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Condi Mirage Feedback [Merged]


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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > Why nerf mirage? You can just increase condi removal, make resisitance an effect instead of a boon, and lower the cooldowns on all condi removal skills across the board.; sigil of purging should remove like 8 conditions every 5 seconds.

> > This way we are all happy. No nerfs for mirage, and people won't get melted so easily

> >

> >


> Buffing Sigil of Purging to even 2 condis removed per 10 secs would make it an auto include in EVERY build and kill any condi spec across the board. How is that healthy for the game? Think before you post. Mirage is one of 3 (is it 4?) classes that has no passive proc to save it. We rely on our active defense and twitch reaction time to survive Deadeyes, Core Guards, Boonbeasts, etc.


> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > Why nerf mirage? You can just increase condi removal, make resisitance an effect instead of a boon, and lower the cooldowns on all condi removal skills across the board.; sigil of purging should remove like 8 conditions every 5 seconds.

> > This way we are all happy. No nerfs for mirage, and people won't get melted so easily

> >

> >


> Buffing Sigil of Purging to even 2 condis removed per 10 secs would make it an auto include in EVERY build and kill any condi spec across the board. How is that healthy for the game? Think before you post. Mirage is one of 3 (is it 4?) classes that has no passive proc to save it. We rely on our active defense and twitch reaction time to survive Deadeyes, Core Guards, Boonbeasts, etc.


I didn't expect anyone to take this seriously lol 8 condies

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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > Mesmer has been meta in every game mode since hot came out lmao


> **maybe you're a skilled player with lots of experience in organized teams, but not that much in random queues?** or maybe you just got blindfolded by the PoF meta?


> F2Try players aside. Despite what most people seem to believe, early HoT seasons weren't exactly the most populated ones ...until mid-hot or so thanks to Anet's greedy HoT launching price . Back then Chrono bunker rised to a competitive state at high-ranked levels. It had a high learning curve though, due it's reliance in combo fields and limited self-healing compared to core guardian or even bunker rev, both of which achieved better results at lower divisions. And let's not talk about Auramancer's glory days


> Even in the early HoT meta Chrono was somewhat viable, still way, way, waaay bellow demigod-like entities like darevil's insane cleansing/mobility/self-healing/CC, Dragonhunter's one-combo 2 secs KO, Tempest's inmortality or Reaper's... well it had it's lows and highs) ....chrono trully shined as a WvsW commander though.


> However constant nerfing brought it down to a mid-tier meta spot at best ** (OUTSIDE ORGANIZED COMPS)** for the most part of HoT's seasons... it was a good reaper/core pistol thief/core ranger counter though, projectile hate mattered back then. Then we got prePoF patch that dealt the final blow to chronobunker (in conquest.... and pretty much to every HoT elite but druid, reaper and arguably scrapper)


> In PvE... chronomancer always had it's slot in raids ditto, even when Daredevil tank was a thing (yeah... thief tank) However while dungeoning it wasn't that different from the Vanilla meta, just a skipper. The same goes about fractals, during the hard-zerker meta, supports weren't that popular, fractals were waaaay easier back then after all, anything non-running a direct damaging build was pretty much leeching.


> **that said PRE-POF sPvP MESMER... viable? sure! a good duelist? arguably! meta? ehm... in an organized team where everybody filled her/his respective role ok... I wouldn't call it meta, but sure! why not? in your average duo/solo queue?? NOPE it never was... or maybe I'm the one being blindfolded by how easily it was to kill mesmers with my Tempest, scrapper or condi ranger or how few of them I used to see in the good HoT days** :persevere:


> About power shatter.... it wasn't a thing until Mirage came out.





You just lost all credibility. Saying Chrono was less meta than "1-shot DH" which I can only assume means triple traps. Mesmer thief was the go-to duo in order to carry. Chrono was a staple in every organized team during HoT or you just got hard out-rotated.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> You just lost all credibility. Saying Chrono was less meta than "1-shot DH" which I can only assume means triple traps. Mesmer thief was the go-to duo in order to carry. Chrono was a staple in every organized team during HoT or you just got hard out-rotated.


There were more than 1 duo mes-thief in leaderboard ? (it's not like if top 20 was full of thief/mes.)

Note that once duoQ were removed, mes population drop too.

Apart the firsts chronotank seasons, there was more DH than chrono every HoT seasons in the leaderboard. (which is different in teamQ.)


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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> You just lost all credibility. Saying Chrono was less meta than "1-shot DH" which I can only assume means triple traps. Mesmer thief was the go-to duo in order to carry. >Chrono was a staple in every organized team during HoT or you just got hard out-rotated.

