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Deep Sea Dragon's Future Location?


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I know the lore states the Deep Sea Elder Dragon is lurking in the deepest area of the ocean, but what if certain events happen that cause him/her to move somewhere else? My theory is that Bubbles is in the Jade Sea in Cantha. The reasons I think this is that there is a concept art of Destiny's Edge fighting strange monsters on top of the Jade Sea, (possibly the "tentacled" minions of Bubbles), and that if Bubbles can create these "tentacled" minions from all sources of water, why haven't we seen even one in either Tyria or Elona? We must also remember that the game's lore states that Cantha has undergone some terrain changes and more. Could a combination of Bubbles's magic and nature itself have done this, and could Bubbles's be absorbing the magic from the remaining jade that Shiro Tagachi created with the Jade Winds? As for the Jade Sea, the game series never really described how deep the Jade Sea gets. What if there is a tunnel or tunnels under the Jade Sea that connect to the ocean, and that the deepest area of the ocean or any body of water is in the Jade Sea?


As for a possible but unlikely trip to Cantha, we could always use the old tunnel the Tyrian Dredge dug under the ocean to actually get to Cantha. If this turns into a reality I think it would be cool if Bubbles's minions would appear in the tunnel to try to stop you by bashing open holes in the tunnel from the ocean.

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Everyone seems to want the dragon to go to cantha (never see much of a reason why there out of the entire world), but cantha would be so much better to get in another few expansions later, without forcing it to tie into the DSD. A deep sea expansion would be awesome, and open the doorway for freely adding underwater content moving forward once they put the proper time and resources into making it as good as land. Hell, it could even revolutionize MMOs and underwater content!

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Yeah, as much as I loved Cantha, I don't want it as the next expansion. As an expansion 4 maybe.


I'd rather the next expansion be "Mists"-themed in a way. The expansion maps would be in Tyria but there's some kind of invasion happening that comes from another world in the Mists. Alien octopus men that suck your brains out with their tentacles maybe? Riding an enslaved species of floating psychic dolphins?

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> Yeah, as much as I loved Cantha, I don't want it as the next expansion. As an expansion 4 maybe.


> I'd rather the next expansion be "Mists"-themed in a way. The expansion maps would be in Tyria but there's some kind of invasion happening that comes from another world in the Mists. Alien octopus men that suck your brains out with their tentacles maybe? Riding an enslaved species of floating psychic dolphins?



The only kinds of demons we’ve seen are made from the mists, right? So expand on that, and introduce a GW-style of angels, because every demonic force needs a good counterforce. Of course, they can turn evil too, because we as the commander need to kill everything from the mists! (All jokes aside, wouldn’t that actually be a pretty good idea?)

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> @"zolcor.2601" said:

> My theory is that Bubbles is in the Jade Sea in Cantha. The reasons I think this is that there is a concept art of Destiny's Edge fighting strange monsters on top of the Jade Sea, (possibly the "tentacled" minions of Bubbles), and that if Bubbles can create these "tentacled" minions from all sources of water, why haven't we seen even one in either Tyria or Elona?


So on the art thing, keep in mind that's just conceptual art and isn't meant to represent anything about the game as it is or was or was planned to be. It was just made to give artists and writers potential ideas to talk about. You can see in that specific piece that Snaff is still alive, and Caithe for some reason is wielding a staff (this is because in early, early, early story wrtiting, Caithe wasn't a thief but a necromancer I believe).


About the tentacled monsters bit, that's just one of the handful retconned bits of lore from The Movement of the World. The document was 100% talking about Tyria, not Cantha, as the document was written from an in-universe perspective and from a Tyrian long after contact with Cantha had ended (as it says in The Movement, the only proof Cantha still existed as far as the author knew was a handful of sporadic sailors washing ashore).


Thirdly, we know for a fact that the DSD is not in the Jade Sea. Even ignoring the fact that it was placed in the Unending Ocean, it's what caused the krait, quaggan, and karka to make landfall and its minions are currently battling the largos. If you take note, the krait, quaggan, and karka only appear near Malchor Strait and the Sea of Sorrows. This shows that they came from west by southwest direction, as they don't even show up along the shores of Elona (sans the karka that were brought to Sandswept Isle by the Inquest for Scarab Plague experimentation).


