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Spiteful Spirit?

DaVid Darksoul.4985

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Reaper was redesigned to be able to apply a lot of pressure on specific area or burst down allies quickly in shroud with that same shroud also serving defensive purpose as a "double life"; And then you have high CD utilities from necro to allow you to recharge your shroud (Its defensive abilities don't matter in teamplay WvW).

You complained about me explaining that reaper could see more nerfs to its offensive capabilities. Well Reaper is OP in its bursting/damage abilities, that's the truth.

Its sustain could be improved but what you depict comes more from the powercreep of other classes than reaper itself. Sure it wouldn't hurt to have a small buff to this aspect but as stated previously necro isn't a duelist kind of class. It's a "hit hard, high pressure, low defense". I would rather have the overall powercreep nerfed than buffing every lacking class in "competitive" game mode.


EDIT: allow healing through shroud or sacrificing remaining life force for health, that would help a lot to sustain damage

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The problem is: Reaper's damage is already counterable and having high burst is necessary for where it is. If it can't deal damage, it cannot pressure, and thus it becomes non meta for pvp. I understand reaper hurts a lot, but you can cc him and he is slow.


A lot of things would need a overhaul as well in necro to make it viable enough for longer fights, because less damage means longer fights, longer fights mean more necessity of sustain, because reaper sacrificed sustain.


You want to lower damage of this era to heart of thorns, that would be nice actually, but you also need mechanics to make it viable as a group control of enemies.


Thing is: I am legit worried that reaper will be gutted no other class will be nerfed, and reaper and necro in general will be back in the trash bin.



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Because you see this from a kinda 1v1 pvp/roaming perspective. My example was about group where melee spec can be reliably used in WvW (nerf of scourge and WoD) where +600 ferocity is too much. In HOT, reaper was high pressure game play, now its high burst. I am sure a middle ground can be found

If Anet made it for example +250/+250 or +200/+300 and quickness on entering shroud, it would have been better imo. I don't know what is their thought process toward death perception and core necro but it makes F5 scourge too powerful and allows power scourge in WvW (which is bad when you have access to so much corrupt and barrier at the same time). Anet's nerf on Spiteful spirit balances this death perception change while solely making it about boon corrupt.

I edited previous comment with this:

EDIT: allow healing through shroud or sacrificing remaining life force for health, that would help a lot to sustain damage


Well, if you let new specs be 10x better than previous ones, it creates too much imbalance...

I don't understand what you mean by "group control of enemies" ??

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Group of enemy players. Reapers are made for collaborating in pressuring enemies to get off a point. They do not possess the necessary sustain to roam, nor the mobility to escape bad situations. Quickness is more of a thing for catching enemies.


Changes of pvp can also have severe consequences on pvp, and changing how skills work could break a class in pve if not careful.Reaper is still weaker Than every pure dps class out there.


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Yes i get your point but i don't think you understand my hypothetical point.

Each elite spec is approximately made the same way:

-1 trait line is about replacing/ giving alternative to core "elite" spec (soul reaping for necro)

- 1 trait line enhance/ replace a spec (first trait line of reaper is tied to blood magic/personal sustain)

- 1 trait line is new mechanic or replace/enhance an existing spec ( middle trait line of reaper is tied to spite)


In solo content you will most likely chose a spec that is different from your elite spec trait line, that's what Anet expects from you (you still have some room though). So almost no chance you pick both Soul Reaping for Death Perception and Reaper's Onslaught at the same time.

For example if you pick Reaper's Onslaught trait line in reaper (last one tied to soul reaping), you will pick specs like Blood Magic and Spite to have some damage/sustain/corrupt.


In group content, you pick a class as what's best at, you are a role. So if firebrand/chrono/scrapper take care of sustain role you can specialize Reaper as full damage + corrupt where you would pick both death perception and Reaper's Onslaught + Spite spec line. Blood magic only becomes a choice if increasing group damage/sustain is more efficient than optimizing your own personal damage (Pve Raid being the extreme). It is a real balance problem that's why I said reaper might need a ferocity nerf in WvW. You can keep +300/+300 ferocity for pvp and pve.