Only one real duo of mesmer and thief I can remember and you know who was that.

How mesmer was more meta that DH which been 2-3 in each teams ? And I dont mean even 3-4 trap DH's . Not to count how hard they were rolling over chrono

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > You just lost all credibility. Saying Chrono was less meta than "1-shot DH" which I can only assume means triple traps. Mesmer thief was the go-to duo in order to carry. Chrono was a staple in every organized team during HoT or you just got hard out-rotated.


> There were more than 1 duo mes-thief in leaderboard ? (it's not like if top 20 was full of thief/mes.)

> Apart the firsts chronotank seasons, there was more DH than chrono every seasons in the leaderboard. (which is different in teamQ.)



First of, I'm curious where you're getting those numbers from. I can only imagine you're making them up as you go. (Easier for you to make a case that way)

Although, I prefer debating on facts. Chrono was the sole reason ESL dropped gw2. Not a single DH has ever won a game in a high rated tournament after the round of 8.

DH was definitely strong on release, too strong even. But it still lost horribly to scrapper and druid, it also has very little teamfight due to the massive projectile denial in the HoT meta. (Swirling winds, magnetic aura, magnetic shield, bulwark gyro tool belt, Druid staff 5 and guard shield 5.)


Debating that Chrono wasn't in a good spot when I can literally put up raw evidence from both WCS' and patch notes to prove it doesn't seem very clever. DH was always good at killing noobs though, which kinda fits your general posts on this forum.

> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > You just lost all credibility. Saying Chrono was less meta than "1-shot DH" which I can only assume means triple traps. Mesmer thief was the go-to duo in order to carry. >Chrono was a staple in every organized team during HoT or you just got hard out-rotated.

> Only one real duo of mesmer and thief I can remember and you know who was that.

> How mesmer was more meta that DH which been 2-3 in each teams ? And I dont mean even 3-4 trap DH's . Not to count how hard they were rolling over chrono


Sind Misha, Irish coffee and Irish koffee. This was a long time ago so excuse me for not remembering the names. It was pretty undisputed that the duo was the ultimate carry considering the winrates of these classes.

DH could in no way one shot anything with the "meta" valor virtues triple meditation build.

DH was a hard counter to Chrono, just like core guard is to mirage and core mesmer.

The biggest reason DH was good in queues was because they beat berserkers and Chronomancers which ran rampant during the early HoT days.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

>It was pretty undisputed that the duo was the ultimate carry considering the winrates of these classes.

Where I can find official winrate of duoq classes? I tend to believe winrate depends on skill of those players , hence why sind/misha duo had insane high winrate and they had good strategy how to farm unorganized clownfiesta called ranked

>DH could in no way one shot anything with the "meta" valor virtues triple meditation build.

Never said its oneshot . Landing a full combo with pulling through trap was a sure death for chrono/thieves unless they blink away right after pull.

>DH was a hard counter to Chrono, just like core guard is to mirage and core mesmer.

Thats what I said . Also that killed a lot of ppl (on low rating I believe there been 1 million traps where ppl walk into them XD) that dont dodge spear and being pulled/knocked through trap to death and being so popular in ranked.


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Nerfing a class's combat power because it can (potentially) have too much **mobility** sounds stupid, why can't they just nerf the mobility instead lmao. I don't know how chrono was in "organized environment" but in soloq it was never that good(before the recent outbreak which was post-pof and then it got nerfed later, deservedly so) and DH was 300 times better during HoT times. I could alt+tab as dh while chatting with friends in another game while tabbing in mid-team fights and still end up having 35%+ team damage and it was much better than mirage is now (post- all nerfs that already happened)

and as for difficulty its not even comparable, mesmer is 3000 times harder than guard ever was and ever will be unless they do something about the bs retaliation trait line and random passive insta cast damage +judges intervention



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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> First of, I'm curious where you're getting those numbers from. I can only imagine you're making them up as you go. (Easier for you to make a case that way)

A random season during HoT :


1-2 = metrix/bluri mes/thief duo.

Where are your op duoQ mes/thief after them ?

Where are your mes after them ?


> Although, I prefer debating on facts. Chrono was the sole reason ESL dropped gw2. Not a single DH has ever won a game in a high rated tournament after the round of 8.

Yep because :

> @"viquing.8254" said:

> Even after being dropped by every pro team (because there was more teamfight tools in other specs.), DH were over-represented on the ladder.


> This can be explain with the example of chrono and DH during HoT :

> During most of HoT seasons, chrono was under-represented in the ladder but was in every pro team.

> Inversely, DH was under-represented in pro team but over-represented in soloQ.

