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Costume Brawl issues

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Alright, I get it, the devs have way bigger fish to fry, and costumes/costume brawling are basically an abandoned limb of content that really only get used a couple of weeks a year during Halloween...


...That said, EVERY year this stuff bothers me so I figure I might as well say something and see if the festivals team takes note and does anything. Probably all of these issues have been known and reported for years, but:


1. The biggest issue isn't really a bug, but it's very well known that a couple of the toys have just grossly disproportionate power to dominate the brawl. After MKS (which is the easiest time to try to rack up a few brawl wins) if one or two people have the axe toy they can effectively stop everyone else from ever winning as long as they want to. The boxing gloves can be pretty bad too, but the axe is by far the worst. In years past some people would hang out at the forge to deliberately troll people trying to trade for the dailies, but I've seen less of that fortunately.


2. Any of the costume brawl skills that inflict daze also put your character in combat, resulting in you being unable to use any skills until another brawler hits you or you manually re-enter the brawl.


3. The behavior of the hit stacks is either bugged or extremely punishing. If you get knocked out, you lose some (all?) of your hit stacks, making you have to start all over again. It's almost unavoidable to get knocked out (see point 1 above), so simply making it so that hit stacks can only increase would make it fairer and more fun.


It used to be that you could easily rack up 10-20 "wins" in the MKS mosh pit, and that was really fun and a simple way to bump up your brawler achievement in a non-grindy way. Now that's pretty much impossible without the axe toy, given the issues above. I hope they could take a little pass at this before next Halloween, or maybe throw Costume Brawling back into the dailies. Nobody wants to brawl anymore and that's kinda sad.

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Balancing all the toys/transformations is not the same thing as reigning in a clear outlier that negatively affects a lot of players in a situation that is meant to be fun.


And regardless if they do anything about the axe, if they address the other two problems, which are clearly bugs, it still improves the situation greatly for this little diversion as a whole.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> 1. The biggest issue isn't really a bug, but it's very well known that a couple of the toys have just grossly disproportionate power to dominate the brawl. After MKS (which is the easiest time to try to rack up a few brawl wins) if one or two people have the axe toy they can effectively stop everyone else from ever winning as long as they want to. The boxing gloves can be pretty bad too, but the axe is by far the worst. In years past some people would hang out at the forge to deliberately troll people trying to trade for the dailies, but I've seen less of that fortunately.


This is still a constant problem after the Mad King Says event. When a dozen people are spamming the axe, knocking everyone out and completely resetting their costume brawl progress, it makes what should be a fun brawl very disappointing, sometimes taking me 15 to 20 minutes to get something done that should be done in a minute or two.


One person in particular I noticed continuing to axe everyone, even after repeated requests to stop, so I submitted a verbal abuse report for lack of a better way of reporting this kind of abuse. I don't know how support is going to figure out what my report was for other than posting about it.

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> @"evilsofa.7296" said:

> > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > 1. The biggest issue isn't really a bug, but it's very well known that a couple of the toys have just grossly disproportionate power to dominate the brawl. After MKS (which is the easiest time to try to rack up a few brawl wins) if one or two people have the axe toy they can effectively stop everyone else from ever winning as long as they want to. The boxing gloves can be pretty bad too, but the axe is by far the worst. In years past some people would hang out at the forge to deliberately troll people trying to trade for the dailies, but I've seen less of that fortunately.


> This is still a constant problem after the Mad King Says event. When a dozen people are spamming the axe, knocking everyone out and completely resetting their costume brawl progress, it makes what should be a fun brawl very disappointing, sometimes taking me 15 to 20 minutes to get something done that should be done in a minute or two.


> One person in particular I noticed continuing to axe everyone, even after repeated requests to stop, so I submitted a verbal abuse report for lack of a better way of reporting this kind of abuse. I don't know how support is going to figure out what my report was for other than posting about it.


You would have to submit a ticket to the CS Team describing the issue, if you wanted to make the Support Team aware.


Good luck.

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> @"evilsofa.7296" said:

> sometimes taking me 15 to 20 minutes to get something done that should be done in a minute or two.

That sounds like a problem you can solve easily without ANet doing a thing: ask for someone to brawl in the during the 22 hours of the day in which Mad King Says isn't taking place. I've joined more than a few people asking and it's never a problem, especially if we party up and waypoint to, well, anywhere in LA. Often we get a couple of other folks who also want to trade blows.


