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Hey Devs, this is why I don't like PvP


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Trash talk doesn't really happen, not the same way it does in other games, and while I don't like it, its not that big a problem.


Toxicity is a real problem though.


Last match, I had someone calling everyone fuckers and yelling about our asshole trash just because we lost the first fight of the match. It happens, that guy needs to go see a psychiatrist.


Another recent-in-the-list-of-games-I've-played match featured someone who was so toxic I walked felt the need to walk away from the game to not chuck my computer out the window. Instead of throwing something, I hit report, ignored him, and walked around doing nothing waiting for the nightmare to end.


Can we please reduce the number of times a person can send a message in chat in PvP to a maximum of 5 per minute and 10 per match? More than that isn't needed for strategy, and the rest can be done with pings on the map.


Can we please do more to ensure people don't feel the need to walk away from their computer, reach for a now legal in Canada joint, and toke the bloke away?


While this happens exceedingly infrequently, I feel the strong desire to never return to PvP every time this happens. I still want to work towards the legendary PvP back piece, but I'm not sure I want to sit through that many matches of people informing me of how much I am like the chicken carcass they threw in the trash last night, or how I should stop playing the game, uninstall, kill myself, and so on.


Let's make it painful for people to be dicks.


People need to chill, it is quite literally just a game.


I like the competitive nature of PvP, but I don't want to form enemies in the process of competitive gaming.


People really need to just chill. Weed's legal now in Canada, maybe the blokes need to go for a nice hard toke or something, maybe some folks need to go through anger management or see a psychiatrist, but this behaviour is never ok and needs to end. Yesterday.

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Whenever this happens, just "consider the source." Who are *they* to tell you vile things over the internet? They're sad sore losers who have nothing better to do than pointlessly blow a gasket over a *game*. Geez, how thin-skinned and hot-tempered can they *be*? Report, block, laugh it off, feel pity for their tiny inconsequential lives, and move on...'cause in the end, it's words on a screen that come from the mouth (well, fingers) of pathetic, rage-filled nobodies. Wow. So hurtful. Ouch. Don't rise to their bait; ignore them.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I actually feel like the game isn't as fun when people aren't talking some kind of mad kitten in the /t chat or /m chat.


> Whatever happens, keep it interesting, keep it competitive.


I like you. Some form of trash talk between players keeps things interesting, and raises competitive spirit. As long as it's not outright offensive (apart from occasional 'noob' and such) towards the player.

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@"Lizdeath.5143", you are right, toxicity is growing and it is not fun at all. Yes, some people obviously enjoy such behaviour (for whatever reason), but I too don't.


Just try to stay positive, be a good example and forget these people as quick as possible. I'd love more incentives from Anets side, but I try to give a lot of positive hints and compliment people. It starts with little things.


Just don't lose your spirit. :smile:

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> @"Lizdeath.5143", you are right, toxicity is growing and it is not fun at all. Yes, some people obviously enjoy such behaviour (for whatever reason), but I too don't.


> Just try to stay positive, be a good example and forget these people as quick as possible. I'd love more incentives from Anets side, but I try to give a lot of positive hints and compliment people. It starts with little things.


> Just don't lose your spirit. :smile:

I think you're absolutely right.


I'm fairly thick-skinned, but my armor doesn't stop toxicity. (It's condi damage, clearly.) More often than not, it's coming from your own team not the opposite side. I like PvP, but it wasn't worth the frustration dealing with so many obnoxious players. I just stopped mid-season last time around. Maybe I lost my spirit.


What can be done? Turning off map/team chat is a solution but...not a great one. Rate limiting team chat might work, but the rate suggested by the OP seems a bit low. Magically infusing a sense of comradery and sportsmanship into an ad hoc internet team that doesn't crumble at the first lost skirmish? Seems....unlikely.

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holy kitten. gw2 playerbase is SO casual that pvp players don't like pvp simply because people are mean to them on the internet. jesus christ.


turn off /map and teamchat.




personally I don't spend much time in game anymore cus it's dead and nothing has changed for 6 years. but cmon man.


literally any pvp game is gonna have toxicity. if you can't handle it, don't play.

do you really think anet has to cater to your butthurt?? get real. or do like I said and create a pvp chat tab where /t, /m and /w is muted.

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Toxic players make the game so much more entertaining. Some of the insults they throw at you can be absolutely hilarious and never fail to give me a good laugh.


