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What spec would you like thief to have next?


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I've wanted to have thief duo wield swords with aoe damage since launch of the original game.So it would feel like an assassin.


But since duo wield and assassin stance has been given to the rev. I don't think it will ever happen.


Wondering what ever one else thinks thief should get next.

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i DO not want another THW. We have as many of those as OHW. I would like to see a weapon that can shake up the various two weapon builds thus sword offhand or torch off hand or even mace main hand.


Given the lines for Daredevil and then Deadeye focused on dodges and then stealth, I would like to see any new traitline focus on our shadowsteps. Something cool might be a shadowstep that takes up to 5 "nearby" allies with you just as example.


We really need a support spec and as far as damage concerned I would want to see the next be weighted towards conditions as both Staff and Rifle were Power themed.





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I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.


I like those ideas. Katanas like a ninja fro cantha. If it was in terms of support. I feel like it should be damage support as oppose to heals like a guardian.


Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.


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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.


> Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.



how so?


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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.


> I like those ideas. Katanas like a ninja fro cantha. If it was in terms of support. I feel like it should be damage support as oppose to heals like a guardian.


> Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.



I get what you mean - I suppose thieves need to break out of this +1 role that they've been assigned to as well.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.

> >

> > Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.

> >


> how so?



To me a rogue like character is suppose to be selfish no? It's about stealing and taking, not giving.


The idea of support for me is a paladin type like the guardian. Or a wizard type like elementalist. Rogue assassin types are suppose to be stealth, teleport and damage.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.

> >

> > I like those ideas. Katanas like a ninja fro cantha. If it was in terms of support. I feel like it should be damage support as oppose to heals like a guardian.

> >

> > Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.

> >


> I get what you mean - I suppose thieves need to break out of this +1 role that they've been assigned to as well.


Yeah. I had another post about this. But if given the choice between support vs another decap spec. I rather have support. It's just not fun to do the same thing again and again. Esp with the current aoe burst meta where everything explodes.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > > I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.

> > >

> > > Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.

> > >

> >

> > how so?

> >


> To me a rogue like character is suppose to be selfish no? It's about stealing and taking, not giving.


> The idea of support for me is a paladin type like the guardian. Or a wizard type like elementalist. Rogue assassin types are suppose to be stealth, teleport and damage.


not really, there's the thieves guild for one and for gw2 specificly there's venom sharing.

also "steal from the rich, give to the poor."


i'm sure if given time and tought one could come up with more but i think i've proven my point

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I suppose it's a boring answer, but I'd rather they balance their specs around actually making stuff usable in all game modes rather than introducing more specs that break certain balance ideals by design (scourge, deadeye, mirage, firebrand are the obvious offenders), deliberately nerfing the previous spec to make the new one more appealing, and leaving the new one OP when everyone knows it is because it's the new and shiny. And that's assuming the new spec is any good, and not just another renegade.


That all said, no change is boring. So yeah, anything other than a DPS will do I guess. Something focused around riposte with a greatsword could be fun, make it an active defence/support build that can fight 1v1 through counters haha.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > > > I would like to see more shadow abilities, not a dodge or stealth, something with frenetic phasing leaps to break targeting, deceive with a phantom. Something that allows for fast paced or patient tactical play that messes with the enemies mind. Dual wield sword doesn't sound bad, if there were katana skins and thematically suits an assassin. I dunno, I don't mind any weapon a long as the skills that go along with it have some utility but I actually don't mind a support thief spec.

> > > >

> > > > Personally I rather not have a thief as support. Themetically it just feels strange.

> > > >

> > >

> > > how so?

> > >

> >

> > To me a rogue like character is suppose to be selfish no? It's about stealing and taking, not giving.

> >

> > The idea of support for me is a paladin type like the guardian. Or a wizard type like elementalist. Rogue assassin types are suppose to be stealth, teleport and damage.


> not really, there's the thieves guild for one and for gw2 specificly there's venom sharing.

> also "steal from the rich, give to the poor."


