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Candy Corn Gobbler needs a QoL improvement

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> That seems unlikely given the 5s cooldown but it could still be improved by not requiring the candy corn to be in your inventory.


Exactly the 5s cooldown is the problem which holds this item back and makes it troublesome to use. It's quite annoying.


Either remove it or change it to 1s. The consumer all seems not to bad either. But I agree nothing to say against it use candy corn directly from the bank even if it isn't the main problem.

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Seriously the 5 second cooldown has got to go. It's the dumbest restriction I've seen in this game. It makes the item extraordinarily frustrating to use, presumably because Anet would rather you purchase more magic find boosters for gems? HELLO ANET I just paid you 300 gems for this gobbler! What is the deal?? If you wanted more money, maybe you should have charged 1000 gems for it instead. Maybe then the item could actually be convenient to use.


My suggestion: Remove the cooldown. Make it eat 20, 30, 500, however many candy corn you think is balanced. Get rid of the random transforms or at least give the transforms costume brawl skills.

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Its prob intentional because the cd was added when originally it didnt have one. Also the buffs have been reduced overtime. If anything they could make it so that the buffs you get is less random. For starters say even if you proc a transformation you get a buff. Also you gain all the common buffs such as XP/magic find **every time** you use it **only at a reduced duration**, so instead of a 7 min extension in duration you got a 3min extension or something along those lines. The rarer buffs dont have to proc everytime you use it though and can be the "something special you werent necessarily looking for".

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