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Why Can't F2P Players Enter Guild Arenas?

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Is there a reason why F2P players need Heart of Thorns to enter their guild's arena? I really don't see the point behind it, personally.


Guild Halls may have been a part of Heart of Thorns, but F2P players can still access them, so why not the arenas too?


If F2P players can access PvP and WvW, why should they be hit with a paywall if they want to duel their friends for practice? It just feels a little stingy.

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> Is there a reason why F2P players need Heart of Thorns to enter their guild's arena? I really don't see the point behind it, personally.


> Guild Halls may have been a part of Heart of Thorns, but F2P players can still access them, so why not the arenas too?


> If F2P players can access PvP and WvW, why should they be hit with a paywall if they want to duel their friends for practice? It just feels a little stingy.


Yeah, this, and more importantly the Guild Boons that were transformed from the old passive boons that we'd build towards, into consumables, those more than anything else, does not make sense to lock behind the expansions since they were part of the core game, although in a different form.


But what's more pathetic, is the fact that people with PoF only can't access these things either (unless they changed it since the time i had a guild mate complain about that).


It's demeaning to the people that would require it the most (i mean players with 9 lvl 80 characters don't really care about most of the guild boosts, not really), it's demeaning for those that supported this game when it launched and are returning only to find out that they can't access stuff they used to have access, and in some cases actively worked towards unlocking for their guilds, and for what?

The slight possibility that someone will purchase the expansions for that?

If new maps, new elite specs, and the other stuff hasn't enticed them, pretty sure that a few boons and a guild arena isn't going to. It's just working to create a "second class player" feel on guild members, that actively discourages and prevents them from participating in guild activities.


But honestly, **Guild Wars 2, despite the name has really never cared about guilds.** It's built to cater to solo players in it's vast majority of content, and it shows. Guilds were a major afterthought, and even when it appeared we'd have some change in that aspect when they announced guild halls and were talking about how they might add more interactive decorations for players to make their jumping puzzles and have a treasure chest or something at the end, the now apparently confirmed bs when they said they had more levels for guilds ready which never came to pass, all the promise of an improved guild system, was quickly abandoned.

Arena Net are happy just delivering sub-par content at a shoddy pace, with broken balance, because we've paid for it so far, it's not unfounded of them to expect us to keep paying for the same lacklustre content and false promises.

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I see no problem with the suggestion to remove the gating from guild services. But as long as ANet thinks it's a useful incentive, I don't don't see why they should.



> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> But what's more pathetic, is the fact that people with PoF only can't access these things either

"Pathetic" is an interesting word choice. Either guild services are gated behind HoT or they aren't gated behind HoT.



> It's demeaning to the people that would require it the most (i mean players with 9 lvl 80 characters don't really care about most of the guild boosts, not really), it's demeaning for those that supported this game when it launched and are returning only to find out that they can't access stuff they used to have access, and in some cases actively worked towards unlocking for their guilds, and for what?

Again with the hyperbolic word choice. There are plenty of new players that buy HoT who have just as much interest in buffs as anyone.


> i mean players with 9 lvl 80 characters don't really care about most of the guild boosts, not really

On the contrary, I care more now about the guild boosts than I did as a newbie. PvP Reward Track, WvW Reward Track are powerful, in that there just aren't that many ways to boost. Even the MF boost is more useful to me now, because of how & when I can make use of it (compared to when I started out).


> Arena Net are happy just delivering sub-par content at a shoddy pace,

People seem to like the latest story, the latest map, the latest raid wing, and the latest fractals gets mixed reviews (beautiful, but too long & too easy). ANet's also added two new armor sets, a new mount to be obtained in game. Seems like supra-par rather than sub, by most accounts.


And the pace is exactly as it has been for years. New story every 2-4 months, new raid or fractal when they are ready, plus feature and smaller content patches and festivals along the way. So it sounds like you just don't like the pace or the type of content that the game now offers. Disliking something doesn't automatically mean it's poorly done; it just means it's not your thing.


Perhaps ANet sets a bad example by overhyping their features. Neither do I see much value in players underhyping those features, even (or perhaps, especially) if it's in support of an otherwise good idea.

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