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Progression in GW2

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Progression in other ("standard") MMO's:


> 1. Buy game.

> 2. Level up over time, playing out tedious quests designed to waste as much of your time as possible.

> 3. Get to max level and do tedious repetition of dungeon A until you are "geared" for dungeon B through ?; then on to raids A through ?.

> 4. Once geared, wait for next update so you can do it all over again.

> 5. Meanwhile, there are other time-wasting activities like crafting and daily chores available.


> Welcome to the MMO genre.


> If the point of MMO's is to disguise time-wasting as fun, then what difference does it make if the time-wasting is tied to a "progression" treadmill in which you have the illusion of progression, or not.


> After all, all MMO "progression" is is:


> 1. A system designed to present the illusion of accomplishment.

> 2. A system which negates the value of older content, while making sure that current content is "balanced" for your "newest" gear tier.


> So, since all progression is is time-wasting disguised as accomplishment, why not just do the time-wasting activities in the game? If you need the psychological trick of progression to make those activities "fun," then they aren't really fun for you.


> Fwiw, if you decide not to swipe your credit card in GW2, there is still a leveling/gearing experience available. What's your hurry?



I love that GW2 cuts out the bullshit and just lets you play as u want at ur leisure....the way a GAME should be. At least for a working adult. And it's VERY alt friendly. I love that I get to have a complete roster of fully customized characters in an MMO, and all of them are fully geared and ready for any content. That's rare in an MMO as they usually require so much gearing that having more than one or two requires u to be a no-lifer for years to obtain.


It's a game that respects your time.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> > OP completed GW2 tutorial and thinks s/he "won" the game ?

> >

> > Well that's not my loss, GL OP playing all the WoW clones.


> GW2 is literally one of the many WoW clones


LOL. Its funny telling other peoples valid arguments fall flat when you make this claim. I cannot possibly think of an actual way GW2 is a WoW clone, it has the warrior class and playable human race? That's the only thing I can think of, if you`re saying that is dragon age a WoW clone as well? Is it because its a popular MMO? Well then you just lost all credibility (not that you haven't already) I seriously think this is a troll post, their is no way somebody seriously can seriously think GW2 is a WoW clone unless they're just blindly hating it (Sounds like a WoW fanboy)

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