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How to use support Rev the easy way in wvw


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i know some of you have NRG management issue

i know some of you hate the micromanaging the table issue


this thread is about to help you manage both the nrg and movement which will increase your healing output, and success in the battle field


**goals to achieve when using ventari/herald build:**

1. most of the fight you perform from safe spot and even can be in no combat mode

2. most of the fight you have above 30% nrg with ventari

3. outgoing healing is above 6k the whole fight

4. most of the fight your HP is above 75%


**how to achieve goal no 1**

safe spot usually is 600 range radios. most of your facets boon share is 600 and most of the commander tactics is starting the fight from 1200 range so you should be in 1800 range taking no dmg.

you should move from the peripheral and try to locate your melee train between you and the enemy

there will be time you want to be in combat mode to build nrg to 100% but be careful not to caught in soft or hard cc

if you're not in combat and using arcdps the healing output wont be consider

this way to movement of the tablet will be most of the time on max range so you just have to control it left or right. after you handle it you can start moving yourself with the melee


**how to achieve goal no 2**

in order to be with enough nrg most of the fight you shouldnt spam skills.

you have to watch your melee train hp and mostly your commander. why?

commander will call for heal mostly when they are taking dmg or when they see their team is low on hp. so watching what's happening around the commander is crucial in order to know what skill to use.

spamming natural harmony will drain your nrg and will result in over healing the team

also learn FB rotations. you will soon learn when they are out of F2 skill. some of them open with F3 for small stability and aegis healing and when you see on you the sign of eternal oasis which mean they swap to F2 healing ability. after that most of their healing is save for the restack with staff.

also you will start to notice the health poll drooping and not regain which mean the FB is left without skills or he is not on spot for his heals to act on the melee. i know it can take time as this can be 1 sec to spot on the battle field.


**how to achieve goal no 3 and 4**

achieving goal 1 and 2 will result in good nrg and movement so it means you are focusing on watching and controlling the fight. as your main skills uses with ventari only F2 and #6 with movement of the tablet can get you +4k hps alone and herald with #6 and #10 will get you +2k hps and reducing dmg by 33% . this means its much easier for you to watch and know where to put the tablet, anticipate your commander and enemy movement while be in safe spot most of the fight.

so instead of moving along with the melee train, you move the tablet with the melee train. and on the clash just using natural harmony will bump your hps to 15k which drop again to 9-10k hps after the clash is over or until the next round


**goals to achieve when using ventari/jalis**

1. most of the fight you move with the melee train

2. you should constantly swap legends every 10 sec

3. your hps is +5k


this setup is more for player familiar with ventari . this setup put you with the melee train so you must master your nrg and know how to build it to 80% for jalis.

you should call for small stability and use RotGD for the clash to reduce the dmg on your melee. if done right you can use it twice (80 nrg) so for 10 sec 50% dmg reduction.

dont use IR at the start as most of the time FB will have the stability ready up. so use it like on disengage or on the middle of the fight. it cost 30 nrg so with 40 you can use RotGD.

you want to swap legend as you dont have much to do with jalis if you use both you Elite skill swap to ventari for regen, and sustain heal.

pay attention that jalis healing skill is 1 sec... so easy to CC .

facet of nature with jalis will reduce dmg by 10%. its nice but use it only if you build enough nrg.


regarding tablet movement . as you move with the melee the tablet always be with you and than behind you. why behind cause the melee move forward and the backline now is on range with the tablet. so this why you always try to move the tablet from the backline to the melee line. and heal them both. this is harder to master cause you have to "feel" the movement of the back line.


hope it was helpful


p/s there is another advance movement tactic i call it triangle X. it enable you to control the whole movement of the fight and move the tablet much easily as you see the movement of the enemy team and your ally team. but this is for later and not used always in all situation


put a vid from Friday reset

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> I am not really impressed by these numbers, some fights it shows regeneration with the most healing. While that is not completely surprising due to the nature of the boon, the other numbers I can get on a healing shout warrior using few brain cells.


