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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Are you allergic to money? Why not just leave us access to most of the outfits and armors always? I understand seasonal, but locking away the vast majority of outfits and armor skins seems backwards. I'd spend a lot more if they were actually available, so I guess ...thanks?


Anyway, I've only been playing for 2 months and I suppose I missed the Imperial Outfit probably available in early Spring. I really want this. So I plea for Imperial Outfit to return to store, but I'd probably buy quite a few if they were ever available.


And for Halloween if you could add a skeleton outfit or combat potion, that would be AWESOME. Either a plain skeleton or a pirate-skeleton like Spinal from the video game Killer Instinct is what I'm thinking. Toss on some random partial armor pieces (like tattered boots so you don't have to do all that foot bone detail) and it usually ends up looking pretty cool. Don't forget glowing eyes.


On that note, we could use a bulky scimitar sword (and greatsword), maybe in the style of Sunspear weapons? I think that would look fantastic.


I really wish there was a way to race change also. I understand that it probably wasn't done because of the personal story, but you could find a way if you set your mind to it and make a lot of money off us in the process. I have zero doubts about this, lost potential profit on something we'd gobble up. I bet there are TONS with Sylvari remorse. Every good MMO on the market offers this except you and Final Fantasy 11. Theirs is misplaced Japanese pride which they got over with Final Fantasy 14, but didn't care enough to implement for their older game. No idea what is stopping ANet.


Please and thank you.

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This might be a bit of a crazy idea. But it's something I'd really love and I'd throw so much money at it.


**unique skill animations and spell appearances:** I would love to have a floating sword animation like Balthazar had or replace my minions, turrets, gyros, elementals with racial designs or cupcake minions.... Flying piggy gyros... So cute... Meteor shower replaced with star bits... New walking animations like floating or some inspired by GW1 character animations.


Perhaps this is too much. But perhaps you could release animation kits for specific skill types on one profession or singular animations at a time and sell them at 200 gems for the singular or 1000 gems for the pack.


Heck you don't even have to be super creative with some. Making minions into golems only coloring the. Green as opposed to their normal silver, gold or red would be cool. Even color swaps like blue fire skills on ele.... Also classic minion skins...


**Minion mount pack:** The awakened mounts are cool and all. But I'd really like to see more zombie like mounts with wings of shadow and bone. And strange fleshy, undead appearance.


**Wider range of body types for each race and gender:** Just something I'd like to see.


**Left Handed Characters:** Show some love to our lefties out there.


**Character customization Scars, burns, heterochromia, vitiligo, mechanical limbs:** There are a wide range of different characteristics people have in real life. Some people have lost limbs and needed them replaced with mechanical ones or where norn without. Some people have physical scars. Some people have genetic abnormalities like vitiligo. And giving this more representation in games would be nice. Since people are beautiful and you're all lovely. Actually I'm scared as well... Surgery when I was a baby... large scare across my stomach. It's been a point of discomfort and shame for me since I was a kid. But I can hide it... I want to get it removed... Wearing a 2 piece swimsuit would be nice... Anyway these customization options would be loved.


Hmm. If I think of something else I'll let you know. Maybe some of my ideas are too much. But the last couple would be loved so much.

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"Time Keeper Glider" is pretty neat, and I love how grand the "Desert King Glider" is. However I personally find it a little hard to justify buying a lot of gliders as I have 3 pairs of wings with a flap animation.


Now I get that not every glider needs an animation like that, and I'm sure there are many people who do not want them.


However it would be nice to get more backs items + gliders wings with animations, where the base colour of the back item (and base glider if you don't let us dye it) that covers a wider variety of colours. We need some Reds, yellow, and green wings.


Letting us dye them is great too, Vine touched being one of my favorites, but they feel lacking when other wings are more.... full? and less akin to hands at the end of long stretched arms.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!



As a returning member, I really miss town clothes. I would love to see them return to the gem store. I lost some how the GWs2 shirt, but have the hat and common clothes that was the free one. I would really love some pants on my Hunters girls (Sorry hunter armor to me horrible). Why can't common (there was more than the free set) clothes Heros exist?

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Hear the complain of a player from 2012, I missed all the opportunities to unlock the air filtration device (aquabreather but outside of water as headgear) was earnable during lion arch evacuation with miasmas. He reappered recently with mordrems invasions around tyria but missed it too. The skin isn't unlockable for me anymore + the vendor at durmand priory trading for mordrem samples is now useless. So I'm asking, can you put the air filtration device headgear somewhere tradable for 1000 immaculed toxic spores? Or on gemstone for 200 gems? I really want it but can't. The same for the tricolor key chest in lion arch: useless. I dunno or bring back memory boxes!

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Grand Wind Catcher - why is there not a corresponding glider skin?


I mean it's perfect for a glider, and in fact the Sun and Lightning Catchers could also be upgraded to glider skins.


But particularly the wind catcher - could have some expanding aspect crystal with the nice white trail like when you run on land, and the wind effect while gliding.


I'd rather have an invisible glider skin to match with this backpiece than have to see it replaced by a totally different glider when gliding. :/


Edit - the closest I can get is using the Timekeeper Glider and dying it a similar colour to the frame of the Grand Wind/Lightning/Sun Catcher, because the circular design matches the position of the central hub of the glider. Not ideal but kind of acceptable for now.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!





Please bring back this skin with the anniversary sales "Aetherblade Heavy Armor Skin" <3



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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Hear the complain of a player from 2012, I missed all the opportunities to unlock the air filtration device (aquabreather but outside of water as headgear) was earnable during lion arch evacuation with miasmas. He reappered recently with mordrems invasions around tyria but missed it too. The skin isn't unlockable for me anymore + the vendor at durmand priory trading for mordrem samples is now useless. So I'm asking, can you put the air filtration device headgear somewhere tradable for 1000 immaculed toxic spores? Or on gemstone for 200 gems? I really want it but can't. The same for the tricolor key chest in lion arch: useless. I dunno or bring back memory boxes!


Hey, maybe I'm wrong, but I think you can purchase that helm skin (one for each armor class) from the trading post for less than 30 silver: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Air-Filtration_Device_of_Antitoxin


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Hi, all and anyone reading at ArenaNet.

The other day, I had a brilliant idea for a holiday-themed weapon. Now I know last year we had the "Haunted" weapon skins, but this is more along the lines of a single weapon for each of the 2 major holidays, Halloween, and Wintersday.


I had only the idea for a Halloween one, where it is a weapon (possibly a greatsword or staff, something bigger) that not only looks better than the "Haunted" skins, but in addition to being themed, have the weapon utter all the Mad King's remarks/jokes that he recites. Maybe if you're in combat, have him insult and laugh at your enemies like he does to you in "Ascent to Madness". There would be no need to re-cast the voice actor for more lines, as there are many funny jokes/remarks he makes during the event. It would be really cool to see that happen and possibly see the first "voiced weapon" in the game. Of course, you could disable it through the already existing "disable player item chatter" box in settings. Anyways, if you like this idea please upvote it so that someone in ArenaNet sees this! @"Gaile Gray.6029" this would be a great money maker for GW2 and an awesome weapon! Thank you all for your time reading this. Take care!

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Hello, I haven't read much of this post but I have had an idea for a tonic for a while. It is based off of the old Necromancer elite skill, once named Plague now Plaguelands!

It use to be that when you use the skill you transform into a ball of shadow. I've always wanted this as a tonic to explore the world!

Its an easy to make thing as the graphics for the tonic has all ready been done! :)

Hope this makes sense! and hopefully some of you can get behind the idea

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