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Song of the Mists - questions, maybe some buffie here


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Hi Revs,


I was looking on traits tomorrow and trying to find some new builds but I get to this trait and I think it kinda sux. For Grand Major trait its only 180 AOE and the effect isnt that huge.

I get that pros of this skill are if you swap legends off CD its pretty frequent, but this range. I mean if current effect stands -add radius or let radius 180 and -buff effects little bit. It is PvP trait I guess (for PvE are much better options), or utility(idk if we can this effect share with others). What is your opinion? Are you using this? and if you do, where?


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I also find it very lackluster, and the 180 radius really cripples it. I see the trait as ANet's attempt at bringing back Equilibrium, but with more flavor. Unfortunately, it is with a lot less oomph as well. Shiro's and Jalis' effects being based on number of surrounding enemies is awkward, especially considering the enemies must be within 180 radius of the player! The effects feel mishmashed and rushed, like they had a rough idea that they went with but never finished or expanded upon. The trait has a ton of potential and I really like their attempt at making something unique, but I just don't think it was executed well. I want it to shine and bring more competition to Rolling Mists & Charged Mists.


To me, the trait needs to be streamlined. All should have a radius of 360. Remove all damage and damaging conditions. Increased damage can be provided via the two other GM traits, and this leaves space for a stronger set of utility for the trait. Provide one legend-appropriate condition as well as effects that fit each legend thematically, but also provide something unique that the spec can't necessarily provide otherwise, or at the very least in a unique way.

-Shiro: AoE [5x] vulnerability (5s) // AoE daze (1.5s) and superspeed (3s)

-Mallyx: AoE slow (3s) // AoE [2x] boon corruption

-Jalis: AoE weakness (5s) // AoE barrier

-Ventari: AoE blind (5s) // AoE heal over time (4s)

-Glint: AoE chill (3s) // personal boon protection (3s) & AoE boon copy

-Kalla: Um.


Each legend should have application and relevance for any build, meaning for Jalis & Ventari, the base numbers should be high and the modifiers should be low. That way, they still pack a decent punch. The effects should also be worthy enough when using solo, but truly shine when in a group. Shiro's quickness from the trait can replace the might from Spirit Boon, giving a 3s AoE application of quickness since the might is a bit lackluster.

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