the nature of the post is exactly what you mean. yes you need few brain cells to handle the support rev class and have the best hps in the squad. while most ppl complain about the clunkiness of the micromanaging so ty :D

regarding numbers:

the 3 skills which will and should be on top are regeneration with 850-950 hps (which no other class can get). with warrior at best it will be 350 hps ... - passive no brain cell needed

the second will be elevated compassion which heal around 1330-1500 every 3 sec which means around 450 hps - passive so no brain cell needed

the third will be or project tranquility or natural harmony - passive no brain cell needed

the forth will be face of nature- centaur which heal about 300 hps - passive no brain cell needed

so you can have with no brain cell above 3k healing per second 1 ally


you can check my other vids which will show more higher numbers (this vid you can see some 10k,15k,16k moments) . if you can get on warrior 10k healing per second and 1 million healing output during 2 min good for you.

but no FB can pull out this numbers.

also regarding condition cleanse usually i cleanse around 30-40 from allies. which is nice (scrapper can do a lots more)

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > whats that healing add on you are using?

> >

> > healing add? what do you mean


> arcdps has a panel you can do selfskills. right click on it and click friendly to show healing instead of damage skills.


oh thanks. yes i use arcdps with friendly so i can see my total healing output and skills and healing per second. and check my squad for boons application and condi cleanse etc...

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A typical backline healer, arguable useful , same situation as staff weaver or staff daredevil, can be really shine sometime(e.g. choke point defense, that's the time back line is a real back line, in open field there is no real backline, crossfires are from every direction) but it's very situational, not reliable as FB, chrono, scrapper or temp although probably has the #1 raw healing in the game.



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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> A typical backline healer, arguable useful , same situation as staff weaver or staff daredevil, can be really shine sometime(e.g. choke point defense, that's the time back line is a real back line, in open field there is no real backline, crossfires are from every direction) but it's very situational, not reliable as FB, chrono, scrapper or temp although probably has the #1 raw healing in the game.



have you tried it yourself?

rev has the shortest cd on any skill. easy to sustain heal , shine on open field or any field around him or the tablet

if you check my vids you could see i couldnt be viable if the HPS was low. if it was low it would mean that FB giving enough healing but they dont and cant.

chorno is no healer rather boon sharing and 1 cc trick on bobble.

scrapper is the only alternative which can be par with ventari... but in order to be effective must hug his allies and spamm skills like crazy, not doing any dmg at all. his boons comes from cleanse only. but he is the best cleaner.


also another reason why rev imo is much needed. FB moving mainly with the melee, scrapper also, mesmer for share boons also in some moment... who is running with the mid or back line... so only FB mean the group must stack together all time and without any room for error. think of it

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)




> please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?


As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> >

> >

> >

> > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?


> As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.


I agree with what you say here. This becomes more apparent in small scale groups. If you are the only support as a heal rev, you are infinitely easier to pressure than say a FB. Since so much of Ventari's strength lies within its healing modifiers, those are nullified for self-sustain.


I also agree with what you said about it shining in chokepoints. It feels so good in those situations, like I'm completely carrying the group. I'd say thats a good indication that the kit doesn't need drastic changes, but more flexibility and reactability to make it shine more in open areas.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?

> >

> > As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> > However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> > The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> > I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> > Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.


> I agree with what you say here. This becomes more apparent in small scale groups. If you are the only support as a heal rev, you are infinitely easier to pressure than say a FB. Since so much of Ventari's strength lies within its healing modifiers, those are nullified for self-sustain.


> I also agree with what you said about it shining in chokepoints. It feels so good in those situations, like I'm completely carrying the group. I'd say thats a good indication that the kit doesn't need drastic changes, but more flexibility and reactability to make it shine more in open areas.


Among all 6 stances, Ventari is the only one which provide zero stun breaker/ stability, I don't know why it's designed like that. I would rather trade off some healing power for at least 1 stun breaker in utility skills.