> i'm sure if given time and tought one could come up with more but i think i've proven my point


You sure have. I mean that's your take on it and that's great. For me thief support with always be weird.

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Even though I really don't like it nor want it, I think it's almost guaranteed that the next Thief Elite will be Condi centered. No idea about Weapon but my guess is Mace (offhand or mainhand or both), Offhand Sword or Torch.


On a personal note, I'd absolutely hate a Thief Elite with Torch.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > On a personal note, I'd absolutely hate a Thief Elite with Torch.

> > why?

> >


> Like I said "personal note", I simply don't like Torch weapons nor Condi-based Thief builds.


I agree with the torch part. Can you imagine a ninja in "stealth" running around with a torch lol.



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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > On a personal note, I'd absolutely hate a Thief Elite with Torch.

> > > why?

> > >

> >

> > Like I said "personal note", I simply don't like Torch weapons nor Condi-based Thief builds.


> I agree with the torch part. Can you imagine a ninja in "stealth" running around with a torch lol.




luckily for torch fans, thief doesn't have to be stealthy ninja all the time.

and we can stealth a guardian in radiance armor whilest he's on fire from his own torch so a torch on it's own shouldn't be too hard

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As far as "thief with Torch" i envision tomb robbers and those guys delving deep in dark dungeouns looking for loot. That said if I had to choose just one weapon, I would go Mace either main hand, off hand or both.


Please no Greatsword :). I want to see Pistol/mace sword/mace dagger/mace mace/mace mace/dagger Mace/pistol. Much more variety.

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Shadow Mage/Arcane Thief.

Shadow Magic trait line that eats (steals) everything. Pure offensive shadow abilities.

Main weapon: Greatsword

Main debilitating conditions: Blind, Weakness, Slow

- Enhances Blind making all hit to miss for the duration.

- Enhances Weakness to apply 75% instead of 50% less damage and endurance regen.

- Enhances Slow increase activation of skill to 75% instead of 50%.

Main damaging conditions: Confusion, Torment

New offensive ability: Corrupted Wound - shadow magic corrupts wounds reducing target's maximum health by 20% for a duration (ref. GW1 Deep Wounds).


Sample weapon skills:

Stealth attack: Backslash - X damage, apply Corrupted Wound if from the back or side.

1: Thrust - stab for X damage

2: Blinding slash - X damage, target is blind if from the front.

3: Cross slash - two spinning slashes, evade frame

4: Positioned strike - leap backward, dash forward, X damage

5: Shadow infusion - infused weapon with shadow, next attack applies stealth


Sample skills:

Healing: Shadow Form - (Manipulation) You are covered in shadow magic for 3s, you receive nor deal damage for the duration. Heal for X amount.

Utility 1: Shrouded Thievery - (Manipulation) Steal upto 3 boons. Target cannot receive boons for Xs.

Utility 2: Shadow Burden - (Manipulation) Next attack on target applies Corrupted Wound. Break stun.

Utility 3: Shadow Stitches - (Manipulation) Target is immobilized unless moving towards your direction for Xs.

Elite: Shrouded Charge - (Manipulation) Apply superspeed and cannot be targeted for Xs.


Sample traits:

Minor adept: Blind duration is reduced by 50%. All attacks miss for the duration of blind.

Minor master: Weakness duration is reduced by 50%. Weakness is enhanced to 75%.

Minor GM: Slow duration is reduced by 50%. Slow is enhanced to 75%.


I wish...

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> I miss the old Assassin from GW1. Shadowstepping-Ganker. Those were fun in RA and Alliance Battles. The thief right now is not really an assassin. Dagger is just this weird weapon that do tiny damage, unless you're a deadeye, spamming mal back stab... like wth is that? It's pure build/raid crap.



Totally agree. Gw1 assassin was the most fun I had in terms of pvp. Gw 2 thief daggger is like a wet noodle unless u go full zerk. But no 1 goes full zerk as thief dagger dagger, there are zero defences. But I guess gw2 entirely focuses on the raid aspect.


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