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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I would like to see the Monument armor sets. I always liked them and would like to see them added as armor skins.

my personal favs

Ritualist (light armor, I like the blend of the armor and tattoo like design)

Assassin (medium armor, for the love of gods not ranger i'm tired of 90%+ of medium armors being trench coats....)

Paragon (heavy armor, since paragons were a big part of the Sunspears which were a major group within Elona, it could be fun to add and maybe inspire some RP)


I would also like to see more armor sets like the Heroes had in gw1.


Jora - Brotherhood set (heavy)

Anton - Deldrimor set (medium)

Livia - Shining Blade (light)


There are parts of the armor sets that I would love to mix and match with the current ones i'm using. =D

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-my suggestion is that you never ever remove an item from the gem store.

So new players or players with a certain income, can purchase the item when it financially suits them.

-i rather have you guys take your time on armor skins then quick outfits. Armor skins are really worth my money.(especially medium armor without long coats)

-Grenth Shoulders (from the outfit), Abbadon's grasp (Gloves)

-infinite Golem banker is definitely worth my money

-Six Gods mount skins for example Balthazar skimmer, raptor etc etc

-Palawa Joko themed backpack /glider


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Plant themed back items! (I love sylvari, I'm biased, shh!)


The backpack we got to carry that shiny egg was so pretty, I would love to see that as an back item. There is some quivers that comes and goes but I would really like a Sylvari/plant/nature themed quiver.


Also please have some better design ideas between gendered outfits. Some of the "male" ones are much better looking but looks awful on female models because someone decided to fancy them up with unnecessary bits and ruin a perfectly made design. (e.g.: Verdant Executor Outfit, Spring Promenade Outfit, etc. -- neither of these look like they are the 'same' gear set, changes between the gendered models are absurdly different)

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I suggested this probably about 4 years ago for when there was a desert expansion.


How about a Saluki miniature. They're the oldest breed of dog, extremely handsome and cute, and are native to the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa. They're super fast runners and the only dog to run with all four feet off the ground twice in each stride.


Of course, I'm a Saluki owner, but it would be great to have a miniature version of my dog running alongside my character whilst the real dog snoozes in his basket under my desk.


It would be much appreciated.

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I made a separate post with 2 personal requests, one of them a gem store related desire to later release skins that can replace current appearances for mounts. I frankly desperately want to ride a dire fern wolf (could take the spot of the jackal), The White Stag (could take place of the raptor), a giant moa aka chocobo (could take place of the springer). I am sure everyone else will have their own personal requests for skins to match their characters and self-created background stories.

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Oh I forgot the most important one: **Common Clothing Bundles!**


A bundle of common clothing for each race + Elonian style wears. I know we have tonics that lasts for 15 mins, which you can't even dye, while NPCs all around the GW2 have wondrous clothing on them. It would be just amazing to buy a bundle from Gem Store for each race with 4 or 5 different options. Just like how the Wedding Outfit changes according to the gender and race, these can transform with that in mind. And it wouldn't be that much of a struggle to create them since they are already in game!


In conclusion, please please please, give us Clothing Bundles made of common NPC clothing! <3 <3 <3

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> @del.4068 said:

> Plant themed back items! (I love sylvari, I'm biased, shh!)


> The backpack we got to carry that shiny egg was so pretty, I would love to see that as an back item. There is some quivers that comes and goes but I would really like a Sylvari/plant/nature themed quiver.



There are quite a few plant themed back items:

The Mawdry achievement set gives a line of Vine themed back items (3 options)

The Druid Stone line gives branched themed back items (4 options)

Desert Rose (red flower)

Fervid Censer (yellow flower)

Canach's Backpack (a styled backpack made of leaves and thorns)

Bough of Melandru

Toxic Spore

Grove Hydria


I've never felt lacking for plant-themed back items for my Sylvari. This is not to say they shouldn't make more, but there are bigger gaps I'd prefer they tackle first.


Quivers, on the other had, only have 4 options that I know of. A hollowed log and a rolled up leaf would both make good quivers. Having arrows with leaf fletching or looking more like sticks (like Disney's Robin Hood when he was a Stork) would be fun as well. Would also like a more futuristic quiver (think Avenger's Hawkeye or Green Arrow)


Glint's Egg as a backpack would be very easy for them to implement as it was already a back item. While there is the argument against belittling a story element, this game has always been Fashion Wars first, so I think it should be done.


Also, again, *cough* swimsuits *cough*


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