Since Cantha is due south of Tyria, the direction of migration makes no sense for the DSD to be there.


Not to mention that, alongside the DSD being said to have woken in the deepest trenches of "the sea", the krait are stated to have come from the deepest parts of the ocean. This would place the DSD having woken up right in the middle of krait society, and there are no krait in Cantha.


> @"zolcor.2601" said:

> We must also remember that the game's lore states that Cantha has undergone some terrain changes and more. Could a combination of Bubbles's magic and nature itself have done this, and could Bubbles's be absorbing the magic from the remaining jade that Shiro Tagachi created with the Jade Winds? As for the Jade Sea, the game series never really described how deep the Jade Sea gets. What if there is a tunnel or tunnels under the Jade Sea that connect to the ocean, and that the deepest area of the ocean or any body of water is in the Jade Sea?


The terrain changes were rumored to just be the Jade Wind's effects dying out, and this was even visible during Factions in tiny amounts, long before the Elder Dragons were a glint in the developers' neurological circuits. Granted the reasons could be retconned into being due to the DSD, but given the above, the chances are downright minimal.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > Yeah, as much as I loved Cantha, I don't want it as the next expansion. As an expansion 4 maybe.

> >

> > I'd rather the next expansion be "Mists"-themed in a way. The expansion maps would be in Tyria but there's some kind of invasion happening that comes from another world in the Mists. Alien octopus men that suck your brains out with their tentacles maybe? Riding an enslaved species of floating psychic dolphins?



> The only kinds of demons we’ve seen are made from the mists, right? So expand on that, and introduce a GW-style of angels, because every demonic force needs a good counterforce. Of course, they can turn evil too, because we as the commander need to kill everything from the mists! (All jokes aside, wouldn’t that actually be a pretty good idea?)


Dwayna's Realm in the Mists is pretty much untouched in the lore as far as I know. They could do a story where the now godless Guardians of Dwayna are venturing out of the realm but they are battle-locked by mist demons.


I was basically thinking about aberrations from D&D earlier(hence the octopus men) and how they are literally come from other planets in that universe. The precise location is never specified but I thought that would work with GW2 now as well. The latest patch indicates(the ??? area in the map) that travel between different worlds through the Mists might be a lot easier now with Kralkatorrik weakening its boundaries. Maybe after we defeat Kralkatorrik the Mists are permanently changed in a way that some kind of invasion might be possible. Besides, that's how humans came to be in Tyria as well, right?


On a tangent, @"Konig Des Todes.2086" . Do you happen to remember why the ogres migrated west to Ascalon? Was there some kind of war going on in their homeland or were they just looking for more space?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > On a tangent, @"Konig Des Todes.2086" . Do you happen to remember why the ogres migrated west to Ascalon? Was there some kind of war going on in their homeland or were they just looking for more space?


> Looking for space due to overpopulation, iirc.


pretty sure giants are supposed to be there too. Hopefully we get a Blazeridge expansion someday focusing on those 2 races

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > On a tangent, @"Konig Des Todes.2086" . Do you happen to remember why the ogres migrated west to Ascalon? Was there some kind of war going on in their homeland or were they just looking for more space?

> >

> > Looking for space due to overpopulation, iirc.


> pretty sure giants are supposed to be there too. Hopefully we get a Blazeridge expansion someday focusing on those 2 races


As far as I remember, no giants were ever stated to be in the Blazeridge. In GW1, we saw them in the hills of Kryta, the southern Shiverpeaks, Crystal Desert (and its subregion, the Desolation), and northern Vabbi (towards Dzalana as it is marked on GW2's map, despite GW1 dialogue telling us it is east of Vabbi). There were none in Ascalon, though we got a couple in GW2 there.

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My bad. I've been thinking about a particular piece of concept art for years now of a giant. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/0e/Forest_giant_concept_art.jpg


I always assumed from the surroundings it must be Blazeridge Mountains, but the art is only on the giant page. Still I would love to see wherever those giant mountains and green forests are meant to be

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Given the swamps in the foreground, I figured that was Kryta looking towards the Shiverpeaks (which are said to be the largest mountains in known Tyria, and are extremely steep to the point where there's only a couple passes for normal travelers to go through; original lord had two passes going east, and two west, but that kind of got retconned with GW2 adding a few more, not that such is a bad thing, given that this was from the perspective of the three human kingdoms, not even the dwarves, and some of those new passes are tunnels).