You have so many options when someone flames you:

-Block them and report them (boring)

-Flame them back to get a funnier reaction

-Act really nice and friendly to them in hopes of making them even angrier

-Completely ignore them and watch in amusement as their flaming gets more and more severe as they desperately try to get a response

-Tell them to 1v1 you in a private arena after the game for 100g (always some easy gold)


I use all of these options (other than block+report lol) depending on how I feel at the time or what I think will provide me with the most entertainment.


If some random loser on the internet flaming you over gw2 pvp actually bothers you, in all seriousness, maybe you should reconsider if competitive games are for you.


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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> (...)

> If some random loser on the internet flaming you over gw2 pvp actually bothers you, in all seriousness, maybe you should reconsider if competitive games are for you.

> :)


This is unfortunately the current solution, but it should _not_ be the destination. That would be like - watch out, I overexaggerate - telling people to just deal with rape, because "it has always been like this" and stuff like that.


I strongly disagree with this opinion. We all should work on proper behaviour as best as we can. We do not have to work as much and urgently on it as on my example, but still.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Honestly, I feel it's a two-way issue.


> People need to stop being so sensitive, and keyboard warriors need to stop focusing on chat instead of gameplay.


Funny on how all these complainers are able to take 5 min to complain & wright about trash talk & pvp toxicity killing pvp. But has no idea how to take 5 sec & use the bloc button on the chat box. hum,.... make you wonder.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> holy kitten. gw2 playerbase is SO casual that pvp players don't like pvp simply because people are mean to them on the internet. jesus christ.


It is not that. This toxicity problem plagues everything but maybe the high end of the PvP. So, when you come in as a new player, the first thing you meet in PvP is the toxicity from people in your team - not from the people you won. Lower ranks are filled with people who think that they are the goddess/gods of PvP, and the only reason they are loosing the first mid fight is that their team is trash. You need to be relatively high in rank to be able to avoid those people, or being able to ignore them.


> @"bigo.9037" said:

> turn off /map and teamchat.


In a game mode where coordination is the key to success?


> personally I don't spend much time in game anymore cus it's dead and nothing has changed for 6 years. but cmon man.


I understand that, and you know, sort of, it confirms what the OP said.


> literally any pvp game is gonna have toxicity. if you can't handle it, don't play.


Ah, yes. All PvP will have toxicity, but who gives that and how you react to that, that is all up to the game mode itself. Before my previous game, I played a full-PvP 24/7 game. Allies - guilds in this game's terms - were led like army units. No-one survived alone, if you were kicked off from your ally, you became a farm to your former allies: if you were in a weak ally, you were farmed anyways. In that game, the toxicity came from the opposite side(*). In the previous game, it has open world PvP. In that game, toxicity comes from your opponents. In this game, in WvW(**), toxicity comes, if it comes, from the opposite side, they think you are cheater or played unfair and thus you won them. In this game, toxicity in PvP comes from your own team, it comes without reason (you know you played right, and still you get blamed). That is a big difference.


(*) EDIT: In that 24/7 PvP game, I got used to IGMs that first threatened me ("I will call my friends to trash your account to ashes"), then when I continued farming them they got bit more personal ("I'm 2 meters tall, 120 kg UFC champion, lets meet in real life."), after that they were suggesting some kinds of trades ("I will send you half of my resources every day, if you leave me alone."), to the begging ("Please. Im just a meaningless player, I don't threat you in any ways, can you please leave me alone. Please? Please? ... Please..."). I could not do that, because to win our main opponents, I needed to crush down several other accounts. But still, all that came from the opposite side. Not from my team mates.


(**) EDIT2: At WvW side, my team mates instruct me to be a better player. At PvP side, I get teamed with people who can't even say why we lost, yet they think they are eligible to say others than themselves have no glue about PvP.


> do you really think anet has to cater to your kitten?? get real. or do like I said and create a pvp chat tab where /t, /m and /w is muted.


Does not resolve anything. It just prevents you to coordinate your teams efforts.


Better choice is to go to automated tournaments with premades, or WvW. There the shit comes from your opponents, not from your "team mates".

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > holy kitten. gw2 playerbase is SO casual that pvp players don't like pvp simply because people are mean to them on the internet. jesus christ.


> It is not that. This toxicity problem plagues everything but maybe the high end of the PvP. So, when you come in as a new player, the first thing you meet in PvP is the toxicity from people in your team - not from the people you won. Lower ranks are filled with people who think that they are the goddess/gods of PvP, and the only reason they are loosing the first mid fight is that their team is trash. You need to be relatively high in rank to be able to avoid those people, or being able to ignore them.


> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > turn off /map and teamchat.


