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I'm coming back to GW2 and don't know if i should buy Heart of Thorns but im really interested in Path of Fire. Do you think you can have fun playing the game with Path of fire but without Heart of thorns. Thing is that im a casual player and i don't know if i should spend 50$ for the pack lol.




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> @"jcbourgault.3867" said:

> Hi,


> I'm coming back to GW2 and don't know if i should buy Heart of Thorns but im really interested in Path of Fire. Do you think you can have fun playing the game with Path of fire but without Heart of thorns. Thing is that im a casual player and i don't know if i should spend 50$ for the pack lol.


> thanks

> JC


You can definitely enjoy PoF without HoT, but they are both excellent and well worth the money.

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> @"jcbourgault.3867" said:

> Hi,


> I'm coming back to GW2 and don't know if i should buy Heart of Thorns but im really interested in Path of Fire. Do you think you can have fun playing the game with Path of fire but without Heart of thorns. Thing is that im a casual player and i don't know if i should spend 50$ for the pack lol.


> thanks

> JC


Both expansions are worth it

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Unless you care about story continuity and spoilers, buy whichever you prefer. Owning HoT doesnt give any advantages in PoF


> If you do care about story, then buy hot first, then livung world season 3 and then pof.


> Personally i think both are worth it


I'll elaborate on this and say that if you do care about story, then do not neglect season 3! It's not just "filler" in between expansions-- a lot of really important (and fun) story and lore happens in it, and Path of Fire will be pretty much incomprehensible without it.

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You need HoT to get masteries for gliding (and all what is related to it like using updrafts), using mushrooms, resisting to poison, and some other features. Aside of this almost mandatory advantages, HoT gives you 4 areas with good meta events for gold and nice rewards. The system to have a canopy in the first area Verdant Brink is pretty nice. The special meta event of Dragon Stand area is also interesting. And there are many other things. A side thing: That was the first set of areas with a higher level of difficulty and they are a good preparation for what comes after that.


Personally, I would recommend to go for it.

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You can enjoy the game with PoF only as a casual/medi player. Given you don't worry of story plot. I have several guildies with PoF only and they are fine. Not like they can't afford HoT they juts don't need it.


Why would you need HoT is

specific stats, like viper, commander, tralblaize, those all are used in raiding and hardcore wvw .

Gliding but at the end of the day, skimmer can glide somehow and griffon is there in PoF.

Guild buffs that for some reason locked to HoT, those are tiny boosts like 10% to exp, 10% to kamra etc. Good to have not vital.

We have send several tickets to support about this, as Product description on Sale page states that those are available to any any acc but F2P, haven't heard from them yet.

What esle HoT can get you? Several legendary weapons that are HoT only.

And ofc you will be missing on HoT meta events that can be fun.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> You can enjoy the game with PoF only as a casual/medi player. Given you don't worry of story plot. I have several guildies with PoF only and they are fine. Not like they can't afford HoT they juts don't need it.


> Why would you need HoT is

> specific stats, like viper, commander, tralblaize, those all are used in raiding and hardcore wvw .

> Gliding but at the end of the day, skimmer can glide somehow and griffon is there in PoF.

> Guild buffs that for some reason locked to HoT, those are tiny boosts like 10% to exp, 10% to kamra etc. Good to have not vital.

> We have send several tickets to support about this, as Product description on Sale page states that those are available to any any acc but F2P, haven't heard from them yet.

> What esle HoT can get you? Several legendary weapons that are HoT only.

> And ofc you will be missing on HoT meta events that can be fun.


Problem with hot for many is its difficulty sadly

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