- They change inherent skills/traits from elite spec while keeping core mostly untouched so it doesn't become OP (keep Death perception/ nerf Reaper's Onslaught)

- They understand group play equals specialization and they nerf/buff what's problematic in specific game mode. (nerf +300/+300 TO +250/+250)

- They nerf Core, nerfing every spec at the same time in specific game mode but that depends if Anet wants elite specs to be straight upgrades to core or if it's a supplement (nerf death perception/ keep reaper's onslaught)

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> @"Acyk.9671" said:

> Yes i get your point but i don't think you understand my hypothetical point.

> Each elite spec is approximately made the same way:

> -1 trait line is about replacing/ giving alternative to core "elite" spec (soul reaping for necro)

> - 1 trait line enhance/ replace a spec (first trait line of reaper is tied to blood magic/personal sustain)

> - 1 trait line is new mechanic or replace/enhance an existing spec ( middle trait line of reaper is tied to spite)



I disagree with your statement here. Core spec will always be available to the professions, which mean that they will automatically stack with e-specs. You can't imagine an e-spec that replace those specs because it's obvious that if you design an e-spec like that you will make the spec that it replace almost mandatory to take in order to stack the bonus and lean toward an extrem that will outperform everything else. In essence your theoretical point would only lead to a loss of build diversity which isn't the point of the e-specs.


> In solo content you will most likely chose a spec that is different from your elite spec trait line, that's what Anet expects from you (you still have some room though). So almost no chance you pick both Soul Reaping for Death Perception and Reaper's Onslaught at the same time.


Nope. In solo content (open PvE/LS instance) you'll play the most effective build 9 time out of 10 because in GW2 the best defense is offense. And it's unfortunately especially true for the necromancer. Most of the time the defensive trait are there to satisfy PvP purpose.


> For example if you pick Reaper's Onslaught trait line in reaper (last one tied to soul reaping), you will pick specs like Blood Magic and Spite to have some damage/sustain/corrupt.



You won't, really... Blood magic will mostly favor grouplay, as long as there is more damage loaded in another traitline, this traitline will be disregard in solo content. The sustain in solo content isn't something that players will naturally seek.


> In group content, you pick a class as what's best at, you are a role. So if firebrand/chrono/scrapper take care of sustain role you can specialize Reaper as full damage + corrupt where you would pick both death perception and Reaper's Onslaught + Spite spec line. Blood magic only becomes a choice if increasing group damage/sustain is more efficient than optimizing your own personal damage (Pve Raid being the extreme). It is a real balance problem that's why I said reaper might need a ferocity nerf in WvW. You can keep +300/+300 ferocity for pvp and pve.



The issue is that your theory relie on a basis where the reaper is dealing massively more damage than other profession when in fact the reaper, even with it's 600 ferocity buff can't even dream of reaching the damage potential of other professions.


In reality, the real issue isn't ferocity, I'll even go as far as saying that the 600 ferocity buff is totally fine. The real issue is where half the ferocity buff is. The problem is that a trait with 33% crit chance also grant 300 point of ferocity. The 300 ferocity need to go elsewhere, ideally they change/remove dhuumfire which is also a problem child and put the 300 ferocity there.


Honnestly, the issue isn't the ferocity numbers or even the damage that the reaper can dish out. The issue is that the reaper is at the point where he don't need to gear himself toward damage to deal damage.


And in case of spiteful spirit nerf, the issue is that ANet really want to push onto the necromancer a design where procs lead to other procs which end up in a mess for both Condi spec and Power specs. The issue isn't damage it's the way the necromancer is designed from head to toes. This design is bound to create situationnal "imbalance" when playing against players and at the same time it is also bound to have low effectiveness in PvE situations.


At this point, unless there is a full revamp of all necromancer's trait and a rework of it's defensive mechanism, PvPers will always perceive the necromancer as OP despite being at the bottom of the barrel in damage, support and, ironically, defense (the defense of a necromancer isn't great, it can't match the potential defense of any other profession. It's just a bunch of limited health points where other professions can nullify an unlimited amount of damage.)


So, in essence, while I can't agree with your analysis, I agree that there is a lot of work needed on the necromancer in order for him to stop being seen as an OP profession by other professions when he is pit against them.

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Reaper is simple: Marauder/Demolisher Spite/SR/Reaper is the most effective basis and this basis means: BURST! End of story.


