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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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1.) Outfit: Frost Fire (heavy armor version). I have the cloth version already, but we have so many cloth things, we need more heavy armor outfits.

2.) Glint Glider (Statue I guess) -- Great glider for lunar new year.

3.) Dyable Backpacks upgrade vouchers for Backpack/Glider combos.

4.) New Skyscale Premium 2k Mount. Prefer something not a dragon...maybe a Butterfly or Dragonfly.

5.) Rechargable Revive Orb

6.) Primeva and Starlight Skyscale

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Can you rotate the Timekeeper/Improvised/Sclerite sets in the BLC soon please!


Also looking to grab grove/pirate/legionnaire/great lodge chairs and the cube matrix glider. Literally have the gems waiting but so much stuff is rotated out too quickly :(


Would also be kinda cool if the old Boxing Gloves were turned into a Novelty and added back into the gemstore. Hasn't been sold since 2013/14.



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Heavy/light armor shorts for men! (I say for men because I haven't checked the models for the ladies - I dunno if they're distinct)

There are a few options for shorts (and even jeans) in medium armor - spearmarshal's leggings, elonian leggings, rascal pants, etc... it'd be great to get a paid light armor set / heavy armor set with some more casual-looking pieces outside of outfits!

To be honest, while I understand some people would be upset if outfits were resold as armor skins, I'd personally love that as well... presumably the models are already there, they'd just need some fidgeting? I could see some backlash, but personally I'd friggin LOVE it!

Or you could just retroactively grant people who bought outfits the armor skins for that outfit as well - more content for people who already paid, and I bet a lot more people would buy outfits after that! ... Or, and I hate to keep going on, there could be an outfit to armor 'upgrade package' that oyu have to have bought the outfit first to purchase? Again, I personally would buy basically every one, and I'm hoping it would be relatively easy since the models are already made... could be wrong about that thought - game programming is tough stuff. XD

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I'm guessing Charr are underplayed, but I'd love to see some armor skins (<--preferred) or outfits that are designed with male charr in mind... something that doesn't clip. That's not a zing, the art in the game is FANTASTIC, but poor male charr don't have many good options right now... maybe something a little more minimalist since the less armor there is in total, the easier it should be to avoid clippage?

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Dear Gem Store, As a Mac player, my last nerve is currently hanging by a wet ramen noodle. Year of the Rat has been cruel, indeed. Please, have heart and and bring back the Exhalted shoulders and gloves skins. Because, if this LNY patch doesn't kill me, I intend to log-in again after the long awaited prophecy of the "hot fix" comes to pass. Yours, A Shooketh Sylvari

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Apologies if this has been suggested before but if it has its a +1 to the idea!


We have Glyphs for Gathering tools....why not introduce Glyphs (with a 'minor' UI addition) for opening boxes/chests? Not too over the top but I'd love to see a little Skritt jump into a chest, rummage around and have gold fly out around the (small) area!

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:


> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > disccount for living world season(4 specially) and perhaps character slot for 400 gem? I want to get a beetle xD.


> http://www.imagebam.com/image/5a69331331999297


> Seriously? I want the complete pack not 2 episodes only ;(


Right below what you circled, it says you have already acquired the other Episodes. Fortunately, ArenaNet won't let you pay for Episoes you already have.


If you do not have the Episodes unlocked, you will need to contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> >

> > > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > > disccount for living world season(4 specially) and perhaps character slot for 400 gem? I want to get a beetle xD.

> >

> > http://www.imagebam.com/image/5a69331331999297

> >

> > Seriously? I want the complete pack not 2 episodes only ;(


> Right below what you circled, it says you have already acquired the other Episodes. Fortunately, ArenaNet won't let you pay for Episoes you already have.


> If you do not have the Episodes unlocked, you will need to contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.


> Good luck.


LOOOOL, now that you mention I just checked and i REALLY have those episodes, the only ones I was missing are the 2 and 3 hehe trololol xD. Dont remember from where they come or where I bought but they are there xD.

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