Best wish will be Purifying Essence become a stun breaker, hopefully next patch ??

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?

> > >

> > > As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> > > However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> > > The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> > > I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> > > Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.

> >

> > I agree with what you say here. This becomes more apparent in small scale groups. If you are the only support as a heal rev, you are infinitely easier to pressure than say a FB. Since so much of Ventari's strength lies within its healing modifiers, those are nullified for self-sustain.

> >

> > I also agree with what you said about it shining in chokepoints. It feels so good in those situations, like I'm completely carrying the group. I'd say thats a good indication that the kit doesn't need drastic changes, but more flexibility and reactability to make it shine more in open areas.


> Among all 6 stances, Ventari is the only one which provide zero stun breaker/ stability, I don't know why it's designed like that. I would rather trade off some healing power for at least 1 stun breaker in utility skills.

> Best wish will be Purifying Essence become a stun breaker, hopefully next patch ??


Yes that would definitely be the best candidate. I imagine they did not attach a stunbreak to the kit because you can control the tablet whIle CC'd, but the game has too much CC and powercreep not to have a stunbreak now.

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> >

> >

> >

> > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?


> As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.


although what you say is right it seem you have problem in positioning and movement. most of the fight i have above 75% hp if not 90%. when ranger target me i use block evade and move away. if warrior comes just dodge out . you should see him. like i saw the warrior coming and got myself ready for burst heal.

the design on rev healer is you hardly use spamm skills rather watch what going on the map and react to it.

stun break i have with legend swap and facet of darkness. tablet can be used even if stun as you can see me stun on gravity well and use my heal to support my allies in it and me. 2 weeks is not enough to learn and master ventari rev....

i am still mastering jalis cause of the high activation time of healing skill...

in gvg it might be problem if you get targeted but the solution is moving with the group so you hard to focus.

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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?

> > >

> > > As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> > > However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> > > The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> > > I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> > > Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.

> >

> > I agree with what you say here. This becomes more apparent in small scale groups. If you are the only support as a heal rev, you are infinitely easier to pressure than say a FB. Since so much of Ventari's strength lies within its healing modifiers, those are nullified for self-sustain.

> >

> > I also agree with what you said about it shining in chokepoints. It feels so good in those situations, like I'm completely carrying the group. I'd say thats a good indication that the kit doesn't need drastic changes, but more flexibility and reactability to make it shine more in open areas.


> Among all 6 stances, Ventari is the only one which provide zero stun breaker/ stability, I don't know why it's designed like that. I would rather trade off some healing power for at least 1 stun breaker in utility skills.

> Best wish will be Purifying Essence become a stun breaker, hopefully next patch ??


dragon has no stability, mallyx also, shiro... also... only jalis... its seem a l2p issue. ventari desing to be able to heal even if you are stuned... if you need stun that much probably you doing something wrong

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?

> >

> > As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> > However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> > The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> > I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> > Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.


> although what you say is right it seem you have problem in positioning and movement. most of the fight i have above 75% hp if not 90%. when ranger target me i use block evade and move away. if warrior comes just dodge out . you should see him. like i saw the warrior coming and got myself ready for burst heal.

> the design on rev healer is you hardly use spamm skills rather watch what going on the map and react to it.

> stun break i have with legend swap and facet of darkness. tablet can be used even if stun as you can see me stun on gravity well and use my heal to support my allies in it and me. 2 weeks is not enough to learn and master ventari rev....

> i am still mastering jalis cause of the high activation time of healing skill...

> in gvg it might be problem if you get targeted but the solution is moving with the group so you hard to focus.


Look like you never get picked by any real ranger. your 20k HP will not hold you for more than 2 seconds and you have no chance to block since the rapid fire is always followed after a PBS. If you lucky enough to have protection on you, that's the only chance you can survive, but if you stay far from the melee ball I doubt you have protection on. Even u survive that, you have to pull back tablet close to you to heal yourself then you provide nothing to team.

