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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"Seth Moonshadow.2710" said:

> Unbreakable Volatile Magic Gathering tools. OR an unlock to upgrade Unbound Magic tools to also collect Volatile Magic. OR add Mystic Forge recipe to combine Volatile Magic tools into a ones that have 250 uses like the Mystic Salvage Kit.


> * Unbreakable Volatile Magic Tools

> * Tome of the Traveler (Portal Tome that stores Portal Passes like Airship etc.)

> * Account Library Unlock (to store lore books :) and thanks for adding them :) )

> * Volume #2 Dance pack adding gw1 dances


I would pay for an Unlock. Having to lug around two sets of tools and constantly switch them out on multiple characters is *not* a chore I would participate in.

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A warning in the gem store when you're gifting an item like cosmetic things or other endless use items like full passes or gathering tools letting the buyer know if they're gifting something the other person already has


And a trading post filter letting you filter out cosmetic and infinite use items you already have, and of course custom filters for items you don't want to deal with looking at anymore

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Animation packs. Tired of seeing the same run animations and combat idles. Allow us during a total makeover kit to switch animation types, for varied run animations, combat idle, non-combat idle, and perhaps even dodge and jumps.


I think doing this will switch up some of the staleness some of us feel playing the same character a lot. I have multiple maxed out theives of varied races, and I've gender swapped multiple times.


The human male animations are truthfully abysmal compared to human female. Who runs like that? Also that combat stance is terrible.


Asurans, especially noticeable under movement speed effects have completely varying strides when switching from say a shortbow to any dual wield configuration and it just does not feel right at all.


Charr, (amoungst the many model issues) have this very odd backpack sliding thing when the switch from dual wield to 2 handed, sliding the backpack up into the air. It's completely rediculous. Possibly an option to not have them run on all fours when weapons sheathed (just a thought).


Hoping that some of these animation packs could address some of these issues, while not wasting dev time on something that wouldn't generate any revenue to go back and fix. This would also add varying run animations when you have multiple characters of the same race running side by side, getting rid of the army of clones look.


Shit I know I'd pay 2500 gems for each pack per race, per gender. But then again I like to spend a lot in the gems store.

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Custom Preset Build Templates - maybe like a certain amount like 3 free as standard per character, and then you have to pay gems to unlock more templates.

By custom preset build templates i mean, you can save traits & utilities & equipment (equipment optional if that's too hard to implement, I know you guys implemented the utilities/traits for pvp though and that is enough) and we can name it, then select it to switch our character to that.


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Personall build save box - save up 3-5 builds (traits, gear, skills). Not usable in WvW outside of spawn point. Price: you can give it for 10k gems and still I will buy it.


SAB acess pass: all worlds!!! Make it like stand alone dlc , or like build box for 10k gems. I think that there is some items where price doesn't matter, because ppl will want it what ever it cost.


Memory return device: this device will set you back in time to LS1. (Battle for LA...)



Theese items can have high price for your high effort to make them.

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> @"Sapphire Artemis.3062" said:

> I would really like to see a means of refunding unwanted items from Black Lion Chests into either keys or gems. For example. I have the permanent hair contract. Since getting it and opening nearly 60 chests in that time accumulated 10-ish single-use hair kits. Please let me exchange these for something that isn't just sitting in an inventory slot taking up redundant space.


^^^ Yes, please to what Sapphire said . I ,have similar issue with the hair kits accumulating. Would love to exchange for something I do want - converting for keys or gems would be great .

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#Home Instance Gathering Attendant.


* After unlocking this NPC in your home instance, you can talk with them every day in your home instances, and the NPC will gather all available nodes for you and give the materials to you in a series of packages.

* If you talk with them while having equipped gathering tools that produce bonus gatherings, this NPC will also produce bonus packages, but it will not produce damaged junk if you have just copper tools.

* They will also gather from nodes that do not require tools like the witnersday tree, the leather and cloth racks, the treasure chest, etc.

* They will open chests that require keys if you have keys when you talk with them.

* There will be extra dialog options to turn on and off gathering of some types of nodes: Metal, wood, harvesting, locked chests and other.

* This could be done by creating packages that replicate possible drops from these nodes and gathering tools, checking the flags of the nodes to see what's not gathered, and produce these packages while setting the flags as used.

* The price could be something between 2000 gems with no bonus costs, or something much smaller like 800-1600 gems but require a daily fee of 60-90 copper per node.

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Just as with the various "endless" gathering tools (e.g. the Unbound Magic Harvester, logging pulse, and mining beam)

--endless pact crowbar

--endless vial of chak acid

--endless exalted key


Also, a pass book, as someone already suggested. One slot item that holds:

--mystlock pass

--noble's folly pass

--lily of elon pass



Perhaps a meta scroll book that holds various teleport scrolls, or teleport books, so we don't need to use multiple inventory slots.


Thank you!


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> @"Ferelwing.8463" said:

> > @"MoonCrash.6713" said:

> > I'd love to buy skins for necromancer minions. Those skins shouldn't completely change their look so that they can be easily recognized in pvp, but since you can heavily customize your character, i don't see why you can't change your minions a bit.


> That would be awesome! I would absolutely buy necromancer minion skins! I kind of wish there was a way to get different looking ones.


As a minion master I agree. I would love to see a themed minion skin package available.

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