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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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For the lovers of military or tactical operatives, steam or dieselpunk I'd strongly suggest a more practical-looking tactical outfit for us rifle users in the likes of this image I found. ![](https://img.fireden.net/tg/image/1521/97/1521974176702.jpg "")

I don't see why it can't exist in a world with airships, charr helicopters, tanks, submarines and Aetherblades. Anyways I'd love to see an outfit like this to exist. Perhaps one with gloves too with the option to hide like with other outfits.


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I would like a few things to go onto the gem store.



magnus eye patch

eirs legacy longbow skin



an ice or earth themed mining tool to go with the firestorm logging tool and thunderstrike harvesting tool

a harvesting tool and logging tool to go with the shifting sands mining pick

a set of mount skins with the 'champion of tyria outfit' style armor

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So! I propose a gemstore item that lets you set a new appearance for your character. That appearance is then bound to the item, and you can click it to either enter the disguise appearance or turn back to your normal appearance.


Since race changes, because of quests and skills, likely won't be a thing, this might be the next best way.


How it works:

1) Buy the item from the gemstore. Collect it from your mail.

2) Click the item. It opens a dialogue and offers two options: Change Illusion or Disguise Self.

3) When you click "Change Illusion" you are brought into the appearance menu. This menu will let you change your race, appearance, and gender.

4) You set your race and appearance in the menu, then accept.

5) Now you use the item again, and say "Disguise Self".

6) You will now be disguised as the appearance you set in step #3. You'll be able to enter combat and do anything while in this disguise. It will just change your race/appearance/gender.

7) Now if you go to your inventory and click on the Disguising Illusion item, it'll have the option to "Revert Back". If you click this, you'll go back to your natural form. The item's options will also go back to "Change Illusion" and "Disguise Self".


If anet really wanted to cash in, they could make it a one-time item for setting the appearance. So, once you buy and use the item, you'd set your race/appearance/gender. Then, the item would forever be named "Race/Gender #". So say you bought the first item and you set yourself as a Char Female. The item would be called "Char Female 1". If you buy another and set it to change you to a Char Male, it would be called "Char Male 1". If you bought another and made a different Char Male appearance, it would be called "Char Male 2".


You'd then use Char Female 1, and turn into the appearance you set for that item.


You'd be able to use the item an unlimited amount of times but if you wanted another appearance, you'd have to buy another item or appearance slot.


You could make them only take up one inventory slot, by making the item into a "Book" of your various appearances. You'd have to buy each slot, and when you purchase it, it would come with your first slot. So Char Female 1 would be your first slot, then Char Male 1 would go in your second, Char Male 2 would go in your third, etc..


So, instead of race-changing, you could purchase "appearance" slots that don't change your race skills/story, but they do change the race you appear to be. Effectively, adding a new branch into fasionwars 2.


Sounds like a perfect gemstore item to me! The pricing would likely be between 300-600 gems per appearance slot?


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Yup, would have said the same. Definitely "easier" to create combat tonics.


Combat tonics aren't an equivalent product to this, however. This is more like an easier-to-do race change, as a race change would be very difficult to do (quests and skills are linked to race).


Depending on how much gems it costs, it should be well worth it for anet. Especially if people have to buy more than one for more than one appearance, you know people will do that.

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> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> And if it works like a (combat)- tonic i already can see all the people complaining that they can't mount while being transformed.


That might have to do with animations. Current combat tonics are mostly mobs, right? While this one would have the same animations as any other PC, thus allowing you to mount and keep armour appearances (aside from the changes associated with changing race).

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> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> As far as i'm aware, mounting is a kind of"transformation" (code-wise), that why it doesn't work with other transformations. Could be wrong on that though.


That sounds bizarre. Interesting, though. That might be something that could be worked around, but I couldn't say for sure as I don't work for anet doing r&d for GW2 :-P


Still, even if one couldn't mount (for the moment, that might be changed if its true), I could see it being popular. Most PvP areas you can't mount up, as well as most PvE areas, come to think of it (save the open world).

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