I always use my soulbeast hunting among the zerg, heralds are one of the easiest cake since they don't have trait/skill to auto cast invul/evade etc.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?

> > > >

> > > > As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> > > > However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> > > > The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> > > > I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> > > > Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.

> > >

> > > I agree with what you say here. This becomes more apparent in small scale groups. If you are the only support as a heal rev, you are infinitely easier to pressure than say a FB. Since so much of Ventari's strength lies within its healing modifiers, those are nullified for self-sustain.

> > >

> > > I also agree with what you said about it shining in chokepoints. It feels so good in those situations, like I'm completely carrying the group. I'd say thats a good indication that the kit doesn't need drastic changes, but more flexibility and reactability to make it shine more in open areas.

> >

> > Among all 6 stances, Ventari is the only one which provide zero stun breaker/ stability, I don't know why it's designed like that. I would rather trade off some healing power for at least 1 stun breaker in utility skills.

> > Best wish will be Purifying Essence become a stun breaker, hopefully next patch ??


> dragon has no stability, mallyx also, shiro... also... only jalis... its seem a l2p issue. ventari desing to be able to heal even if you are stuned... if you need stun that much probably you doing something wrong


To me, any build without stun breaker is not viable in WvW, especially zerg/team fight. Stun breaker/stability is Never Enough. My spellbreaker run 5 stun breakers/stab and sometime I still die due to disable simply becoz stun never come alone, it's always chain stun, 90% case stun is equal to death. Your rev probably is lucky that you always follow a strong team which can handle most situation(in such case you heal or not, what class you play doesn't matter much), but it doesn't mean healing rev itself is strong enough. Go run with pug groups and post a video how you deal with all kinds of situation then it can prove healing rev is good.

I never doubt the healing power of rev, it's by far the Top1 to me, but it's just not reliable due to rev's own mechanism problem.


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> @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > > @"CRrabbit.1284" said:

> > > > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > > > here is another vid. new commander add me to his squad ( number of times he was saying the sustain was great ... i would like to think i had part of it...)

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > please tell me on 1:30 min ...@CRrabbit.1284 i am on open field am i? any healer can do that in 1 sec ?

> > > > >

> > > > > As I said, it shines sometime. I tried it for more than 2 weeks and some time I can even put multiple 5 digital numbers in a single burst heal, when it shine it really shines.

> > > > > However, there is also hundreds of time I got picked by a pew pew pew ranger from 1500 range on the side making me unable to do anything or a pioneer warrior dash into backline and stun lock to the death.

> > > > > The biggest issue of healing Rev is -- no self sustain (mainly becoz of no stun breaker or stability and lack of mobility), when your team on a winning side, you never feel it, but in another word, when your team on the winning side, you heal or not/how much you heal doesn't really matter. However, once your team get pressure / overwhelmed or yourself get marked/picked, you just can't survive or do anything.

> > > > > I have FB and scrapper as healer too, they are just opposite, no matter what situation (good or bad), they can ALWAYS output healing reliably, although maybe not much as a healing rev do when he is not under pressure.

> > > > > Healing Rev give me the exactly same feeling of my staff daredevil, compared with 5 digital healing, my daredevil can often put multiple 5 digital damage on a simple staff 5, IF I am not marked and not under pressure.

> > > >

> > > > I agree with what you say here. This becomes more apparent in small scale groups. If you are the only support as a heal rev, you are infinitely easier to pressure than say a FB. Since so much of Ventari's strength lies within its healing modifiers, those are nullified for self-sustain.

> > > >

> > > > I also agree with what you said about it shining in chokepoints. It feels so good in those situations, like I'm completely carrying the group. I'd say thats a good indication that the kit doesn't need drastic changes, but more flexibility and reactability to make it shine more in open areas.

> > >

> > > Among all 6 stances, Ventari is the only one which provide zero stun breaker/ stability, I don't know why it's designed like that. I would rather trade off some healing power for at least 1 stun breaker in utility skills.

