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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> **Map Saver**: duble-click to save your position in a map for 5 (or maybe 10) min.

> You can go to LA or anywhere you want to do your business, double-click within 5 (10) min to go back to your saved map in the _SAME_ instance.

> Usefull when doing meta events with a squad and you need to sell/buy stuff but you can't because it would be impossible to join back (map full).


maybe have city portal device like the merchant instance tickets or home instance portal.

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> @"Killerassel.2197" said:

> I noticed that my daily GW2 experience contains a lot of things that feel like chores and could be easily botted. And while bots are forbidden, golems are not. :) So I present: _Chore-o-tron_.


> Task: Harvest home instance.

> Suggested function: When in a home instance: double click to harvest all nodes, chests, .... Unlimited use, since home instance nodes are already limited.


> Task: Harvest guild hall.

> SF: When in a guild hall: double click to harvest synthesizers. Unlimited use.


> Task: Harvest rich nodes or similar farm spots, e.g. wood near Pagga or iron near Proxemic Lab.

> SF: In open world, either on double click or from right click menu: harvest all nodes within certain radius. Once per character and day.

> Special case: this should be compatible with Kudzu garden and the LS3 trees there. Those are obviously not normal harvest nodes.


> In order to not invalidate glyphs, it should use the character's harvest tools. Maybe the daily cooldown shouldn't trigger if the harvest tool is used up in the process and needs to be replaced.


> I also do other daily tasks. But I don't think a daily world boss (Verdant Brink Meta) or adventure (griffon or roller beetle race) should be achievable with a simple click. Not that I'm opposed to free loot, though. ;)


> While I don't have another idea now, I think this golem should be build as a platform offering services, with the possibility for future advancements without then requiring more item slots.


This is a really interesting idea.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > **Map Saver**: duble-click to save your position in a map for 5 (or maybe 10) min.

> > You can go to LA or anywhere you want to do your business, double-click within 5 (10) min to go back to your saved map in the _SAME_ instance.

> > Usefull when doing meta events with a squad and you need to sell/buy stuff but you can't because it would be impossible to join back (map full).


> maybe have city portal device like the merchant instance tickets or home instance portal.


This doesn't save you a spot on the same exact map.

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> @"DAISY.4519" said:

> Kind of a unpopular opinion here but I think it'd be cool if you brought back the Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons, I missed them in 2017 lol.


Yes, more Braham stuff please, especially **Braham's Mace** and **Braham's Shield** which was last released in the Gem store June 2018, **OVER 7 MONTHS AGO**, going 8 Months.

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I would really love to see gathering tool glyph's that allow you to select a festival item as a drop chance like the Black Lion Expedition Board or Hunters Board.

* Luck

* Halloween materials (candy corn, Nougat Center, Chattering Skull, Plastic Fangs)

* Snowflake

* Zhaitaffy

* Quartz crystal or charged quartz crystal

* Festival tokens

* Bauble

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Two requests:


1.) I've been wanting the Feathers of the Zephyr glider for my guardian ever since I bought the game, but it has never come back around. I would pay cash instead of gold as a thank you if it did!


2.) I've been trying to decide on a glider skin for my elementalist, and I would really love some sort of "Aeromancer's Glider." Elementalists really should be able to manipulate the air around them to glide! I don't think that one should be a standing glider like the cryo and Geo gliders though. The Electromagnetic glider is close but it's awfully flashy and doesn't really feel like you're manipulating air currents.

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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:


> 2.) I've been trying to decide on a glider skin for my elementalist, and I would really love some sort of "Aeromancer's Glider." Elementalists really should be able to manipulate the air around them to glide! I don't think that one should be a standing glider like the cryo and Geo gliders though. The Electromagnetic glider is close but it's awfully flashy and doesn't really feel like you're manipulating air currents.


