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Thank you Guild Wars 2


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For about 7 years now I have been a loyal customer to World of Warcraft. Got in at Wrath, and it was really the only video game entertainment I invested in. After college and work, WoW was what I did to unwind. It was the end all be all. And for the most part I was happy. But fastfoward to now BFA (Battle for Azeroth) came out. And I have been absolutely disappointed in it. I felt frustrated and unhappy with everything about it, and it also seemed like my time wasn't being valued.


So a friend of mine said one day, "Why don't you try Guild Wars 2 with me?" My first thought to be honest was......that sounds really dumb and I don't want too. But he kept on telling me about it. So I finally downloaded the free version, made a Mesmer and I was off. I have to say my first few times playing was overwhelming. So much to take it. So much to learn. A really detailed and intricate system. So I slowly played through the base Main Story line, with my friend helping me along the way. And I was immediately sucked into the story. I use to play WoW with the sound muted and my own tunes going on. But now in GW2 I listened to all the voice over, the music, and ambient music which was fantastic. Then the game started to slowly make sense to me. All these new things which was fresh to me were just clicking. I was questing one day too, and I was having problems so I asked in chat if anyone could help. I was imediatly responded too with a friendly stranger coming to my rescue. It was so fantastic to see such a friendly community. I have asked my fair of noob questions in chat too, and someone always tries to point me in the right way. It just makes the game that much more fun to be in a community that is so welcoming and enjoying the game as well.


I finally max leveled my little Mesmer, and it was some of the most fun I have had in a long time. So much fun I did buy Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. This new experience game me something to look forward to again. I felt rewarded for what I did. Learning WvW, and even though I get my butt kicked I am having a blast and it doesn't feel like any sort of grind. I am slowly becoming more familiar with the crafting system. And just Yesterday I got my Springer mount which I felt so freaking excited and accomplished. Something so small, but I worked hard to get it, and I earned it. Everything is just so amazing, and I have never found myself bored sitting in a city thinking what should I do now? Which I did in WoW lately. Guild Wars does have that Gem Store, but it doesn't feel like a blatant cash grab that WoW has become. I can live without that outfit. I am not paying to win. I did spring for the world boss teleport which was like all of 3 bucks. It was an easy sell to get that. There is so much in the game I can get without having to pay money for, and I cannot wait to get them all. I cannot wait until I get my griffon. I cannot wait to try and craft a legendary. I hope I get better in WvW, but either way I am still having a ball. And maybe one day, far in the future, I can try raiding as well! This game has been an absolute joy for me for the past 2 months I have been playing.


So wanted to say Thank You Guild Wars 2. As of today I cancelled my WoW sub. I am no longer having any fun there, and when you don't have fun in a game there is a serious problem. I cannot wait to try all the new fun and exciting stuff in GW2. Christmas is my favorite time of year, so I am eagerly looking forward to it. I hope with my Christmas bonus from work I can get the Living Stories I missed to play these amazing story lines and quests. Plus I want to get that kick ass winter scarf I see everyone with. I am very excited to see all the new things in store for my new home, and thank you so much again for making such a fun game with such a wonder community.

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This is why i main gw2 and my other mmos some of which i have 10-15 year accounts, are falling by the wayside. For all the criticisms i have with the game, the pros outweigh it and i can piss around to my hearts content, do whatever i please as a time sink and never feel like i have to spend a single penny to progress or be trapped in endless level and gear grind circles.


6 years/9000 hours later and still finding stuff to do everyday and have fun doing it

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Welcome to GW2.


I, too, came from WoW. The whole flying debacle was the final nail in the coffin that made me quit. Flying was literally the only reason I played WoW since without flying, there were plenty of similar games for me to play that didn't require sub fee. My gripe with WoW started in MoP. It was MoP where they started to really slow things down to milk sub time. Rep used to be 250~500 per quest, but lowered to 100 per quest in MoP. I read that Legion lowered to 75 per world quest. No more rep tabards. No more good rewards from rep. More new flying mounts introduced in the real money shop than WoD... for a game with sub fee. Extremely mind numbingly boring leveling, which I read is even worse now with BfA. So many more problems which I won’t go into, but are easily summarized by Blizzard Panda and Goblin; “Slow down! Time is money, friend!”