> DH hard countered chrono in 1v1 and could bring more aoe for on point fights. That's why it was well represented in soloQ.

> **But** mesmer has SoH and Portal which had a greater impact on rotations but needed more coordination to be efficient. That's why it was well represented in teamQ.

> When you compare the number of people playing teamQ and soloQ, globaly, there were much more DH than chrono during HoT in PvP.



> Debating that Chrono wasn't in a good spot when I can literally put up raw evidence from both WCS' and patch notes to prove it doesn't seem very clever. DH was always good at killing noobs though, which kinda fits your general posts on this forum.

Chrono was in a good spot only where teamplay were involved.

The only way Chrono win duel during HoT was mainly with a good placed moa (and very few mesmers can do that.). Describe me which matchup it should win ?

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> > > >

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> > > >

> > >

> > > And is priority in cleanses. Requires heavy investment to achieve. And is a very squishy build with no condi cleanses.

> >

> > Not really. I play mes.

> >

> > Assuming it's an inspiration build because sword torch, which is also what I play. There is plenty of cleanse. Each juant removes 1 condition. Each f button removes conditions. Signet of midnight removes all condis. Signet of ilussion allows u to recharge all f skills and so u can remove again. There is literally 12 Condi removals. The f skills also do Condi dmg upon activation .that's just the minimum active removal.

> >

> > With traits every clone u make takes a condition. So u can just spam axe 2 which takes another 2. Signet of ilusion also randomly generates clones which take off condition. You basically cannot die to Condi.

> >

> > 25k hp is not squishy at all. Esp not with 2 stealths, 2 distorts,2 dodges,4 teleports. Before you say jaunt range is low. Small range teleports is actually what u want. To port out of stuns. For example if a warrior dazes you and is about to use hundred blades. U can jaunt right out of it n use your next skill. Since daze is only 1 second. Another is to jaunt up spots so they can't hit u. Plenty in every map.

> >

> > It's literally is the most for giving build in the entire game. I am going to play the kitten out it untill they Nerf it.


> To have inspi you give up a lot of damage.

> If you give up duel you either lose clone generation or confusion burst.

> If you give up illusion you give up cry of pain, maim and increased condi damage.

> So with the build they're talking about you end up with jaunt and torch 4 as your only condi removals, considering jaunt is used as mobility and attaking too (if self-deception is traited) and torch 4 is used to burst, condi removal is really low.



U don't need that much more dmg as condi. My the Condi build I use. I have no problems killing anything other than firebrand and boonbeast. Most things die within literally less than 10 seconds. With sympathetic visage, removing Condi every time I make a clone. Signet of midnights. I literally don't die to Condi.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> U don't need that much more dmg as condi. My the Condi build I use. I have no problems killing anything other than firebrand and boonbeast. Most things die within literally less than 10 seconds. With sympathetic visage, removing Condi every time I make a clone. Signet of midnights. I literally don't die to Condi.

Not a clone, phantasm .

Something tell me warrior/guardian/DE/ s/d thief would kill you ... Thats depends what rating you had/have in ranked , if you play it . If its silver-gold then thats explain a lot, people there dont know they shouldnt use skills with confusion up

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > U don't need that much more dmg as condi. My the Condi build I use. I have no problems killing anything other than firebrand and boonbeast. Most things die within literally less than 10 seconds. With sympathetic visage, removing Condi every time I make a clone. Signet of midnights. I literally don't die to Condi.

> Not a clone, phantasm .

> Something tell me warrior/guardian/DE/ s/d thief would kill you ... Thats depends what rating you had/have in ranked , if you play it . If its silver-gold then thats explain a lot, people there dont know they shouldnt use skills with confusion up


Yep I am mid gold.seadon ended. I m pretty certain i can get in plat playing this broken build. Since i only started mes a week before it ended. Basically won some 10 games straight. Then another 15 straight. If they change anything I guarantee I will be low plat next season.


Your snide remarks about gold to discredit my comment is pretty low.


Since I think the vast majority of players are gold.also if we r talking about mechanics I believe most mid upper player have mechanics down.


Not really s/d thief and guard have trouble with this. I play s/d thief and guard too. The perma Condi is just so high that if they remove it u basically just put it back on. The only 2 builds I couldn't really kill are firebrand and boonbeast but that about it.


With dead eye I just go torch 4. Signet of midnight night and or dodge distort When they reveal themselves. I blink to them n use my axe burst and shatter. Since shatter causes aoe bleed. They basically have to run. With the mass clones. I don't really have problems since it's pretty easy to de Target with the amount of skills I am given. A DE would realistically only have 1 Condi removal signet.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > U don't need that much more dmg as condi. My the Condi build I use. I have no problems killing anything other than firebrand and boonbeast. Most things die within literally less than 10 seconds. With sympathetic visage, removing Condi every time I make a clone. Signet of midnights. I literally don't die to Condi.