I really like the look of the bubble glider for an air based ele. The other options I use with mine are: phoenix glider (for fire); Raven's Spirit (dyed a white or blue color to mimic air - I really like this on my norn ele); and the Electromagnetic Glider (for lightning, I try to pair that with mystic forge weapons for a complete lightning effect).


Pair the mystic forge weapons, hexed outfit, electromagnetic glider, storm ridge raptor, Sargol Thunderer springer, and storm chaser griffon for a Big Trouble in Little China Lighting themed character. Alternatively the branded mounts work really well. I just need Anet to release a lightning effect armor set.

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1. Self-Style Hair Kits Need to be redesigned to be a Single Attribute Makeover Kit. Total Makeover kit’s let you rework several or all attributes of your toons appearance while the Hair Kit points just to hair, but there is no other kit available to just let you redo your eyes, or your height. It is irritating to have to use a total makeover kit to get at just one attribute that isn’t hair. I’d like to see the Self-Style hair kit become a single attribute kit that include hair as one of any of the options available in the total kit that you want to change.


2. A cottage that I can put in my home instances and decorate with rewards that I acquire from playing the game. In turn, once placed, these reward items in my cottage make Advanced Crafting Materials, Gemstones and Jewels gatherable from shareable nodes in my home instance cottage


3. Add a hairstyle that is long curly hair. You are close with the new curly hair, but longer....think Gaelic dancer long curly hair.


4. Advanced Mail License: Don’t suppress my mail ever when I’m mailing guild members. Allow me to mail groups of members with a checkbox selection by guild rank, friends, etc. like how the gifting check boxes work in the TP. Suppresses my mail to non guildies after the 5th mail where the 30 second rule per mail will apply per day.


5. Guild slot expansion Adds 1 - 5 - or 10 guild slots to an account. (I would like to keep my main big guild, but join 10 more that farm stuff or more than one specialty guild like raid, pvp, or other. This is the same as the addition of character slots on my account only I can now be in more guilds.


6. Permanent Guild Hall instance expander Allow me to apply the change to a guild I lead and will permanently expand the instance of my guild hall to 50/100/150. I want all of my guildies to be able to get into the same instance and not have to leave and reenter to accomplish it. When we are running group events in the guild hall it is such a dis-satisfier to have to stop everything because the instance is changing to accommodate one arriving player or one leaving.


7. Guild Rank Expander: Person with the rank Guild Leader can add 10 more customizable player ranks in guild pane in addition to the 10 already there. The number of permissions has grown over time to currently 32 permissions to apply to ranks but there were no additions of Rank Slots to support those additional Roles these permissions could support. I like to advance ranks of my guildies to add unique responsibilities. I also like to apply ranks at times to groups of guildies just for fun.


8. Interactive Scribe Deco License so that 400 Level Scribe Creations in my guild hall are interactive and functional for any repping guild member. Some examples: Winter’s Day Trees should each be gatherable for a gift during the time the festival is active….or all year for that matter if we want to keep them out somewhere. The globe (of disappointment) should list differing waypoints weekly, one per each world map. Guildies can go to that waypoint on interacting with the globe. The cornstalks should have candy corn gatherable. The snowmakers should allow gathering of snowflakes. If the guild is willing to produce the mats to make these very expensive items I’d like to see the items give back…slowly. To control the farm, allow only the first x number of interactive creations placed to function (hate this actually, I'd like to have as many as I want, but I get it. I liken this to buying the ability for making and placing our own nodes.


9. Favor Convertor I LOVE that guildies can choose their buffs at the tavern based on what they are doing. I'd like to buy a favor convertor that can be permanently applied to the guild panel that will allow me to spend our favor earned from missions to increase the number of buffs they can carry at a time instead of just using it for banners. If I toggle this feature that I have bought to "ON" (checked) in the guild pane, the favor would come out of our favor stash for the week at mission reset. If there is not enough favor to support the license purchased (3 buffs =500 favor, 5 buffs=1000 favor, 9 buffs= 1500 favor), then you will revert to just being able to take the default 1 buff and your favor will accumulate until you reach the amount needed to support the buff. During times when you know you want to stack your favor up for anticipated guild hall additions you can uncheck it to turn it off and allow your favor to build up.