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> My bad. I've been thinking about a particular piece of concept art for years now of a giant. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/0e/Forest_giant_concept_art.jpg


> I always assumed from the surroundings it must be Blazeridge Mountains, but the art is only on the giant page. Still I would love to see wherever those giant mountains and green forests are meant to be


Oh wow, that is a very cool concept piece

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > My bad. I've been thinking about a particular piece of concept art for years now of a giant. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/0e/Forest_giant_concept_art.jpg

> >

> > I always assumed from the surroundings it must be Blazeridge Mountains, but the art is only on the giant page. Still I would love to see wherever those giant mountains and green forests are meant to be


> Oh wow, that is a very cool concept piece


Yeah I’ve always liked the idea of it all


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There's a question/answer in [this 6-year-anniversary interview](https://www.shacknews.com/article/107195/guild-wars-2-sixth-birthday-interview-mike-zadorojny-talks-the-living-world "this 6-year-anniversary interview") that really intrigues me. It's asked of Mike Zadorojny, the current Game Director.


>**Shacknews:** I want to go off on a bit of a tangent, as long as we're celebrating six years of Guild Wars 2. I want to go all the way back to when I first looked at this game, pre-release. I remember at the end of this meeting, I was told to relay a message to Garnett Lee saying "The dragons get much bigger." You've unveiled some huge dragons over the course of the Living World, so I wanted to ask... do they still get bigger?


>**Mike Z:** Hmm... I don't know if I can answer this question. (laughs)

>Let's just put it this way. We're not done with the dragons yet. So there's still things that we'll be doing that will be surprising to players. When you talk about Elder Dragons, these are cataclysmic, massive forces of nature, so obviously they're about to take on new personas, different sizes, different styles of threat. There's not just one formula that says we have to make bigger and badder, but we definitely are trying to whenever we're creating an encouter, we're trying to look at what we've already done and where we've come from and we want to make sure we're always providing something new.


Mordremoth was literally big enough to be a jungle and stretch roots across Tyria (heck, I've seen tendrils in Vabbi and Bitterfrost that look similar). So...what if the deep sea dragon literally _is_ (or covers) the entire Unending Ocean?

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> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> There's a question/answer in [this 6-year-anniversary interview](https://www.shacknews.com/article/107195/guild-wars-2-sixth-birthday-interview-mike-zadorojny-talks-the-living-world "this 6-year-anniversary interview") that really intrigues me. It's asked of Mike Zadorojny, the current Game Director.


> >**Shacknews:** I want to go off on a bit of a tangent, as long as we're celebrating six years of Guild Wars 2. I want to go all the way back to when I first looked at this game, pre-release. I remember at the end of this meeting, I was told to relay a message to Garnett Lee saying "The dragons get much bigger." You've unveiled some huge dragons over the course of the Living World, so I wanted to ask... do they still get bigger?


> >**Mike Z:** Hmm... I don't know if I can answer this question. (laughs)

> >Let's just put it this way. We're not done with the dragons yet. So there's still things that we'll be doing that will be surprising to players. When you talk about Elder Dragons, these are cataclysmic, massive forces of nature, so obviously they're about to take on new personas, different sizes, different styles of threat. There's not just one formula that says we have to make bigger and badder, but we definitely are trying to whenever we're creating an encouter, we're trying to look at what we've already done and where we've come from and we want to make sure we're always providing something new.


> Mordremoth was literally big enough to be a jungle and stretch roots across Tyria (heck, I've seen tendrils in Vabbi and Bitterfrost that look similar). So...what if the deep sea dragon literally _is_ (or covers) the entire Unending Ocean?


remember that in movement of the word they said tyria knew water dragon woke up because of tentacle monsters spawning out of EVERY larger bit of water? (lakes, rivers - not only ocean itself)


so what if dsd literaly is in all _water_ not just "entire Unending Ocean"?

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