> > > Best wish will be Purifying Essence become a stun breaker, hopefully next patch ??

> >

> > dragon has no stability, mallyx also, shiro... also... only jalis... its seem a l2p issue. ventari desing to be able to heal even if you are stuned... if you need stun that much probably you doing something wrong


> To me, any build without stun breaker is not viable in WvW, especially zerg/team fight. Stun breaker/stability is Never Enough. My spellbreaker run 5 stun breakers/stab and sometime I still die due to disable simply becoz stun never come alone, it's always chain stun, 90% case stun is equal to death. Your rev probably is lucky that you always follow a strong team which can handle most situation(in such case you heal or not, what class you play doesn't matter much), but it doesn't mean healing rev itself is strong enough. Go run with pug groups and post a video how you deal with all kinds of situation then it can prove healing rev is good.

> I never doubt the healing power of rev, it's by far the Top1 to me, but it's just not reliable due to rev's own mechanism problem.



i really dont understand what you want me to prove. going to play with pugs with no commander which use no comms and hope i will do well. so its like to ask you to play warrior from the backline without using your main hand weapon....

not all build is useable in all situation. healing rev design to play smartly and not spammy. if you used to spamm skill go play scrapper he spamm 11111211111. FB also need good commander to know when to use his healing or else he will be wast some skills.


and also i play with lots of pugs some are shown in previous videos.

most of squad fight we also lose and FB tend to die before me unless i do mistake in movement and reading the map. thus i think its not luck just that i play it for 1 year in pvp and wvw.

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Every t1 WvW Commander's Guide on how to successfully play heal rev for their squad:


1. Press Esc --> Character Select Screen

2. Delete Character Button --> (type name of Revenant) --> Click OK

3. Create Character Button --> Select Guardian (human female for their personal eye candy needs)

4. Use 78 Tomes of Knowledge

5. Visit the Heroics Notary --> Purchase (25) Notarized Scroll of Desert Heroics

6. Fully Unlock Firebrand

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Every t1 WvW Commander's Guide on how to successfully play heal rev for their squad:


> 1. Press Esc --> Character Select Screen

> 2. Delete Character Button --> (type name of Revenant) --> Click OK

> 3. Create Character Button --> Select Guardian (human female for their personal eye candy needs)

> 4. Use 78 Tomes of Knowledge

> 5. Visit the Heroics Notary --> Purchase (25) Notarized Scroll of Desert Heroics

> 6. Fully Unlock Firebrand



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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Every t1 WvW Commander's Guide on how to successfully play heal rev for their squad:


> 1. Press Esc --> Character Select Screen

> 2. Delete Character Button --> (type name of Revenant) --> Click OK

> 3. Create Character Button --> Select Guardian (human female for their personal eye candy needs)

> 4. Use 78 Tomes of Knowledge

> 5. Visit the Heroics Notary --> Purchase (25) Notarized Scroll of Desert Heroics

> 6. Fully Unlock Firebrand


LOL and than you face an enemy squad . used all F2 F3 with 1.5k hps and left with nothing till rev comes to fully hp your squad with 10k hps protection and regen ....


deso is T1?

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> I still find ventari very clumsy; the fact #6 has a "slight" delay and still 180 radius, and High energy ... I can't spam it and can't really be reactive (and so effective) if your squad moves in 500m².

> Spamming facets with Elevated compassion or Draconic echo feels more useful.


project tranquility passive proc regeneration in 240R and every 3 sec about 800 healing on 240r. when using the healing skill you proc around you every 10 sec water rune which heal about 3200. so just it to give your allies in 240R total of 850+270+320= 1;440 hps. the range to move it from one side to the other side is 1800 (900*2)

the active project tranquility proc in 180 r and all allies it passes through so you need to move it in the right direction of your team movement. its basically instead of YOU moving with the group , you move the tablet . and there is no slight delay on it. maybe you mean natural harmony delay of 1 sec

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