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Suggestion: Fear not this Night for the next trailer.


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I do not mean Maclaine's version- that was used for A Bug in the System trailer- which is amazing, but I mean Asja Kadric's version.


The idea behind it is to balance this season with some hope and happiness, even if the present times don't show it at all (something like in the trailer for episode 4).


Daybreak's trailer had this deep and sad music in it.

A Bug in the System had this mix of this jokey aspect of the story and then they showed how creepy the story can go.

Long Live the Lich continued the series of creepy, scaraby-like music (I'm talking about the first part of the trailer- not the music during the showing off the content and the mount).

A Star to Guide Us had Aurene's Theme to later show it's total opposite in the episode. (I still think The Calm before the Storm would fit better for the last episode, especially after playing the episode.)- I mean the track during Aurene's vision.




BTW I speculate that we'll return to the story of Sylvari in the next episode.


Certainly Caithe visited the Pale Tree once more while she was chasing after Aurene. We found out about the Egg from... the Pale Tree so the story kind of make a loop to the very beginning, when we saw the vision in the Dragon's Reach: part 2.


I'm also very curious about Canach's absence in A Star to Guide Us. It was also very weird- there was no sign he wouldn't appear after Episode 3. And Canach's name was never mentioned in the last episode.


It's unclear Caithe was following after us for a long time. But I think if she would, then she would certainly appear when Snaff and Eir appeared out of sudden- 100% sure.


Caithe also said: "The priestess was right, you do need better security", she alluded to the words Zafirah said: "You need better security" at the beginning of the last chapter.


She was at the Sun's Refuge when we reignited Balthazar's Sword, she wasn't in the Mists for sure, too. Because Glint would certainly point her out.




Anyway I think she didn't mean that SHE will help, but that she can help us find a clue. And I think she wants us to meet the Pale Tree.



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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> Remenber that we also sent rytlock to the mist with a mission to find a way to fix it. So next episode(or next after next) the aswer will come with him.


It will say the status of the Mists, but not the status of Aurene.


I was always interested in the role of the Pale Tree and Sylvari in Glint's Legacy, even though they had a bit different approach for the Egg, but the same goal- find the Golden City- Caithe, the Pale Tree, Glint, the Zephirites- Master of Peace.


Also it was so weird how every force of Tyria was so interested in possessing it:

The Pale Tree treated the Egg as something that will bring the Light of Hope.

Caithe treated it as a weapon to defeat the dragons.

Master of Peace treated it as a way for freedom.

Glint and her Legacy treated it as something that will continue their job- kill Kralkatorrik.


In fact they were all right, that's also why Caithe got her Call from the Dream- this militarian approach for the Egg, so it can rule the world, balance the magic. We didn't know it until PoF, but I think Caithe felt it.


To understand Aurene we must also understand those 4 Characters in the best way we can, and that's why Caithe appeared just now. Caithe wouldn't appear, leave the shadows if it wasn't serious. She could have stayed in the shadows forever, it must be very important the message she wants to share with us.


We found out Glint's point of view in Path of Fire Story, we found out that Kralkatorrik must be _somehow_ destroyed, but two puzzles are missing: the Pale Tree and Caithe. So here we go.

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I'de LOVE to hear fear no this night in the game once more.


I love this ong more than any other, then the only way you can hear it in game is at the end of personal story, which cannot be repeated


However, i think it's a bit early. Besides, it deserves more than a trailer.



We need it for the final instance of LWS4, when we will fulfill Glint's Legacy by killing Kralkatorrik with the help of Destiny's edge. THAT would be a right time for hope.


But I'm not sure. The more we advance, the more desperate the situation seems to be. Fear not this night was perfect because it expressed the emotion of a light coming after a long everlasting night: we destroyed a threat that seemed impossible to deal with, and though future was incertain, we were in a mood of rest before a great war that could now be won.


But the atmoshere has changed. So must the song.

We were told to advance through the night. Now we must be told to built the day to come, as the dawn reveal our terrible fate.

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> @"Lametoile.7394" said:

> I'de LOVE to hear fear no this night in the game once more.


> I love this ong more than any other, then the only way you can hear it in game is at the end of personal story, which cannot be repeated


> However, i think it's a bit early. Besides, it deserves more than a trailer.



> We need it for the final instance of LWS4, when we will fulfill Glint's Legacy by killing Kralkatorrik with the help of Destiny's edge. THAT would be a right time for hope.


> But I'm not sure. The more we advance, the more desperate the situation seems to be. Fear not this night was perfect because it expressed the emotion of a light coming after a long everlasting night: we destroyed a threat that seemed impossible to deal with, and though future was incertain, we were in a mood of rest before a great war that could now be won.


> But the atmoshere has changed. So must the song.

> We were told to advance through the night. Now we must be told to built the day to come, as the dawn reveal our terrible fate.


Fear not this Night is about the eternal fight between the dawn and the night. They cannot live without one another, but also they are in eternal hatred.


This song is about hope, but also how pointless hope is. It's just like a dawn, hope will rise, but in a blink of an eye it will be replaced with the dusk and then night.


That's why also the first episode was called: Daybreak- the first light of the morning that gives something new. "New" doesn't always mean happy, but also it can mean sad.


Hope is just like that. And that what the song is all about. We get the "first light of dawn" to face the unknown. And today this "unknown" is the whole mess around Kralkatorrik- how will we deal with this all when our hope is fading away?


This song is about hope, but secretly knock to your heart and says: you can't win your life with hope only. You need more than that.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:


> Fear not this Night is about the eternal fight between the dawn and the night. They cannot live without one another, but also they are in eternal hatred.


> This song is about hope, but also how pointless hope is. It's just like a dawn, hope will rise, but in a blink of an eye it will be replaced with the dusk and then night.


> That's why also the first episode was called: Daybreak- the first light of the morning that gives something new. "New" doesn't always mean happy, but also it can mean sad.


> Hope is just like that. And that what the song is all about. We get the "first light of dawn" to face the unknown. And today this "unknown" is the whole mess around Kralkatorrik- how will we deal with this all when our hope is fading away?


> This song is about hope, but secretly knock to your heart and says: you can't win your life with hope only. You need more than that.


I didn't think about this aspect but you're right. That's definitely this.


Thank you


So, we may have this song, one more time,


to face the last dreadful, last day of this journey.

Until the next dark night, a different story

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> Remenber that we also sent rytlock to the mist with a mission to find a way to fix it. So next episode(or next after next) the aswer will come with him.

I still wonder how his original mission to cleanse Ascalon went. He surely found a lot of things/people in the Mists, but we still don't know anything about his mission. And it was... LW2? It passed quite a bit. I hope you're right and we'll know more about it.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I'd rather not reuse the song a thousand times. It already played multiple points in the PS, in HoT, and got its remake with A Bug in the System. How about a new song with lyrics for once?


Ohhh I'd love that!


Maybe they could make a contest in which the contestants would have to write lyrics for the song on such and such theme. Then people would vote and then the Sound Team would make an arrangement for the winning lyrics.


I think that'd be awesome, because there are a lot of creative souls in this community, I feel like the artist are only appreciated, but not the musical/poetic souls.


If there would be any new song for GW2, I'd love it to be the community's creation. (secretly waving at: @"Gaile Gray.6029" )

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