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WoD nerf


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Winds of Disenchantment nerf

Winds of Disenchantment: This skill no longer pulses the instant the spell is cast. Instead, every second after casting, the total number of pulses is reduced by 1.

The duration of this skill has been split, and it will now have a 5-second duration in WvW and PvP while retaining a 10-second duration in PvE.


So basically it has an effective duration of.. 4 sec? unless u count the proj. block? or... I dont rly understand the wording

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Yeah I dont understand this either. Skill was never tied to pulses, but 1 second intervals. Its pretty redundant to state that every second the skill is up its one second less in its duration...


Honestly not procc'ing the whole first second of the skill being cast is a gigantic nerf. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Strages.2950" said:


> > Honestly not procc'ing the whole first second of the skill being cast is a gigantic nerf. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?


> This part was definitely not an appropriate or fair nerf. It also doesn't make much sense...


Yeah seriously. This actually ruined the Halloween event for me, just left me feeling bad about the change.

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Mesmer broken, Holo broken, Scourge coming back into meta of broken because suddenly people discovered scepter after 6 years, BETTER NERF WARRIORS ONE OTHER SLIGHTLY VIABLE ELITE! This game is getting real laughable really fast. Like seriously we had some counterplay to all the boon spamming that holos and guards (and modern day thieves, scourges, reaper) and it gets removed from us, even though it's the ONE flavor ability we actually had left. Guess it's on to using crutchpage regardless of build now. Thanks Anet, you're so good at balance.


BTW for those of you that don't know this change is literally because the WvW kids crying about warriors countering their button mash spam in zergs, god forbid your rangers and others had to be smart and use unblockables to pierce the bubble, what ever will we do if we only had to THINK to counter play someone.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> The easiest way of balancing. Nerfs with no trade offs. Typical. They should have at least reduced cast time or something... I guess it is too much to ask for proper balancing.


We are warriors, aren't we used to this by now? Not even joking the last time we received a legit balance patch everyone cried we were op and nerfed the following patch, into the ground. This was back in like 2014 when they buffed heal sig up a bit and then the "wah wah warriors are unkillable because i can't out dps 250hps" and then it got nerfed BELOW it's old stats


April 15, 2014

Reduced the passive heal by 8%.

December 10, 2013

Added an interval fact.

July 23, 2013

Reworked the formula that this passive heal uses.

At level 80, this skill goes from 392 healing per 3 seconds to 467 healing per 3 seconds with 1500 healing power.


Thanks anet, we warriors will keep being your punching bags while mesmers and holos get all the love and broken garbage. cough 40% protection cough

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While I agree that WoD needed toning down, this nerf pretty much makes it obsolete. It already has a loooong cast time with a very noticeable tell, but now it also has a 1 second delay that will ensure that everyone has time to clear out of the bubble prior to any consequence. I mean, really?

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> While I agree that WoD needed toning down, this nerf pretty much makes it obsolete. It already has a loooong cast time with a very noticeable tell, but now it also has a 1 second delay that will ensure that everyone has time to clear out of the bubble prior to any consequence. I mean, really?


I just have to ask out of legitimate curiosity, what about this ability did you actually believe to be broken? It was a short duration area denial at best, if you fight inside such a powerful ability it's no different than fighting inside a necromancers wells or a scourges F abilities, why not punish dumb play?


Now the skill is a crippled, basically worthless duration, waste of a slot. Meanwhile we have spvp crutchpage that carries awful warriors day in and day out because of stupid passives like peak perfomance (the real issue of warrior) and the short cd (45sec effective cd with passive) and forces the burning of at least 2 defensive cds to effectively live through (for most classes). But nah lets nerf the thing that punishes awful players because that's all that comes to this forum and cries about losing to warriors when they stood in the bubble and got combo fielded/burned down because boon strip.


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Thinking about it but all this was good for is stability getting stripped maybe. If you get caught you die regardless. Surprise factor followed by a cascade of removed boons because of the other trait, but nothing the spam of red aoe circles wouldn't do anyway. I guess the OP thing about it was the synergy + 10 target limit. I've already preferred using it defensively, as a place where people can run into to be safe from ranged attacks for a few seconds to get their heal skill out

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> @"Mighty Cole.7849" said:

> This is a big kick to the nuts. If there had been a reduced CD or maybe a reduced cast time it would have made the skill feel a little more balanced.


I've never been a big fan of WoD and always thought it needed a _little_ toning down, but you're right! This was a **"get out the 5 gallon bucket of KEROSENE, pour it all over WoD, and stike-a-match!!"** kind of nerf imo. Bascially, Anet went **TOO FAR** with the nerfing of this skill all at once. They should have just nerfed one aspect of it and observed how it went for "x" amount of time, and then revisited it if necessary.


And like you said, based on what was nerfed, I'd say a 50% cast time reduction and maybe take the CD down to 60s would be something of an OK trade-off.

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Kind of funny to see some of these harsh nerfs. Reducing the duration by a wooping 50% and thus actually halving it would mean they considered the skill to be WAY too strong in WvW and PvP. Which then in turn makes me wonder why they took so long to do this in the first place. There is also the fact that most people have stopped relying on WoD as heavily as they used to. Once again, makes you wonder "why now?". Not that this is the first time nerfs to warrior builds come way too late.

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> @"Hyraltia.4185" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > This makes way for a proper Support Elite spec. I hope.


> I think if anything it proves they don't want warrior doing any supporting since they took the little bit of support we had and dumpstered it.


Idk man. I rather play an elite spec thats fully focused on support, then a elite spec that has nothing worthwile to bring to wvw, but is used for one OP skill.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Hyraltia.4185" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > This makes way for a proper Support Elite spec. I hope.

> >

> > I think if anything it proves they don't want warrior doing any supporting since they took the little bit of support we had and dumpstered it.


> Idk man. I rather play an elite spec thats fully focused on support, then a elite spec that has nothing worthwile to bring to wvw, but is used for one OP skill.


And there's the issue and why this skill got gutted, wvw players think the ability is overpowered, meanwhile in spvp the skill was fine but now it's unusable everywhere instead of doing a simple wvw/spvp split they lazy moded it and just trashed the skill. Just another warrior elite for the dumpster, nothing new.

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WoD doesnt worth this big nerf without trade off, it already has a 90s cd, 1.5s casting time, not having an ammo count , unable to cast at range as well as having a significant animation for people to response to it.

Boon ripping while unable to recieve boons under WoD is hurt for the rivals but the trade off for a sb to cast a success WoD is huge as well which includes positioning, perdiction and deploying all the "lifeguard" skills to avoid getting down before, during and after casting when going melee. The 1.5 s casting time also makes it stay a good chance of getting interrupted.

As the most signature skill of a elite spec. to get such an great nerf without even a slight compensation, I feel like the status of sb for being a elite spec is getting shook.

For me, Sb is turning into another warrior elite spec with only a powerful f2 button but nothing more. Cant wait to see another boring f2 warrior coming in the next expansion.

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