> > Not a clone, phantasm .

> > Something tell me warrior/guardian/DE/ s/d thief would kill you ... Thats depends what rating you had/have in ranked , if you play it . If its silver-gold then thats explain a lot, people there dont know they shouldnt use skills with confusion up


> Yep I am mid gold.seadon ended. I m pretty certain i can get in plat playing this broken build. Since i only started mes a week before it ended. Basically won some 10 games straight. Then another 15 straight. If they change anything I guarantee I will be low plat next season.


> Your snide remarks about gold to discredit my comment is pretty low.


> Since I think the vast majority of players are gold.also if we r talking about mechanics I believe most mid upper player have mechanics down.


> Not really s/d thief and guard have trouble with this. I play s/d thief and guard too. The perma Condi is just so high that if they remove it u basically just put it back on. The only 2 builds I couldn't really kill are firebrand and boonbeast but that about it.


> With dead eye I just go torch 4. Signet of midnight night and or dodge distort When they reveal themselves. I blink to them n use my axe burst and shatter. Since shatter causes aoe bleed. They basically have to run. With the mass clones. I don't really have problems since it's pretty easy to de Target with the amount of skills I am given. A DE would realistically only have 1 Condi removal signet.


What shatter causes aoe bleed? God the amount of misinformation in this thread is so frustrating

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

>Your snide remarks about gold to discredit my comment is pretty low.

I thought thats obvious when you have to face better players (in theory they are 'better' in ~plat2-3+) that becoming harder to deal with them

>Not really s/d thief and guard have trouble with this. I play s/d thief and guard too. The perma Condi is just so high that if they remove it u basically just put it back on. The only 2 builds I couldn't really kill are firebrand and boonbeast but that about it.

Thats sounds kinda funny for me. How you can kill s/d and core guardian and cant kil fb/soulboon while I really struggle against s/d thief/core guard and I can kill meh soulboons/FBs .

Flanby the legendary mesmer can ~~cry you a river~~ explain in details everything about DE xD

> @"jportell.2197" said:

> What shatter causes aoe bleed? God the amount of misinformation in this thread is so frustrating

Ikr? But I guess he meant torment... some people call it 'pain' xD

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > U don't need that much more dmg as condi. My the Condi build I use. I have no problems killing anything other than firebrand and boonbeast. Most things die within literally less than 10 seconds. With sympathetic visage, removing Condi every time I make a clone. Signet of midnights. I literally don't die to Condi.

> > > Not a clone, phantasm .

> > > Something tell me warrior/guardian/DE/ s/d thief would kill you ... Thats depends what rating you had/have in ranked , if you play it . If its silver-gold then thats explain a lot, people there dont know they shouldnt use skills with confusion up

> >

> > Yep I am mid gold.seadon ended. I m pretty certain i can get in plat playing this broken build. Since i only started mes a week before it ended. Basically won some 10 games straight. Then another 15 straight. If they change anything I guarantee I will be low plat next season.

> >

> > Your snide remarks about gold to discredit my comment is pretty low.

> >

> > Since I think the vast majority of players are gold.also if we r talking about mechanics I believe most mid upper player have mechanics down.

> >

> > Not really s/d thief and guard have trouble with this. I play s/d thief and guard too. The perma Condi is just so high that if they remove it u basically just put it back on. The only 2 builds I couldn't really kill are firebrand and boonbeast but that about it.

> >

> > With dead eye I just go torch 4. Signet of midnight night and or dodge distort When they reveal themselves. I blink to them n use my axe burst and shatter. Since shatter causes aoe bleed. They basically have to run. With the mass clones. I don't really have problems since it's pretty easy to de Target with the amount of skills I am given. A DE would realistically only have 1 Condi removal signet.


> What shatter causes aoe bleed? God the amount of misinformation in this thread is so frustrating


Miss remembered. Not shatter. Dodge. Dodging causes bleeds. Torment is inflicted upon shatter through miaem the disillusioned

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> >Your snide remarks about gold to discredit my comment is pretty low.

> I thought thats obvious when you have to face better players (in theory they are 'better' in ~plat2-3+) that becoming harder to deal with them

> >Not really s/d thief and guard have trouble with this. I play s/d thief and guard too. The perma Condi is just so high that if they remove it u basically just put it back on. The only 2 builds I couldn't really kill are firebrand and boonbeast but that about it.

