuable versus rev, though in general it's true that I wouldn't take this in most matchups, I was testing out various condi warrior builds as I have a friend who wants to be more competitive versus revs in Conquest.

> > > >

> > > Then you should of not use this video as an example. Especially when it's obvious it was bad play & letting yourself killed that killed you. & not the mesmer. Promote propaganda that Warriors aka spellbreaker this season is under power vs Mesmers Is not an excuse to have it nerf. Warriors is far from weak. Far from it. Power & Condi warrior build carves threw all Clones/illusions in one AA from it's weapon as all AoE's as well. Clones just pops like balloons before they can even reach a warrior. & no good mesmer player takes more then Torch 4 (Prestige) a 3sec stealth that has a 30 sec CD to be invisible. Not unless the mesmer player want to lose some very important utilities. So the mesmer always stealthed excuse does not hold up either. & lastly, ALL good player can detect by one glance witch is witch when it comes to a clone & players. There movement are so different. Unless that mesmer player stays completely still witch happens very few times. It don't take more then one look.

> > > So in all i don't accept your answer & i'm pretty sure others feels the same.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Okay there's a lot of misinformation in your response.

> >

> > 1. I was playing Berserker, so it's absurd to pretend that I'm spreading "propaganda" that Spellbreaker is underpowered. Nor do I agree that SB is underpowered.

> > 2. Condi warrior does not "carve threw all clones/illusions in one AA," there is usually at least 2 condi ticks necessary for the illusion to die. Power warrior does cleave through in one hit, I'll give you that.

> > 3. "the mesmer always stealthed" I never claimed this, some people inferred that I couldn't find the mesmer, I never claimed I couldn't do it. It is **difficult** to find the mesmer at times, high-level mesmers do in fact stand still intentionally. Your claim that it "happens very few times" is because low-level mesmers are too dumb to stand still. High-level mesmers aren't as foolish. Feel free to do what I did and get footage of mesmers in the top 50 who aren't smart enough to stand still, then come back and make an argument. Until then I don't see any reason to take your word on anything since you are clearly prone to making assumptions that aren't based in fact.


> So is zerker warr in a better spot than spellcounter? heard part of the problem was with core being too strong for warriors.


> Also as for mesmers:What hard counters mesmers and mirages so far? because i think thats telling if nothing hard counters them.


> For that matter:does thieves still counter engineers with holo? because they got lots of boons they can spread.


1. If by "zerker warr" you mean the elite specialization "Berserker" then the answer is no. Spellbreaker is in a very good spot. Berserker is pretty bad, though the bellyaching in this thread about it being trash-tier is exaggerating. You can make it work, but it's more logical to play something that fills its niche more efficiently.

2. Any mesmers not running condi clear (i.e. Inspiration) are soft-countered by condi builds. Condi thief especially. There is no hard-counter to a mesmer running portal aside from true 1-shot builds like the current Soulbeast build that can land a Worldly Impact for 30k+.

3. A good D/P thief can beat a holo. It's hard to pull it off, but doable. S/D, no, I would never take that 1v1 on S/D.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Also as for mesmers:What hard counters mesmers and mirages so far? because i think thats telling if nothing hard counters them.

Currently, for me in PvP context (not WvW unbalanced stats.), about condi mirage :

Gards, hybrid FB, boon soulbeast win.

Weaver, droods do long fight but cap the point at the end.

reaper, scourge, holo lose but can decap the point before dying.

SB, thieves, Rev do fight depending of players.

Other specs lose.


About direct damage builds :

Thieves, revs, SB, holo, hybrid FB, gards, dh, rangers, soubleasts win.


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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Also as for mesmers:What hard counters mesmers and mirages so far? because i think thats telling if nothing hard counters them.

> Currently, for me in PvP context (not WvW unbalanced stats.), about condi mirage :

> Gards, hybrid FB, boon soulbeast win.

> Weaver, droods do long fight but cap the point at the end.

> reaper, scourge, holo lose but can decap the point before dying.

> SB, thieves, Rev do fight depending of players.

> Other specs lose.


> About direct damage builds :

> Thieves, revs, SB, holo, hybrid FB, gards, dh, rangers, soubleasts win.



What i did on my teef was range the mesmer and shoot poison at them to kill all their illusions since the arrows bounce around hitting all your illusions if someone else is there engaging you, then i'l jump in attack since i know that if i jump into your illusions you'l just cc me and blow me up.


Aoe effects seem to work pretty well at killing groups of illusions.

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lot of ppl trashtalking OP for their choice of elite/gameplay/weapons

not the point though


the reason it's frustrating is the amount of clones/phantasms. 4+ often, i've seen 7 at a time on screen. it's not that big of a deal if you can hold the target on the mesmer at all times, but considering mes now has drop target skills or combined with stealth it can get frustrating to spot the real thing, *even if you don't usually have trouble taking the real target*. it's not extremely difficult to grab the real thing amongst the clones, but if the mesmer pops out of stealth with 4 other clones all running towards you/using ambush skills it will take you a moment to find the real one. they can force you to drop target often enough that it get's really furstrating.


yes mesmer is meant to "confound" people. i get that, it's the design. it's just so much visual noise the constant spawning of clones.

