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Main reason why matchmaking is not good


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It has been repeatedly proven in many games that 2 player party matched with soloQ players causes nothing but harm to the matchmaking.

It brings unhealthy approach as to "carry" and "boost" non competetive behaviour as well as unfair aspect against players who play alone. In any form of 5v5 Elo system the way you rank up is dependent on your 55-60 percent winrate but having 2 players against you or with you debalances into a clown fiesta of "who's gonna get the better players" as it leaves the vast majority of the impact on which team gets the 2 good players leaving SOLOq player's impact much less effective as it would be against 5 solo Q PLAYERS


It would also make alot of sense to give separate rank devision to solo and party Q as player league and team league has different approach , one would argue that solo Q require much more skill to climb than team Q , but right now it's a complete utter clown fiesta and most plat players just team up with someone to boost their chance to win




solo Q should be always SOLOq

Party Q should be always party Q

Meaning 2+3or5vs2+3or5

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Matchmaking is not good because the pvp player base population is not that high as you may think, so the matchmaker to make the match begin pick even low rated player who are probably doing their first pvp matches ever and with zero knowldge of pvp and they get matched with high leagues players because there aren't other players available.

That's why you see so often those 50-500 games, or 500-50 final results.

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In the "old GW2" I remember carrieing games by myself with most classes. You had a real impact back then. Because the game wasn´t much as spammy and more thoughfull.

The gap between a good player and a casuel isn´t slightly what it was in the past.


That is the main probelm. In order to have a good matchmaking, there first needs to be a clear noticable difference between a skilled player and a bad one, and the impact they are causing.


There is too much dmg in the game okey. But there is much to much of everything else too. Dodges, blocks, heals. And as tankier you play as less you need to think about it. And in todays game, hybrit beats -zerk.


I personally intentially play more berzerk and not so much meta. The meta is a easy to spamm. Plenty of healing, condiremove, dodges, block, inv depending on what class you are playing to just rolle though it.



The matchmaking problem is a combat problem. A impact problem.

Why would the computer know about your skill, if there actually isn´t that much of a difference anyways.


Now don´t nail me on my absolute formulation. If I tell there is "no difference", I´m mean there is "like almost no difference" or "not slignly as it was".

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The casuals and PvE people won´t want this. That´s why anet probably won´t change anything to the good of competetiv players anyways.

But if they would do it right. Casuals would be crushed by skilled players and not be just getting along in the zerg/teamfight like it is today.


As more spamm and more people in fight, as less potential you have as a actually good player and as more casuals "are just getting along".

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> @"gw niko.1049" said:

> I personally intentially play more berzerk and not so much meta. The meta is a easy to spamm. Plenty of healing, condiremove, dodges, block, inv depending on what class you are playing to just rolle though it.


If you're idea of balance is everyone running cheesy zerk builds, i'm sorry but you're playing the wrong game. Its an RPG, not an FPS. The most fun games i ever have involve a supports on both sides.


Either way, they really need to look at the matchmaking, this is getting pretty silly. Doubt these guys had much fun for example.



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The algorithm isn't half as bad as people think it is. It's various forms of 3rd party programs/win trading and things going on like: "Plat 2 guy makes an alt f2p account and smurfs into matches as a Core Guard, greatly outperforming how the algorithm is placing the account's MMR into matches." ect.. ect..


Try not to complain about the algorithm too much. Most of the "bad matches" you're experiencing are due to the above ^

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> > @"gw niko.1049" said:

> > I personally intentially play more berzerk and not so much meta. The meta is a easy to spamm. Plenty of healing, condiremove, dodges, block, inv depending on what class you are playing to just rolle though it.


> If you're idea of balance is everyone running cheesy zerk builds, i'm sorry but you're playing the wrong game. Its an RPG, not an FPS. The most fun games i ever have involve a supports on both sides.


> Either way, they really need to look at the matchmaking, this is getting pretty silly. Doubt these guys had much fun for example.


> https://imgur.com/BSMITdu


Yes but we both agree that the idea of balancing is about either cheesy zerk, either about sustain strategic match. Lately, especially since PoF, you got too many swiss knife builds who can do many jobs at the same. Worse, those builds are even too much about " spamming" like gw niko perfectly described.


Let's face it, many players did climb much higher than they should thanks to scourge or mirage, and once you get to gold 2, you experience unwinnable matchs where it's not about your skill but about who got the better necros. I could argue the same when some top player's idea of carrying is " going far " and luckily get people to 3v1 them, but this is also about who got smarter teammates, nothing about personnal skill.


If you combine PoF builds and low population, this explains pretty much the matchmaking which is rather random from time to time.

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> > @"gw niko.1049" said:

> > I personally intentially play more berzerk and not so much meta. The meta is a easy to spamm. Plenty of healing, condiremove, dodges, block, inv depending on what class you are playing to just rolle though it.


> If you're idea of balance is everyone running cheesy zerk builds, i'm sorry but you're playing the wrong game. Its an RPG, not an FPS. The most fun games i ever have involve a supports on both sides.


> Either way, they really need to look at the matchmaking, this is getting pretty silly. Doubt these guys had much fun for example.


> https://imgur.com/BSMITdu


No, but builds that are good at some things and bad at some. Nowadays every class is essentially a hybrid that does too much of everything with little (if any) disadvantages.

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