I continued to read about WoW after I quit, but after GW2, I just uninstalled and don’t even read about it anymore. GW2 is all I need. ^^

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To the OP: welcome and, just in case you missed it because i didn't see you comment on it, do stray out of the path when exploring the world. This game is full with secret passages, puzles, or just plain incredible sights where least you expect them. I'd go as far as saying it has the best explorable content of any mmo.

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> @"Keriis.7016" said:

> For about 7 years now I have been a loyal customer to World of Warcraft. Got in at Wrath, and it was really the only video game entertainment I invested in. After college and work, WoW was what I did to unwind. It was the end all be all. And for the most part I was happy. But fastfoward to now BFA (Battle for Azeroth) came out. And I have been absolutely disappointed in it. I felt frustrated and unhappy with everything about it, and it also seemed like my time wasn't being valued.


> So a friend of mine said one day, "Why don't you try Guild Wars 2 with me?" My first thought to be honest was......that sounds really dumb and I don't want too. But he kept on telling me about it. So I finally downloaded the free version, made a Mesmer and I was off. I have to say my first few times playing was overwhelming. So much to take it. So much to learn. A really detailed and intricate system. So I slowly played through the base Main Story line, with my friend helping me along the way. And I was immediately sucked into the story. I use to play WoW with the sound muted and my own tunes going on. But now in GW2 I listened to all the voice over, the music, and ambient music which was fantastic. Then the game started to slowly make sense to me. All these new things which was fresh to me were just clicking. I was questing one day too, and I was having problems so I asked in chat if anyone could help. I was imediatly responded too with a friendly stranger coming to my rescue. It was so fantastic to see such a friendly community. I have asked my fair of noob questions in chat too, and someone always tries to point me in the right way. It just makes the game that much more fun to be in a community that is so welcoming and enjoying the game as well.


> I finally max leveled my little Mesmer, and it was some of the most fun I have had in a long time. So much fun I did buy Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. This new experience game me something to look forward to again. I felt rewarded for what I did. Learning WvW, and even though I get my butt kicked I am having a blast and it doesn't feel like any sort of grind. I am slowly becoming more familiar with the crafting system. And just Yesterday I got my Springer mount which I felt so freaking excited and accomplished. Something so small, but I worked hard to get it, and I earned it. Everything is just so amazing, and I have never found myself bored sitting in a city thinking what should I do now? Which I did in WoW lately. Guild Wars does have that Gem Store, but it doesn't feel like a blatant cash grab that WoW has become. I can live without that outfit. I am not paying to win. I did spring for the world boss teleport which was like all of 3 bucks. It was an easy sell to get that. There is so much in the game I can get without having to pay money for, and I cannot wait to get them all. I cannot wait until I get my griffon. I cannot wait to try and craft a legendary. I hope I get better in WvW, but either way I am still having a ball. And maybe one day, far in the future, I can try raiding as well! This game has been an absolute joy for me for the past 2 months I have been playing.


> So wanted to say Thank You Guild Wars 2. As of today I cancelled my WoW sub. I am no longer having any fun there, and when you don't have fun in a game there is a serious problem. I cannot wait to try all the new fun and exciting stuff in GW2. Christmas is my favorite time of year, so I am eagerly looking forward to it. I hope with my Christmas bonus from work I can get the Living Stories I missed to play these amazing story lines and quests. Plus I want to get that kick kitten winter scarf I see everyone with. I am very excited to see all the new things in store for my new home, and thank you so much again for making such a fun game with such a wonder community.


Glad you like it ! Welcome to tyria

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Welcome! I tend to shift from GW2 to WoW depending on my level of burnout, but I will admit GW2 ranks slightly higher for me haha. It's just so friendly, and the support team is much better in my opinion. :)


I came here before Warlords dropped BECAUSE of the flying issues and really, I'm so, so glad I did. While I still go back to the other game every so often, GW2 is where I've made some of my best friends. I guarantee you'll love it!