> One person in particular I noticed continuing to axe everyone, even after repeated requests to stop,

I can't imagine that the sort of person who hasn't already stopped after the first or second 'spin' would change their behavior, because someone asked (nicely or not). Like any form of trolling, it's best to ignore until they get bored.


> I submitted a verbal abuse report for lack of a better way of reporting this kind of abuse.

It's not any form of abuse; it's just some person having too much fun from overusing an overpowered skill. And getting more fun by triggering those who don't think it's funny and can't stop chastising the troll publicly.


> I don't know how support is going to figure out what my report was for other than posting about it.

They won't. If you want to report anything that isn't going to be obvious, file a support ticket, where you can explain the issue as you see it. That goes for trolling (I know, right above I said it's not abuse, but... well ANet might agree with you rather than me). It also goes for 90% of inappropriate character names: even support staff trained to spot naughty words masquerading as foreign names aren't going to see what you see.


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  • 1 year later...

Well, since all of this is still a problem I thought I'd bump it. I have also noticed the past couple of years that the scepter is probably the worst of all as far as trolling, given that it has an apparently non-target capped aoe fear and daze.


Honestly, again, if they'd make two fixes: daze doesn't put you in combat, and you don't lose your stacks when you get knocked out, it would make the brawls 100% more enjoyable and make farming the brawler achievement MUCH more bearable.

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I believe there are some toys that are bugged: They can set a person's counter to 0 with a single hit.

I had this happen to me last year (again a player who did this repeatedly to everyone even after he had his daily), so I stopped participating in public brawls. Nowadays I only brawl with guild mates in our guild hall or some other instance. No more brawling in open world = no more trolls.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> reporting ppl for doing an achievement or winning a costume brawl what's next reporting someone for being faster in a race?


Your framing of the argument is pretty disingenuous. That's not the reason they're reporting. Now, I don't actually think the reports will garner an infraction and there are ways to still get the daily even if someone is trolling the forge. But it is technically against the rules to engage in activity that deliberately disrupts other players (and I have seen some very obvious trolling in this area).


> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> I believe there are some toys that are bugged: They can set a person's counter to 0 with a single hit.

> I had this happen to me last year (again a player who did this repeatedly to everyone even after he had his daily), so I stopped participating in public brawls. Nowadays I only brawl with guild mates in our guild hall or some other instance. No more brawling in open world = no more trolls.


I am still not entirely sure how this works either, but it is bugged/messed up in some way. I think it's the dazes - when you go "in combat" it takes you out of the brawl entirely and resets the stacks. But yeah, that's my two fixes - fix the ooc, don't remove hit stacks, more fun for everyone for something that has been basically irrelevant for many years.


If you want to trade/farm brawls privately, hit me up in game. I still have 150 to go...

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> I believe there are some toys that are bugged: They can set a person's counter to 0 with a single hit.


Yes, there is a bug



They should just remove all hard (skill blocking) ccs from costume brawl skills if they can't fix this.


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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > reporting ppl for doing an achievement or winning a costume brawl what's next reporting someone for being faster in a race?


> Your framing of the argument is pretty disingenuous. That's not the reason they're reporting. Now, I don't actually think the reports will garner an infraction and there are ways to still get the daily even if someone is trolling the forge. But it is technically against the rules to engage in activity that deliberately disrupts other players (and I have seen some very obvious trolling in this area).


> > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > I believe there are some toys that are bugged: They can set a person's counter to 0 with a single hit.

> > I had this happen to me last year (again a player who did this repeatedly to everyone even after he had his daily), so I stopped participating in public brawls. Nowadays I only brawl with guild mates in our guild hall or some other instance. No more brawling in open world = no more trolls.


> I am still not entirely sure how this works either, but it is bugged/messed up in some way. I think it's the dazes - when you go "in combat" it takes you out of the brawl entirely and resets the stacks. But yeah, that's my two fixes - fix the ooc, don't remove hit stacks, more fun for everyone for something that has been basically irrelevant for many years.


> If you want to trade/farm brawls privately, hit me up in game. I still have 150 to go...


well..... I fail to see why u have the right to tell others how to finish their in game achievements is somehow legit.


But NVM im sure anet is smart enough not to react to those reports anyway


but to fix ur problem ask in mapchat if someone is so kind and let u win easy done

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