> Thats sounds kinda funny for me. How you can kill s/d and core guardian and cant kil fb/soulboon while I really struggle against s/d thief/core guard and I can kill meh soulboons/FBs .

> Flanby the legendary mesmer can ~~cry you a river~~ explain in details everything about DE xD

> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > What shatter causes aoe bleed? God the amount of misinformation in this thread is so frustrating

> Ikr? But I guess he meant torment... some people call it 'pain' xD


Yes I meant torment. Dodge causes bleeds.


Each too their own. This is just personal experience. I m in no way a good mesmer player but it's just so easy. That it carries me. Going to keep abusing this cancer build till they Nerf it. Get my plat badge by really just a carry build.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> >Your snide remarks about gold to discredit my comment is pretty low.

> I thought thats obvious when you have to face better players (in theory they are 'better' in ~plat2-3+) that becoming harder to deal with them

> >Not really s/d thief and guard have trouble with this. I play s/d thief and guard too. The perma Condi is just so high that if they remove it u basically just put it back on. The only 2 builds I couldn't really kill are firebrand and boonbeast but that about it.

> Thats sounds kinda funny for me. How you can kill s/d and core guardian and cant kil fb/soulboon while I really struggle against s/d thief/core guard and I can kill meh soulboons/FBs .

> Flanby the legendary mesmer can ~~cry you a river~~ explain in details everything about DE xD

> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > What shatter causes aoe bleed? God the amount of misinformation in this thread is so frustrating

> Ikr? But I guess he meant torment... some people call it 'pain' xD


I don't believe straight up 1v1 a plat player would destroy me. But I do believe a plat player has better decision making of where and when to take nodes better than a gold player.

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eleven pages of mostly disinformation ecks dee

it's almost as if people think they should be able to like

cleanse all condis they get hit with, and take zero damage

i kno this is going to sound radical, but if you dodge the burst

you will survive significantly longer, just like versus a power build


real talk tho, mirage is in no way op; it's countered by lots of builds in queue


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> @"HoneyBadger.5691" said:

> eleven pages of mostly disinformation ecks dee

> it's almost as if people think they should be able to like

> cleanse all condis they get hit with, and take zero damage

> i kno this is going to sound radical, but if you dodge the burst

> you will survive significantly longer, just like versus a power build


> real talk tho, mirage is in no way op; it's countered by lots of builds in queue



you can literally outplay any mesmer easily.

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> @"brappish.8715" said:

> > @"HoneyBadger.5691" said:

> > eleven pages of mostly disinformation ecks dee

> > it's almost as if people think they should be able to like

> > cleanse all condis they get hit with, and take zero damage

> > i kno this is going to sound radical, but if you dodge the burst

> > you will survive significantly longer, just like versus a power build

> >

> > real talk tho, mirage is in no way op; it's countered by lots of builds in queue

> >


> you can literally outplay any mesmer easily.


Dont stand so close noobs. lmao this kills me.

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> @"HoneyBadger.5691" said:

> eleven pages of mostly disinformation ecks dee

> it's almost as if people think they should be able to like

> cleanse all condis they get hit with, and take zero damage

> i kno this is going to sound radical, but if you dodge the burst

> you will survive significantly longer, just like versus a power build


> real talk tho, mirage is in no way op; it's countered by lots of builds in queue



Really talk tho. It's so easy to play compared to any other class. N u have so many safety nets. Torch 4, distortion,jaunt, blink, signet of midnight, u can dodge while casting. As condi ur skills really shouldn't miss. It's literally press the same buttons. Stand around and they die. Far easier than anything there is. But hey looks like mes is ur main so it's never op. Even if u can basically kill every other class in seconds while having a several safety buttons.


No worries tho. I joined the club. Going to milk pipes with this brain dead build all next season .

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"HoneyBadger.5691" said:

> > eleven pages of mostly disinformation ecks dee

> > it's almost as if people think they should be able to like

> > cleanse all condis they get hit with, and take zero damage

> > i kno this is going to sound radical, but if you dodge the burst

> > you will survive significantly longer, just like versus a power build

> >

> > real talk tho, mirage is in no way op; it's countered by lots of builds in queue

> >


> Really talk tho. It's so easy to play compared to any other class. N u have so many safety nets. Torch 4, distortion,jaunt, blink, signet of midnight, u can dodge while casting. As condi ur skills really shouldn't miss. It's literally press the same buttons. Stand around and they die. Far easier than anything there is. But hey looks like mes is ur main so it's never op. Even if u can basically kill every other class in seconds while having a several safety buttons.


> No worries tho. I joined the club. Going to milk pipes with this brain dead build all next season .


Voted for Troll Post of the week!

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