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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> Lore breaking? I feel like I am missing something.


Just missing the joke :) Read the whole post to see -- suggestion is that canon is only Faren can succeed in such armor, so everyone else wearing it would be like everyone riding an Aurene mount.

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2 items I would truly pay my money.


I haven’t seen them but a bandolier backpack skin for my engi. Would truly be amazing.


Also if you can make a turtle shell like tmnt it would also be amazing.


And an added feature I would truly buy. Hopefully it’s thought of or in making. But mounts to have mount armor skins. Or clothing.


But what I truly want in mount clothing is the deerstalker hat. On my springer. And then a cigar pipe for the springer as a skin.

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Portal Tome for Season 3 holding all the Season 3 Portal Scrolls. Check.


Portal Tome for Season 4 holding all the Season 4 Portal Scrolls. Check.


Pass Tome for holding all the Gemstore Passes . Haven't seen this yet. Don't know why. Obviously, people enjoy the economy of space that Portal Tomes provide (and they are bought with specific in-game currencies).


A Pass Tome could be a Gemstore item so there is the distinct possibility of additional real world income for Anet just with this item, as well as it being convenient for players.


Additionally, it would encourage players to have more than one pass (additional possibility of real world income for Anet, also convenient forplayers).


It could be tabbed with a tab for permanent passes and a tab for 2-week/temporary passes (convenient for players).


The temporary pass tab could have the ability to add a temporary pass directly - like buying extra bank tabs or bag slots (additional possibility of real world income for Anet AND convenient for players).


Players save space and have more options. Anet gets paid. Win-win situation.

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> @"kazaa.9140" said:

> Hello, I haven't read much of this post but I have had an idea for a tonic for a while. It is based off of the old Necromancer elite skill, once named Plague now Plaguelands!

> It use to be that when you use the skill you transform into a ball of shadow. I've always wanted this as a tonic to explore the world!

> Its an easy to make thing as the graphics for the tonic has all ready been done! :)

> Hope this makes sense! and hopefully some of you can get behind the idea


I second this! That used to be such an awesome effect... I WANT IT! Please let me be a roiling ball of darkness again.


Halloween is coming up, just sayin'... /whistles & walks away

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I come, bearing mount skin ideas! Maybe some of those have already been suggested here, but if so, then demand is high, no?


1. Griffon but it's some sort of dragon? Not Aurene obviously, but still has those lizard features.

2. Plant mounts to fit the Sylvari theme.

3. Roller BEEtle. As in, it's designed after a bee. With fluffy legs. Could also make it a moth.

4. We already have the exo-suit mounts, but what about actual golem mounts? Or one golem mount skin, maybe for jackal or raptor, or roller beetle even. Actually, a golem skin for the beetle would be epic.

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Suggested Items for Anniversary Sale (especially the first two):

Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic (Or simply go back to the market)

Bank Tab Expansion


And what I'm really hoping for, the expansions get promoted. I live in a country where the currency is Real, the Dollar costs 4x more than the Real and the average salary of the country is only one thousand real/month, pay 200 real in each expansion would lack to pay all the basic accounts that I have :(

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I have a Skritt Harvesting tool (plants) is Anet planing to reintroduce this tool and hopefully a full set as I love the Skritt..

I am delaying buying other unlimited use tools in hope you release the Skritt again....as you really do not need more then one set.

I love the Sktitt finisher, too

Shinies!!!!!!!!!!! The animation of the Skritt and the fear and screaming of your player is Hi-Larry-Us.


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How about retire "All items" from the cash shop that are not new to that new Black Lion vendor and allow people to obtain whatever they want at a later time aka new players joining it takes months before Tools ever go on sale among with many other things.


Including the Memory Lions Arch Pass, and Airship pass etc.

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More ideas for mount skins (again, sorry if some have already been suggested):


1. Shadow of the Mad King is coming up, so how about a bat-themed griffon skin. It could have bat wings (obviously) and a bat head and you get the point.

2. Jackal but it's a fox or something. Or a german shepherd, or a corgi, since there seems to be a dog theme with the mount in the adoption licenses.

3. Shiny rainbow unicorn mounts. This is a bit of a joke suggestion but at the same time I kind of.... want this.........

4. Probably won't happen because of the Reforged Warhound, but I would pay so much for Forged mounts dangnabbit!! We've got awakened and branded mounts after all...

5. More mount skins with big long horns. I need every mount to have at least one long-horned skin.

6. Also more griffon skins that have different wing types, like the feathery wings.

7. Armored mounts. I want them to have pretty shiny armor that I could dye to look even prettier. The awakened mounts come pretty close but aren't quite there still.

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[Map Safe Placer]

Double-Click to reserve a place in your current map for 5 minutes, you can travel in other maps while the timer is active. Double-Click again to return to your previous position in the SAME map (same overflow). Unlimited uses. Only usable once/map or once/hour in the same map.


It would be useful for maps like Dragon's Stand and SW or meta maps, you could go let's say to Lion's Arch, sell your stuff and come back without fearing to be put in an empty new map.

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Please consider bringing back the old town clothing sets as Gemstore outfits. The tonics currently available on the trading post are terribly overpriced, e.g. an Endless Designer Hoodie Clothing Tonic is listed for approximately 1060 g, which equals 4885 gems if one were to use the gems to gold conversion option to buy it.

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I'd love a glider that allows you to use your equipped weapon skins, like I posted on Reddit: https://redd.it/99ygn7

I could see scepter skins being scaled up to fit a broom size, staff skins being used as riding brooms, and maybe some sort of connecting rod that allows you to use main hand/off hand combos? The possibilities can get pretty crazy.


Also, an upgrade to ride sidesaddle on mounts would be wonderful. I'm not sure if it would fit as a gemstore item, though.

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