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Also came from WoW after the WoD lull in content and playerbase had a decline (since we know what kind of a mess that expansion was). Friend recommended me GW2 in 2015 and while I still occasionally drift back to WoW its never usually for long periods of time since it doesn't really offer me what GW2 can. GW2 is great in many aspects, including exploration where they never use the same cavern model 5743985743934754578 times; it's all unique. Only rehashing in this game are the occasional house and NPCs but generally speaking, it was such a breath of fresh air for me.

On the contrary, welcome to GW2 and if you ever need someone to talk to/help (Idk if you're NA (I am) or EU) feel free to hit me up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is pretty much my exact experience except I am about 2 1/2 months behind you.


I did play GW2 for a couple months when it was new but I just felt overwhelmed and decided to stick with wow.


Now with BfA I just found myself logging in, staring at the menu bar looking for something interesting and then logging out again. Then the Q and A during blizzcon and subsequent talk from blizzard has left me feeling pretty disillusioned with where they want to take the game.

I tried destiny 2 which they gave everyone for free. Not really my thing.

I tried overwatch cause it was 20 bucks. It's fun but not a replacement for an mom.

Tried diablo. Again not my type of game.


Then I recalled I had my old Gw2 account... after a bit of research it really looks like almost everything that wow has changed for the worse, Gw2 has done right and done better.

I started playing it again and it has such a nice combination of feeling fresh and new but overwhelming, which gives me that magical noob feeling, on top of the combat being so much fun and the overall character customization from both talents and visuals, I have played more gw2 the past week than I played wow the past month.

I picked up both xpacs over the weekend.

Then I moved wow to my HDD and Gw2 to my ssd yesterday.

Now today I've cancelled my wow sub for the first time in years.

I'm hesitant to do any research online for Gw2 cause I want to savor the noobness for a while, but I'm sure I'll lose that battle in the coming weeks.

Overall I'm pretty dang stoked and looking forward to getting myself into some trouble in Tyria.

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> @"Tulkas.2576" said:

> This is pretty much my exact experience except I am about 2 1/2 months behind you.


> I did play GW2 for a couple months when it was new but I just felt overwhelmed and decided to stick with wow.


> Now with BfA I just found myself logging in, staring at the menu bar looking for something interesting and then logging out again. Then the Q and A during blizzcon and subsequent talk from blizzard has left me feeling pretty disillusioned with where they want to take the game.

> I tried destiny 2 which they gave everyone for free. Not really my thing.

> I tried overwatch cause it was 20 bucks. It's fun but not a replacement for an mom.

> Tried diablo. Again not my type of game.


> Then I recalled I had my old Gw2 account... after a bit of research it really looks like almost everything that wow has changed for the worse, Gw2 has done right and done better.

> I started playing it again and it has such a nice combination of feeling fresh and new but overwhelming, which gives me that magical noob feeling, on top of the combat being so much fun and the overall character customization from both talents and visuals, I have played more gw2 the past week than I played wow the past month.

> I picked up both xpacs over the weekend.

> Then I moved wow to my HDD and Gw2 to my ssd yesterday.

> Now today I've cancelled my wow sub for the first time in years.

> I'm hesitant to do any research online for Gw2 cause I want to savor the noobness for a while, but I'm sure I'll lose that battle in the coming weeks.

> Overall I'm pretty dang stoked and looking forward to getting myself into some trouble in Tyria.


Welcome to tyria

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Welcome to GW2.


> I, too, came from WoW. The whole flying debacle was the final nail in the coffin that made me quit. Flying was literally the only reason I played WoW since without flying, there were plenty of similar games for me to play that didn't require sub fee. ...


That is exactly the reason I quit WoW, as well. What ticked me off even more was the slimy way they made the announcement - it was in an interview on some semi-obscure gaming website, not on the official forums.



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