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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I'd like something that turns your character holographic. Not like the holograms from Dragon Bash, but like the effects on the Mini Holographics like Scarlet, Zinn and Taimi: transparent with lines. Maybe in different colors, like a blue and red. Would affect entire character: skin, hair, armor, outfits. Either as a novelty tonic or an infusion.

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I'd love to see the **Shimmerwing** Skyscale skin back in stores! I sort of missed out since I couldn't afford it at the very time! I almost have the Skyscale too so that'd be awesome!



I also had a new item suggestion ;;


Could there be a VERY exclusive item in stores? For Skyscale, we need 250x ores of ALL of them to get the saddle. Why not help out some players a little bit by speed boosting it? I thought there could be this _one_ item maybe... a couple times a year? The resources for them, the 250x Kralkatite, The Difluorite Crystals, Inscribed Shards, Lump of Mistonium, Brand Masses, and the Mistborn Motes could all be in this one super exclusive pack, 250 of each, and it could cost 600 in between 1,900 crystals? Something to help out the Skyscale players, but also not waste the people's time for those who actually managed to get the Skyscale by already having said-materials. Maybe like 2 or 3 times a year, so It's still really hard, but not easy to get either.



Edit ;; Also, Another new idea: Cozy Wintersday Skyscale skin. That'd be the cutest thing ever and I'd love to see it <3!

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**Items already existing in Guild Wars 2**, that I'd love to return:

- Riding Broom Glider

- Mini Feline Familiar

- **Raven Mantle** (!)

- **Shrine Guardian Ears** (!)

- **Nightfang Griffon Skin** (the best Griffon Skin so far, in my opinion of course)

- **Firestorm Logging Tool** (this animation!)

- Dervish Package (good old Nightfall, and it fits current maps!)


Items that I wish existed in Guild Wars 2, but actually they **come from original Guild Wars**:

- Monk's **Labyrinthine Armor** (I just love it, I was Monk main for about 7-8 years)

- Monk's Elite Kurzick/Luxon Armor (I don't care which side you're on, I love both. Actually I love everything that exists in GW:Factions)

- Monk's **Obsidian Armor** (duuuh)

- Necromancer's Obsidian Armor (duuuh)

- Mesmer's Elite Enchanter Armor (so classy)

- Mesmer's Elite **Luxon Armor** (in this care Kurzick's version is pretty similar to existing armor skins)

- **Bandana** Skin (headpiece, it was so simple yet so cool!)

- **Blindfold** (not just for heavy (Revenant) / light armored classes... ;))

- Ranger's Elite Studded Leather Armor (it's so pretty!)

- Ranger's Druid Armor (we have druid now so...!)

- Ranger's Obsidian Armor (I know, all Obsidian Armor Skins were amazing...)

- Paragon's Vabbian Armor

- Gwen's **Deldimor Armor** (it looks so beautiful!)

- **Bone Dragon Staff **- probably the most popular staff in GW1


_I know it's a long list, I'm sorry ^^_


Edit: I also thought that it would be a great idea to make it possible **to use normal headpiece skins while also wearing an outfit**, so e.g. you can wear glasses / cat ears / bunny ears (or whatever you want).

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im grateful for god slayer shortbow longbow. i asked and bought it today. want to ask bring back fallen balthazar outfit. even if i would have outfit ticket i didnt find this outfit at npc in lions arch so i can get it only from gem store. also want forged outfit. they both look cool on my male norn without helmet. also want jungle explorer outfit for my sylvari and gem aura outfit for my female characters coz girl's big butt looks amazing with that outfit. i will buy all this 4 outfits. just put them in gem store please.

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