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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I have given this great thought.. or wished for these two things more times than I can count!!! First wish is... I wish I may I wish I might have new minion skins tonight! They don't have to be girly or anything but honestly, I just hate playing necro with such creepy, ugly "minions". If they were smaller, and less in the way...and have cuter skins, that would be a HUGE incentive to play necro with minions. The second thing I really wish could happen is.. I wish we could ride with a passenger on our mounts. That would be so much fun and so helpful. Those are and have been my two wishes in GW2 for a very long time. :) Thank you! <3

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I would be genuinely surprised if there was anybody beside a handful of Mordrem roleplayers who wanted a Mordrem mount, yet here we are. Now, if Anet would make a Fern Hound jackal skin, like Sylvari players have been asking for ever since mount skins were implemented, that would sell like crazy.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> I would be genuinely surprised if there was anybody beside a handful of Mordrem roleplayers who wanted a Mordrem mount, yet here we are. Now, if Anet would make a **Fern Hound jackal skin**, like Sylvari players have been asking for ever since mount skins were implemented, that would sell like crazy.





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Return of the Watchwork Glider skin/backpack would be nice. Not sure how recently it's been up, but I haven't seen it in a little while and I'm keen on getting that one.

Same goes for the Branded Skyscale.

Mythic Weapons separate of any other pack would also be a dream - interested in several of them but don't have any interest in what they're packaged with.

The 'r-tron' harvesting tools available through the statuettes again would be awesome too. Got one of them, saved for another and they'd vanished when I went to get it. Typical.


As for new ideas - seems way extra (and not certain we need more gliders right now) but something along the lines of these as a glider/backpack combo I'd buy in a second:

![](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/97/e9/b6/97e9b686bfea1f279551a70bd5082449--angels-tattoo-conceptual-art.jpg "")



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**Flame Legion Shaman arms (gloves)**


Pyre Gloves (wielded by Efram) were available on February 18, 2020 and god knows when we see then again...

As a part of Flame Legion returning and "another-yet-hot-summer" I think is would be nice to add more flame-themed items. ANet already did a great job on Flame Legion backpack, thanks it doesn't take eternity to get it and it is not hidden behind impossible achievements or super rare drop like infusions.


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fa/Flame_Legion_Lava_Shaman.jpg "")


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/8/8e/Flame_Legion_Fire_Shaman.jpg "")


![](https://www.videogamesartwork.com/sites/default/files/concept-art/1590652625/guildwars2_character_3848135_by_kekai_kotaki.jpg "")


Another great thing is charr's flame tails which we can see by wearing light version of Flame Legion armor.

More fire to gods of fire \o/


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/31/Flame_Legion_armor_%28light%29_charr_male_back.jpg "")






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One suggestion I have would be to create a fern hound/wolf jackal skin for mounts and possibly more sylvan or melandru styled armor/weapons. For instance maybe a helmet/mask of Melandru's avatar (the bird one). More charr armors and norn stuff wouldn't go amiss either since this is their time to shine in the living world :P.



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