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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Suggested this a few times but never seen it happen :-(


Would love to see a lord faren's speedo outfit or speedo 'leg' skin (the red ones that the mini southsun faren wears). Likewise, a kasmeer's bikini outfit or 'top' skin. They could be added to a future southsun cove event/gemstore.


I also really want an invisible top 'chest' skin for my male characters. Especially my medium class characters, because there's too many trenchcoat options, and I'd rather just show nothing. Either that, or have a 'hide' feature, just like how gloves, helmet and shoulders have the option to hide the skin.

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> @"Silverwing.8750" said:

> Something to speed up home instance harvesting, which takes longer with each new node added to the game. Maybe some Asura robot you can buy to harvest nodes for you and mail to you once per day? I know I would be more willing to add to my home instance if it was quicker to harvest.


Yes please. +1


I hardly ever use my home instance simply because of the time it takes every day (time is money). At 50g+ per node to unlock too, I find myself no longer purchasing the nodes because it's just not worth my time. Home instance nodes should have some sort of delivery system/perk so you don't have to harvest them all at all. After all, you paid 50g+ per instance node for a few measely rewards, people only have to ask themselves, is it really worth it? I would say no. If everything was deposited straight into your bank material storage etc. daily, then it probably would be worth it.

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Please change the way the candy corn gobbler works to that of the snowflake gobbler, where you can instantly grab the bonuses by feeding a specific amount of candy corn to it. As it is now, compared to the snowflake gobbler, the candy corn gobbler is just a pain to use, and it causes unnecessary time limits to grab bonuses. In fact, by the time you add, say, 24 hours worth of XP from the candy corn, you've already lost a decent amount of time from painstakingly slowly gobbling those stacks of candy corn!!

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keep waiting items of list i gived. also was asking tattered cape and gived examples long ago but still nothing. and pls make it long wide interesting. also long ago mentioned the need of charr race outfit - with engineer glasses - tattered linen - belts of rifle pistol bullets and grenades - fire details. now is a time for that when living story is a charr theme now. ppl can give offer here what anet should craft for game but i dont think that ever happened.

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I know this type of thing has been mentioned before, but I wanted to add my voice to the request. I enjoy collecting lounge passes, and with Noble's Folly and the Captain's Airship having been on sale the other day, I picked those up to add to my collection. But even with shared inventory slots, having that many passes does get a bit cumbersome. Please make a tome that can hold all our lounge passes.


But wait, you say, I like the convenience of double-clicking my pass rather than having to choose from a menu like the living world tomes currently act. I agree, and the idea I'd like to see implemented is that this new "mega pass" that holds our other passes would have a right-click menu that would be something like the following:


* Choose a default lounge

* Armistice Bastion

* Havoc's Heir

* Lava Lounge

* Lily of the Elon

* etc.


From the right-click menu if you select one of the lounges you added to the tome, it would instantly transport you to that lounge. If you double-click the pass in your inventory, it instantly transports you to whichever lounge you'd configured as your default lounge. You can change your default lounge at any time via the right-click menu.

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It would be nice to get alternative armor pieces for these 'outfits'. It's been years since I paid for an outfit and really wish then were never started. I really doubt I will ever get another outfit but, if you sell the outfits as armor skin sets, I will gladly invest in many more gems to acquire them. Can you please also create the rest of the armor pieces for these 2-3 sets on the BLTC. Finishing the toxic outfit would be really nice.


As a side suggestion, give the Sylvari the option to look like mordrem Sylvari. Sylvari are too human in shape and size in my opinion and since plants vary greatly, even between sprouts of the same species, wouldn't it make sense that this race would be similar? I think so :)

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With quarantine, this would be the perfect time for a new Supply Drop Requisition. With so many people at home, having an item that gives players something every week would be a great way to engage the community and profit. We are overdue for a new Mount Licenses, so it is the perfect time.


> @"Kyraios.8954" said:

> Starlight Wings backpack and glider to be made available again. Please!!!


More importantly, do not forget the Starlight Skyscale to go with our Outfit, Glider, Backpack, Starscale, Starfall, Stardrift, Stardust, Starbound, Starshell, and Starclaw.

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> @"ectogasm.8764" said:

> Make it so that the Black Lion Chest outfits can be purchased in the gem store, I'd love to have the Starborn outfit :(


> @"ectogasm.8764" said:

> Make it so that the Black Lion Chest outfits can be purchased in the gem store, I'd love to have the Starborn outfit :(


If this happens, I will never buy keys again. I am ok with this.

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I have mentioned a quite a few of these original guild wars suggestions in the past but I want to put them together in a single list here it goes:

-Cynn Apperance Package

-Eve Appearance Package

-Aiden Appearance Package

-Devona Appearance Package

-Master Togo Appearance Package

-Vekk Appearance Package

-Ogden Stonehealer Appearance Package

-Smiting Rod Skin

-Turai's Sword Skin

-Crystallized Earth Staff Skin

-Crescent Sickle Axe Skin

-Kukri Dagger Skin

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Rant: We are in quarantine. More people are probably logging in than normal due to the quarantine...and the only new item this week to purchase is a weapon? Seems like a missed opportunity. Please consider a new Supply Drop Requisition. This is the time to keep people logging in every week.

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When are You planning to make the **[Fallen_Balthazar_Helm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fallen_Balthazar_Helm)** available again in **Gem store** or the npc for this **Lion Tokens things** (helmet was there for some time).


I don't really mind returning the package **[Fallen_Balthazar_Package](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fallen_Balthazar_Package)**


**Path Of Fire** was released in 2017, so it was around 1-1.5 year since I saw that item in GemStore.


That is quite a while of waiting.


_Please just make the switch in database [available = true]._

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