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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Would it be possible to sell a third slot for equipped weapons? Right now there are two--my Ranger/Druid can switch between staff and one other weapon. But I'd really like the option to have a third set of weapons to rotate to.


> @"Davinus of Numas.5298" said:

> I'd like a Minor Sigil eater. Like the candy corn gobbler. Maybe instead of the single player buff like the candy corn gobbler it gives off party buffs.. ooo party buffs.. might be a reason for people to be in a party. That way if you don't have one you can still get the benefit, while promoting socializing.


I was thinking more of something that would eat the sigils/runes and spit out junk/mats (with some small chance of getting something GOOD.) But please, whatever, give us something to recycle those blasted sigils and runes left over in our packs after salvaging a pile of loot! They take up space, and they take time to destroy manually, and there is no convenient button on the merchants that says 'sell the 21 sigils I'm lugging around.'

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Waypoint teleport portals!


I want to see some sort of animation from my character when I teleport, instead of just GONE in the blink of an eye. Either a portal I walk through, fairy dust that just makes me dissipate, some horrifying mouth that emerges from the ground that devours me. Whatever! I just want something.

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While in principle I like the armor-from-game & outfits-from-store stance, if the reality is that means only a few sets with each expansion then I would certainly get behind the suggestion for a return of armor sets to the store.


On the same line, and inspired by previous posters, one technically challenging suggestion would be: **Costume Maker consumables**.

Items you by from the gem store, which you use on one of your characters to 'snapshot' your current armor (including dyes & armor-based FX) to fashion an account-wide costume that any character can wear.

I'm thinking the outfit will have no dye channels, because some armor combos won't work if their dye channels are all bound together.

Naturally the outfit would adjust for gender on other characters, as appropriate, but would **not** adjust for profession.

There would possibly have to be a limit on how many can be created, after which new outfits must over-write old (unless there were a means to convert such costumes to items to chop & change them freely).

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> @"Jink Bonestealer.9274" said:

> Witch's broom glider, of course.


> I'd love to see the elite kurzick necromancer armor skin appear as a Light armor skin option.


Elite Luxon (Necromancer ) armor was bad@ss aswell. Love to see that one for light armor (because necromancer is light armor).

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I'd love to see a glider or mount skin that acted like a tonic - something where it actually transformed you into a creature or something similar with that ability. For example, a "glider tonic" could transform you into a bird or wyvern or something, and a "mount tonic" could be like a horse or deer. If you wanted to take it one step further, you could even make it possible for another player to ride on top of you if you used the "mount tonic"!

Just throwing that out there :)

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Been suggesting this since year 1. "Personality Kits" that change the voice, idle animation, and emotes of your character. For example: Evil Scientist - gives your character a stereotypical German evil scientist voice and emotes of a mad scientist.


You could make up an infinite amount of these kits and they would sell like hot cakes, at a premium price, because it would be the most character customization in any MMO to date.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!



Hey Gaile. It would be fun to add more Armor sets to the gem store. I'd love to see GW1's Elementalist Obsidian Armor in there and I bet other people would love to see their favourite Obsidian armor :sweat_smile:

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* The aura you get during Prized Possessions. I'm shocked this isn't a thing yet.

* The backpack Caithe and PC has during Prized Possessions / before City of Hope / during City of Hope

* Canach's Backpack as separate from a pack.

* Oakheart's Reach model turned into a focus skin.

* Melandru and Kormir outfits (maybe Abaddon and Dhuum too?) as well as weapon sets to go with the four gods that don't have one yet (and maybe Dhuum).

* [Grenth's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Grenth_Costume) was my all-time favorite costume in GW1. A return of that. And/or Shiro's armor, always wished I could wear it.

* As always, return of more GW1 skins would be nice. *Especially* the [promotional weapons](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Category:Promotional_weapons) (especially especially the [Glacial Blade](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Glacial_Blade) and [soul Shrieker](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Soul_Shrieker)) and [Dhuum's Scythe](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dhuum%27s_Soul_Reaper).

* A return of some more GW1 armor - be it as armor or, less ideally, outfits - would also be nice. Just... no repeat of the Profane armor. My favorite necro armor from GW1 turned into something silly in GW2.

* Outfits that differ from race to race. Like the wedding outfit. Those are rather neat.

* Town Clothing returned as a proper outfit. I'd prefer if the old tonic was turned into a outfit consumable but honestly I'll take a new gemstore outfit too. Turning some of the old town clothing gemstore skins that got turned into tonics as new kinds of outfits would be acceptable as well.

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I'd like to see more GW1 armor and weapons make a comeback. Necromancer Fanatics Armor, Ritualist Ancient Armor, the Factions Celestial Weapons and, well, pretty much everything. The Factions and Nightfall faces, hairstyles and more skin tone options on Humans are something I'd love to see more of too.

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My wishlist:


* Specific skins - a non-buttcape chest item for medium armor, non-mask/pirate hat options for medium face armor, some sylvari medium boots that wouldn't shred chairs, a heavyarmor head piece that shows hairstyles, some non-robe/gown options for light armor. Okay, maybe some feathery pirate hat options for light armor. You don't have to do full outfits. Just some broadening of the options would be nice.


* A full set of Dreamer harvesting tools. I think the axe is beautiful. I'd love to see a mining pick and a harvesting sickle to match.


* If you could make the glider sets that look like wings, all actually flap like wings? WOULD LOVE.

* In the same vein...some black/white wings that actually look like wings and flap like wings? Pleeeease?

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> @Vorsakan.8259 said:

> I'm currently hooked on one particular glider concept, after my brother enlightened me as to the Shadow Raven Tonic working whilst gliding; I want a glider skin which 'transforms' the user into a swarm of bats, akin to Bottle of Batwing Brew.

> I.e. Jump off a great height looking normal > discrete dark magic 'burst' animation entering/exiting bat swarm form > gliding merrily along as a swarm of bats.

> I know this will seemingly impede precision flying, but if people can adapt to steering a magic carpet or meteor I'm sure it wouldn't take long to get used to. B)


This is wonderfull idea.

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