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Whilst there is quite a bit of visual clutter from Mesmer these days, this video is obviously rather contrived. I don't think most people choose to put so little pressure on someone in a 1v1 as to allow them to essentially free cast for the entire duel. In the case of Mesmer, this means the screen will be full of pink effects and illusions because the Mesmer can rotate everything without risk. Without wishing to be rude, this was a bit like watching a Mirage testing their dps on the raid golem.

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It's amazing what a low skill level is required for mes. Go stealth and spike with power or condi, spam condi and screen spam with copies. Both with little skill and just a few buttons required. If a class has the ability to hide, make multiple copies, evade, dodge, and go invulnerable. It's shouldn't be able to do extrema 25k spike damage.


Either dodge and evade all possible damage OR Have massive life ending 3 second spike kills not BOTH.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > "While thieves, and by extension daredevils, are intended to be slippery combatants, the escape potential for this trait was a little too high."

> > >

> > > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14429/game-release-notes-november-7-2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14429/game-release-notes-november-7-2017 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14429/game-release-notes-november-7-2017")

> > >

> > > And yet we have mirage lol

> >

> > Can mirage and thieves exchange unhindered combatant for EM, of course, with that change physical skills and signet will net you 0 endurance and mirage deception skills will give endurance.

> > So have we a deal?!

> >


> No, while EM should have some exhaustion tied to it, mirage cloak should not work on stun/launch/push period.


> I didn't attack the trait EM, I said mirage as a whole.


> The whole concept starting with their dodge mechanic is very unhealthy for the game.


> Most of the e-specs that came with PoF are unhealthy for the game. But, Mirage is the champion of unfair.


> It's not a learn to play issue when you got high plat 2 and legendary level players saying what is busted (mirage).


> It's been a year, mesmer has been on top. Now t's time for anet to bring them back to earth.


> 4 e-specs greatly contributed to another mass exodus in pvp (SpB,Holo,Mirage, Scourge)....i'll just say FB was a collaborator because they are pretty much garbage on their own.


> You guys that champion and defend these specs are driving more and more players away.


> I am not saying that other classes are not annoying (DE, SB), but they are not game changers.







I agree with the should not work on stuns.


There are a lot of unhealthy mechanics in the game, not just mirage cloak. On top of mind - stealth, shadowsteps, attacks with evade frames built in (which as a mesmer I've access to all those).

Naa, not defending the spec, defending the right nerfs, not nerf core aspects to try to cover elite spec mistakes, which is what ANet does everytime regarding mesmer.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> His build is a negligent aspect in the point made. Roughly 3/4ths of all attacks miss Condi Mirage. I believe that is the point he is stressing. Am I wrong?


He cant even find a real mirage among a clone that run towards him and mirage standing a bit further and walking right and left...

I seen first duel..oh god ...he is so bad ...why he even made this thread....

You wouldnt be stressed if you had to play with completely unviable spec vs meta builds ?

How even this stupid reflect trait (0.5s icd ....) left untouched patch by patch... ?

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > His build is a negligent aspect in the point made. Roughly 3/4ths of all attacks miss Condi Mirage. I believe that is the point he is stressing. Am I wrong?


> He cant even find a real mirage among a clone that run towards him and mirage standing a bit further and walking right and left...

> I seen first duel..oh god ...he is so bad ...why he even made this thread....

> You wouldnt be stressed if you had to play with completely unviable spec vs meta builds ?

> How even this stupid reflect trait (0.5s icd ....) left untouched patch by patch... ?


Eh I see what you mean but even if a person were to somehow "have a hack that instantly retargeted the real Mesmer each time the target dropped" a Mirage would still avoid like 3/4ths of every attack thrown at it.


I think that's what he's getting at. I mean this very reason is why Mesmer based builds are used as tanks in raids after all.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > His build is a negligent aspect in the point made. Roughly 3/4ths of all attacks miss Condi Mirage. I believe that is the point he is stressing. Am I wrong?

> >

> > He cant even find a real mirage among a clone that run towards him and mirage standing a bit further and walking right and left...

> > I seen first duel..oh god ...he is so bad ...why he even made this thread....

> > You wouldnt be stressed if you had to play with completely unviable spec vs meta builds ?

> > How even this stupid reflect trait (0.5s icd ....) left untouched patch by patch... ?


> Eh I see what you mean but even if a person were to somehow "have a hack that instantly retargeted the real Mesmer each time the target dropped" a Mirage would still avoid like 3/4ths of every attack thrown at it.


> I think that's what he's getting at. I mean this very reason is why Mesmer based builds are used as tanks in raids after all.


If you say mirage evade 3 attacks out of 4 all the time with gutted vigor to non existance... Talking to you is a waste of time tbh .

You even confirm that you are clueless about entire class.Refering to PVE CHRONOMANCER in RAID and say 'this very reason mesmer based builds are tanks in raid' , people play minstrel chrono because of ... mirage ... does that make sense ? At all ? Hell , you dont even know why exactly support chrono is tanking

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