10. More armor skins with interchangeable and mix and match pieces and less outfits.........enough said.


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I would love to see more items geared towards what is going on with Living World Seasons


Branded or Glint Items

Bow (short or long) - You can have it set up to where the bow will temporarily brand your arm when you have it equipped. Possibly dyable branded types as well. It also shoots branded shards.

You can also do it with all other weapon types. ( I wish this was the legendary longbow, but oh well....)


Frozen Weapons

Would be cool to see more frozen options. A lot of people in game love elemental type weapons, and currently the frozen weapons we have now are pretty weak. If we could get one that really shows some cool ice effects that would be epic.


Plushie Mounts - goes without saying XD


Marriage System: Please... I would pay gems for this to be an available option..like a lot of gems if possible.


Bladed Mounts- Similar to bladed armor from verdant brink but in mount form.


I also forgot to mention


Seriously we need skins for catapults, rams, ballistas, etc. It would be so freaking amazing! I would love to pay for this sort of thing.

Branded Skins

Frozen Skins

General Elemental Skin

Jade Skins


You can also reskin the ammunition fired such as the boulders fired from the catapults when you have the skins there. It would really make WvW pop as a game mode.

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> @"PolarTitan.8519" said:


> Branded or Glint Items

> Bow (short or long) - You can have it set up to where the bow will temporarily brand your arm when you have it equipped. Possibly dyable branded types as well. It also shoots branded shards.

> You can also do it with all other weapon types.


> Frozen Weapons

> Would be cool to see more frozen options. A lot of people in game love elemental type weapons, and currently the frozen weapons we have now are pretty weak. If we could get one that really shows some cool ice effects that would be epic.


> Plushie Mounts - goes without saying XD


> Bladed Mounts- Similar to bladed armor from verdant brink but in mount form.


I would buy all of these :)



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Skill makeover kit/legendary "Asuran" weapon that alters engineer skill appearances


Hi. I would love to see a makeover kit or legendary that alters the engineer skills - particularly the turrets and gyros - to Asuran tech. The Asuran racial skills for golems is awesome! though I wish the power suit was a true elite for them when taking engineer. How cool would it be to be an Asura running around with fewer minions than a necro, but could have a golem, hovering weapons platforms instead of turrets, more sophisticated drones, and a power suit elite fitting with their race's engineering mastery.

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**Things I would buy:**

1) _A Shiverpeaks guild hall!_ It can have Dwarven ruins, Norn lodge architecture with blazing hearth fires, griffon roosts and lots of verticality to explore!

2) _Guild hall Black Lion Trading Post representatives, and Mystic Forge._ They have everything else; why not those? We'll pay the ridiculous prices for them.

3) _A Sylvari seed pod/milkweed gossamer glider and backpack set._

4) _A Sylvari exotic orchid (dyeable) glider and backpack set._ Seriously. I'd be on this like stink on a skunk. I love my blossoms.

5) _The music boxes_ that drop (very, very, very rarely) in PoF maps. WOULD. PAY. ANYTHING. FOR. KHADIRI'S MUSIC BOX. (When I win the lottery, I'll be commissioning it as a real life item.)

6) _The ability to purchase bank tabs/storage increase/character slots for friends via the gem store._ Because convenience. And money. And role-play. And broke friends.

7) _Roller beetle skins that match all current mount skin sets._ Poor roller beetle. So unloved.

8) _Please, dear gods, give the Charr and Asura males some decent faces._ The Charr males look like bats with red mange, shrapnel scars and mouths full of porcupine quills. The Asura look like either kewpie dolls, or half-melted dildoes with teeth. Angry prunes. Rotting jack-o-lanterns. Seriously.

9) _A Sylvan Hound jackal skin!_ I would LOVE a Sylvari-themed mount skin set!

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