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[Request to Anet] Show missing trait notification on allies, when allies are effected.


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So, with the latest changes to some Herald traits, Elevated compassion passive is missing from showing when triggered on allies and self :).


Another thing is passive heals are putting pets and minions in first place(it really kinda felt this way), wich is strange, can that be switched to put players nin 1st place or try to heal the caster or pet user in 1st place?



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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Not fully sure what you're trying to say. You mean it's not showing on the combat log or as green text? EC would pop up for me, but I haven't played with it since last patch.


Elevated compassion should have its own icon on the affected allies every 3 sec just like all other similiar trait across other classes have :) , that's what i ment, if guardian on combat or temporary traits from other classes have it, EC should have one as well :), its just a bit "uncare" effect of the icons and what is affecting you/others/allies.


That would help me to see who is getting effected on real time, rather than i have to search for the HC heals on combat log.



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The difference is that elevated compassion is not a buff, it's a one-time effect.


The only lasting effect is the 3s cooldown debuff during which the ally can't be a target of elevated compassion again. As far as I know cooldowns like this usually aren't shown on the bar. A notable exception being the revealed debuff, but that one has more possibilities for interaction than just waiting for it to run out.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> The difference is that elevated compassion is not a buff, it's a one-time effect.


> The only lasting effect is the 3s cooldown debuff during which the ally can't be a target of elevated compassion again. As far as I know cooldowns like this usually aren't shown on the bar. A notable exception being the revealed debuff, but that one has more possibilities for interaction than just waiting for it to run out.


So it is the guardian passive healing on the virtues, one small heal every 3 sec.

Revenant just has 2 of those :), ventari F2 passive + EC, only EC is not showing.

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IC now what u ment @BunjiKugashira.9754, CE is not a direct heal but a heal when u apply boons, same genra of steafast regeneration from Jalis line :)

Maybe all those small traits need a icon when they get triiggered xD???


Undersood it now, i need moar english reading skill IRL :)

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Ventary F2 is a lasting buff that applies a constant effect based on your current invocation. It has a duration during which it applies its positive effect, so it needs an icon.

EC on the other hand does not have a lasting effect. It heals instantly the moment it gets triggered and that's it. Since there is no buff there is no icon.

If ANet started adding icons for skills or traits that can't affect a target because of a per-target cooldown, then meteorshower and similar elementalist skills would need such an icon too.

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