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Lunatic Inquisition outside map areas


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Yeah exactly this area and the plateau around there. It's getting kinda old that half of the villagers hide there. Most of all since as courtier you are stuck in there until end of match if you jump in to kill them.


I _really_ hope this can be hotfixed with an invisible wall that prevents one from getting onto the lab walls. Better yet, teleport them out of the instance/game if they try. :p

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Ugh, I lost my temper in Lunatic Inquisition due to those who are adamant about utilising this exploit. Most people want to play a FUN and FAIR game, and then there are those who want to "win" no matter what. I've absolutely no patience for those who ruin the fun for the majority for their own selfish reasons.




Anyway, yes, the map exploit skews the game in favour of the villagers for when they drop down that gap, they cannot be killed. Once enough of them are down there it's a guaranteed win for villagers every time.




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It kinda escapes me as to why. Can't be for 5 ToT bags per 5 minutes. For the lulz and trolling? Maybe. Hopefully it gets old soon or fixed. You can get there and kill them though. Just make sure you only jump into the hole after all others in the area are dead. :D

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There is more and more abuse of this bug for ToT bags. This post need more view and it should be fixed ASAP. Here are a vids that show how it's done, hope it will help to get fixed. Plus, there is a hole on the 1st part of the vid, if you want to kill a dude stuck in this hole, you will have to block yourself and get stuck beside him and can't play at all.

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Sadly the use of exploits in this game (specifically in the plateau area) is rampant. Although I don't see reaching the plateau itself as an exploit, there are several players going to the out-of-bounds area which causes all skills to "glitch out" rendering villagers invulnerable. Other players are hiding down in the hole, where the only way a ghost can kill them is to jump in themselves, which leaves them stuck there for the rest of the match. There's also a structure in the plateau area villagers can easily access that the ghosts cannot short of making a PERFECT jump. And then to make matters worse there's actually a player glitching through walls in the walled-off areas just outside the center of the map, although this is likely a hack as the player then teleported to a different area when the ghosts started calling them a cheater in Map chat.


All in all if this is how the game is going to be played moving forward, please remove it entirely. It makes me quite sad to say this, as this was by far my favorite part of the Mad King Festival year after year, but when the cheaters are ruling the roost, it's time to burn it down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Resurrecting this thread as there has been no official response at this time. I recommend that anybody who is fed up with exploiters ruining the game, please record the exploits/exploiters and submit a support ticket. Maybe if there are enough tickets covering this issue, ArenaNet will pay attention and do something.


I've lost all enjoyment for the Lunatic Inquisition due to those who are adamant about ruining the game for everybody else. They've the audacity to abuse others once they are called out, then proceed to disrupt the game as much as possible. It's tiring, and the contrast of fun particularly when you are stuck as a courtier.

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  • 11 months later...

I guess it's that time of year to resurrect this thread again: Thanks ArenaNet for **NOT** fixing the exploits to what would have been an enjoyable Halloween game. It’s **SO** much _fun_ having absolutely no chance for the Inquisition to win while villagers break map and idle in unreachable places.


I was holding out hope that fixes were quietly made for 2019, but I should have known better.

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The only exploit is the hole, just put an invisible wall on top of it, so people can't jump down. The rest is fine, it makes it more interactive. These are simply Jumping puzzles and not exploits. It's like saying that kiting in pvp should be prohibited because it's an exploit.

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> @"Kondor.2904" said:

> The only exploit is the hole, just put an invisible wall on top of it, so people can't jump down. The rest is fine, it makes it more interactive. These are simply Jumping puzzles and not exploits. It's like saying that kiting in pvp should be prohibited because it's an exploit.


That would be amusing if true, however, it **IS** considering exploiting. I've recently received an infraction against my forum account for showing the exploits whilst inquiring if they are a function of the map or not.

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> @"Uon.7491" said:

> > @"Kondor.2904" said:

> > The only exploit is the hole, just put an invisible wall on top of it, so people can't jump down. The rest is fine, it makes it more interactive. These are simply Jumping puzzles and not exploits. It's like saying that kiting in pvp should be prohibited because it's an exploit.


> That would be amusing if true, however, it **IS** considering exploiting. I've recently received an infraction against my forum account for showing the exploits whilst inquiring if they are a function of the map or not.


Can you explain to me how is this an exploit when I'm not breaking any map mechanics but instead simply using my jump, dodge and move forward keys? And how is this different from any other kind of jumping puzzle in the game ?

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> @"Kondor.2904" said:

> > @"Uon.7491" said:

> > > @"Kondor.2904" said:

> > > The only exploit is the hole, just put an invisible wall on top of it, so people can't jump down. The rest is fine, it makes it more interactive. These are simply Jumping puzzles and not exploits. It's like saying that kiting in pvp should be prohibited because it's an exploit.

> >

> > That would be amusing if true, however, it **IS** considering exploiting. I've recently received an infraction against my forum account for showing the exploits whilst inquiring if they are a function of the map or not.


> Can you explain to me how is this an exploit when I'm not breaking any map mechanics but instead simply using my jump, dodge and move forward keys? And how is this different from any other kind of jumping puzzle in the game ?


> @"Kondor.2904" said:

> Moreover, there have been multiple "fixes" throughout the years and yet the spots still remain easily accessible despite numerous video footages and complaints, which can only mean they are aware of those and are fine with them existing.


How about you record yourself performing these "jump, dodge and move forward keys" and post them on the forums here and see what happens. :)

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Saw a group (in a party together, i checked) repeatedly exploiting this every single game. The only match they didn't win was the one when I was chosen to be Court and went immediately to kill them as they made their way up the jumps. For the love of god, please just kill players who go out of bounds - or failing that just edit the map. I could post a screen of the way up if that'd be helpful...


These people are ruining one of the best mini-games in the game.

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> @"Loconut.3017" said:

> don't post a pic of the way up there, I did and got a warning, even though I only meant to post it so anet could fix the place so we could finally enjoy Lunatic Inquisition :#


Which is funny since there's a video showing how to exactly do it that's been on this thread for over a year.


I already caught one person abusing the glitch. Their excuse was that it's not technically cheating. I got myself stuck up there and did the /stuck in case it sends them the position information. I couldn't do the one off the edge since you're stuck in a free fall preventing the command from going off.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Loconut.3017" said:

> > don't post a pic of the way up there, I did and got a warning, even though I only meant to post it so anet could fix the place so we could finally enjoy Lunatic Inquisition :#


> Which is funny since there's a video showing how to exactly do it that's been on this thread for over a year.


> I already caught one person abusing the glitch. Their excuse was that it's not technically cheating. I got myself stuck up there and did the /stuck in case it sends them the position information. I couldn't do the one off the edge since you're stuck in a free fall preventing the command from going off.


I've run into a ton of players using it. ~~What works for a while is telling them that glitching in walls is small peepee energy, since apparently cheaters hate people thinking their dingalong is small as much as losing~~ :pensive:

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