If you want to mess around with Blood Magic or Curses: go for Scourge or even Core. Reaper does not offer viable variation in its playstyle. Offensive Blood Magic (dagger, warhorn, condi celanse) cripples the damage and defensive Blood Magic (heal, revive) misses the point as the spec is all about melee pressure. Curses wastes a whole traitline for weakness and a few more unreliable (because of the delayed impact of RS2 and WS) corrupts. Death Magic is not worth mentioning.


On that Reaper base build your chances against various encounters are for 100% determined by the mix of your 3 utility skills:

Spellbreaker: Corrupt Boon, Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk

Condi Mesmer: Suffer!, Well of Power, Plague Signet (yes you need that overkill in condi cleanse, but then you will succeed)

Guardian: NCSY!, Spectral Armor, Spectral Walk


Exception: open field hardcounters: LB-Ranger, Rifle-Deadeye: break LOS or die!


That's the only positive thing I can say about Reaper these days: Utility skills are game changers! So technically we have options. The QoL change in the last balance patch that lets us change utility skills when they are on cooldown were great in this context. I have to change my utility skills every few minutes to pull an acceptable amount of competitiveness out of the spec.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> they nerfed it for the exact same reason chill of death was nerfed, and why Charged Mists for revenant got reworked: they want passive and no animation burst traits to be less effective.

> This trait was not exactly a passive proc but it had no animation, and no way for anyone to know when the necro will pop shroud and chunk you.


> As an aside i expect Primal Echoes for druid to get reworked as well since it is a hard cc with no tell in the same vein spiteful spirit is a no tell attack.


You will also have no clue, if an invisible Charakter Like thief is coming to oneshot backstab you. That's really no argument.

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"The issue is that your theory relie on a basis where the reaper is dealing massively more damage than other profession when in fact the reaper, even with it's 600 ferocity buff can't even dream of reaching the damage potential of other professions."


Speaking just in pvp i believe no one come close to the burst a reqper can do. You can jump on a point and drop 14k aoe on everyone very easy. I cant even imagine the numbers you can do with wvw stats.


This change was pointless in the end and has no real effect on necro in pvp or wvw.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> I disagree with your statement here. Core spec will always be available to the professions, which mean that they will automatically stack with e-specs. You can't imagine an e-spec that replace those specs because it's obvious that if you design an e-spec like that you will make the spec that it replace almost mandatory to take in order to stack the bonus and lean toward an extrem that will outperform everything else. In essence your theoretical point would only lead to a loss of build diversity which isn't the point of the e-specs.


"Elite trait line **enhance**/ ** replace** / **give alternative** to a core spec". Whether you stack the same effects from core + elite is up to the player.


> Nope. In solo content (open PvE/LS instance) you'll play the most effective build 9 time out of 10 because in GW2 the best defense is offense. And it's unfortunately especially true for the necromancer. Most of the time the defensive trait are there to satisfy PvP purpose. You won't, really... Blood magic will mostly favor grouplay, as long as there is more damage loaded in another traitline, this traitline will be disregard in solo content. The sustain in solo content isn't something that players will naturally seek.


The change is about PvP/WvW so I only talk about solo encounters in those game modes where you need some self sustain (blood still offers self sustain and was just an example on how to trait), not PvE open world and LS where balance is not needed whatsoever...


> The issue is that your theory relie on a basis where the reaper is dealing massively more damage than other profession when in fact the reaper, even with it's 600 ferocity buff can't even dream of reaching the damage potential of other professions.


Because that's the truth in competitive game modes. My group theory is about "Reaper in WvW" (10+ to 50) where +600 ferocity on shroud **MIGHT** become a problem. We are not yet to the point where reaper can reliably do that anyway.


> In reality, the real issue isn't ferocity, I'll even go as far as saying that the 600 ferocity buff is totally fine. The real issue is where half the ferocity buff is. The problem is that a trait with 33% crit chance also grant 300 point of ferocity. The 300 ferocity need to go elsewhere, ideally they change/remove dhuumfire which is also a problem child and put the 300 ferocity there.

> Honnestly, the issue isn't the ferocity numbers or even the damage that the reaper can dish out. The issue is that the reaper is at the point where he don't need to gear himself toward damage to deal damage.


Death Perception used to be +50% crit chance, now it's +33% and +300 ferocity, that's an upgrade but still close mathematically. Before you would gear with power + ferocity +30% crit chance + thoughness/vita, now you need to gear more towards precision than ferocity. Nothing really changed here.





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