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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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As @"MithranArkanere.8957" said in another thread, I really think those kind of armors can make their way to gemstore, dungeon armors evolved in sum:


Why not? We already done dark asuran weapons -> inquest weapons -> mark II weapons, why not armors? 1 For each dungeon:


**-Ghostly ascalonian armor with a dyeable ghostly glow. (can be haunted outfit when you think about it...)**


**-Clean and polished versions of the council ministry armors.**


**-Aetherized nightmare court armors with dyable aether effects.**


**-Overloaded forgeman armor with glowing eyes and flames coming off the glowing parts.**


**-Flame legion armor with dyeable flames.**


**-Icy Kodan armor.**


**-Charged inquest armor with glowing neon edges and moving parts like ticking gears.**


**-Purified orr armor, that look what they may have looked before their wearers became risen, without bones, claws and spikes and the like.**



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**Map Saver**: duble-click to save your position in a map for 5 (or maybe 10) min.

You can go to LA or anywhere you want to do your business, double-click within 5 (10) min to go back to your saved map in the _SAME_ instance.

Usefull when doing meta events with a squad and you need to sell/buy stuff but you can't because it would be impossible to join back (map full).

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I have some mount skin wishes



Feathered raptor, not like a peacock, just a raptor with feathers

Bearded Vulture raptor

Metallic raptor

Sand raptor

Water-raptor, one that like leaves a water effect / looks like he's had a swim or something

Tropical raptor (very ornamental)

Very spiky raptor

Demon raptor


Earth/stone raptor

Magma raptor



Watery springer

Demon springer

A frog of some kind



Fire skimmer

Earth/stone skimmer



Earth/stone jackal

A wolf of some kind

Desert fox or arctic fox

Chow Chow (yes really)

Armored jackal

Demon jackal

Cerrberus or Barghest or Warg inspired beastly jackal




More inspiration of real-world cats and birds, I've loved them all so far


Metal griffon

Stone/earth griffon

Magma griffon


Manticore.. I know we have a lion already but.. Manticore...


No beetle suggestions


**Mount packs ideas**

Flame Legion





Some kind of armored mounts with a common theme

Mounts like the Mjölnir-hammer

Mounts that fit existing weapon skin themes

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Old lion's arch pass, just because it's a must. You will be surprised to see how much players are hating sealand.


Also other suggestions I made but surely lost somewhere:


Mount skin: Holographic dyable beetle so turned into a wheel making the whole more like a bike.


Armor skin piece unique: Visor (Headgear) like inquest exo suit helmet, vegeta from dbz.... ghetsis in pkm...... for all weights, 250 gems?

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I think some players and Ranger lovers would be excited if something like this https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Zaishen_Menagerie_Grounds

were made into a purchasable lounge area... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lounge for Ranger Pets and other creatures like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chuka_and_Champawat collection cubs, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cat, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basenji. For Rangers, who like making alts, it would be a great QoL feature to be able to charm juvenile pets in this way...




"The Zaishen Menagerie Grounds is an explorable area where the Zaishen Order takes care of the charmable animals you have unlocked on your account. Charmable animals can be brought in from the wild, or purchased here and trained for you by the Order.


There are various climates in this one area that create the appropriate habitats for the charmable animals."


"The Zaishen Menagerie is account based, which means that any charmable animal you unlock will be available to all characters on that account, both PvE and PvP. You cannot, however, bring other players into your own menagerie, it is only for yourself and your heroes.


If you speak to Emryd the Tamer with an animal companion (pet) in your party, she will unlock yours or your hero's current pet at its current level and evolution tier and all lower tiers for that charmable animal. Similar to other pet tamers, she is able to take the current pet and release it, allowing you or your hero to charm another animal as a pet. Provided you have a Moss Spider Egg, Emryd can take it and unlock the Moss Spider.


Helena (Zaishen Keeper) will unlock the next tier of any charmable animal that is already unlocked, or unlock the lowest tier of any locked charmable animal from any campaign you own, at a cost of either a combination of Zaishen Coins and gold, or Balthazar faction."

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Gaile has suggested the OP of https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67924/celebration-hat-i-want-this-hat#latest submit the suggestion here. I don't see that that's happened yet, but when/if it does, I'd like to suggest a modification to it (see that thread for a lot of community response to the OP's idea).


Why not introduce a baseball cap to the gem store, same shape as the original Celebration Hat, but instead of the ANet dragon logo it has a guild emblem? Just like with guild armor or the magic carpet or other guild-emblazoned items, it would show the logo of your currently repped guild or no logo if you aren't repping. Guilds could wear team caps!


And the commemorative nature of the original cap given out to every single player there for the launch of the game would remain intact.

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Please bring back the Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo. I know it's not exactly a gemstore item but a black lion chest drop or that it could be purchased using black lion statuettes. Please let it return as a black lion chest drop or purchasable using black lion statuettes.

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I ditto the requests for holographic mounts and mordrem/sylvari themed mounts (but not just regular mounts with holographic bits or plants and flowers glued on top).


I'd also like to see more glider skins like Electromagnetic-Descender and Shattered Bloodstone, where it's a particle effect but not "wings" or "kite" looking. I'd like an all black particle one, with an ascender or backpack, for necromancer/thief and dark themed characters.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Auras


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQeIbIwU_ss&feature=player_embedded


> The team should start selling some cosmetic Infusions on the gemstore too, not just limited to superultrarare0.000000001% event drops, bag rng or the TP.


> Edit- And it was really cool that you could dye effects too in that game, just sayin'!


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I noticed that my daily GW2 experience contains a lot of things that feel like chores and could be easily botted. And while bots are forbidden, golems are not. :) So I present: _Chore-o-tron_.


Task: Harvest home instance.

Suggested function: When in a home instance: double click to harvest all nodes, chests, .... Unlimited use, since home instance nodes are already limited.


Task: Harvest guild hall.

SF: When in a guild hall: double click to harvest synthesizers. Unlimited use.


Task: Harvest rich nodes or similar farm spots, e.g. wood near Pagga or iron near Proxemic Lab.

SF: In open world, either on double click or from right click menu: harvest all nodes within certain radius. Once per character and day.

Special case: this should be compatible with Kudzu garden and the LS3 trees there. Those are obviously not normal harvest nodes.


In order to not invalidate glyphs, it should use the character's harvest tools. Maybe the daily cooldown shouldn't trigger if the harvest tool is used up in the process and needs to be replaced.


I also do other daily tasks. But I don't think a daily world boss (Verdant Brink Meta) or adventure (griffon or roller beetle race) should be achievable with a simple click. Not that I'm opposed to free loot, though. ;)


While I don't have another idea now, I think this golem should be build as a platform offering services, with the possibility for future advancements without then requiring more item slots.

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