> In a game mode where coordination is the key to success?


> > personally I don't spend much time in game anymore cus it's dead and nothing has changed for 6 years. but cmon man.


> I understand that, and you know, sort of, it confirms what the OP said.


> > literally any pvp game is gonna have toxicity. if you can't handle it, don't play.


> Ah, yes. All PvP will have toxicity, but who gives that and how you react to that, that is all up to the game mode itself. Before my previous game, I played a full-PvP 24/7 game. Allies - guilds in this game's terms - were led like army units. No-one survived alone, if you were kicked off from your ally, you became a farm to your former allies: if you were in a weak ally, you were farmed anyways. In that game, the toxicity came from the opposite side. In the previous game, it has open world PvP. In that game, toxicity comes from your opponents. In this game, in WvW, toxicity comes, if it comes, from the opposite side, they think you are cheater or played unfair and thus you won them. In this game, toxicity in PvP comes from your own team, it comes without reason (you know you played right, and still you get blamed). That is a big difference.


> > do you really think anet has to cater to your kitten?? get real. or do like I said and create a pvp chat tab where /t, /m and /w is muted.


> Does not resolve anything. It just prevents you to coordinate your teams efforts.


> Better choice is to go to automated tournaments with premades, or WvW. There the kitten comes from your opponents, not from your "team mates".


you are incredibly naive if you think teammate toxicity is something exclusive to gw2. any game where 1 players downfall is a detriment to the team will include toxicity among the team. it happens in MOBAs too.


just tell them you are new when you get into the match. most people will be ok with that. if some of them aren't, so be it.


if you let strangers online who say bad things about your ability to play your character in a fictional game universe get to you and bring you down.. life is gonna be tough for you.


I recently started playing a game with my gf and sometimes she gets upset because she thinks she's bad at the game when we lose etc. but I always tell her "you're not bad, you're just new". keep that in mind.


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First things first:


> @"bigo.9037" said:

> I recently started playing a game with my gf and sometimes she gets upset because she thinks she's bad at the game when we lose etc. but I always tell her "you're not bad, you're just new". keep that in mind.


I fully agree with this.


> @"bigo.9037" said:

> you are incredibly naive if you think teammate toxicity is something exclusive to gw2. any game where 1 players downfall is a detriment to the team will include toxicity among the team. it happens in MOBAs too.


Ah, I am not. Yes, in other games you will eventually start to get negative feedback from your allies, but as I said, or think I said in previous post, it is bit different to the situation in this game's ranked PvP. Just because how ranked PvP works. It is similar to game modes for example in WoT (World of Tanks), except in WoT (EDIT: solo queued) MMR matches are just for dailies - when you are ready to start to compete, you join a guild to start the real matches.


I told how in that one 24/7 PvP game, if you got kicked off from an ally, you became yourself as a private farm to your former allies (and in that game, it practically meant that you could stop playing and delete the account to save you from months of embarrasment). But if that happened, it happened after you were kicked out, after not playing your part in the team. Not when you were in your team.


You didnt answer to claims I thought are more important, but took some - lets say easy targets from my post. Would not mind to you to address those other things, too.




> @"bigo.9037" said:

> just tell them you are new when you get into the match. most people will be ok with that. if some of them aren't, so be it.


In ranked? Honestly, are you serious? You say you are new, most often half of the team starts moaning right from the beginning how their possibility to win was taken off by MMR giving them a noobie. And then during the match, you will heard it all the time. If the match is win, they say that "whoosh, am I good, I won even with noobies in my team" and if you loose, they say "fuck, I knew right from the beginning you cant do anything, what a waste of time, go back to PvE or switch the game, you are worthless and dont know anything."(*)


(*) EDIT: I know you are an experienced PvPer. Try that at some point, make a new account, start it over, and say that you are noobie, and watch how people react. EDIT2: On the other hand, no, it would not affect to you even in new account. It affects to people who really are newbies and try to learn the game mode. You can ignore all the trash your team mates throw to you, even if not knowing your background, but new players can't because they have not yet any big accomplishmets to make them certain they do the right things, or even that they are in the right track of learning to be a good PvPer.


WvW is much more fair in that regard.


> @"bigo.9037" said:

> if you let strangers online who say bad things about your ability to play your character in a fictional game universe get to you and bring you down.. life is gonna be tough for you.


Hmmh, I think you are missing the point, at least my point.


If you want it short, my point is that WvW side is more healthy than ranked sPvP, and that unranked sPvP is more healthy than ranked sPvP.

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Yeah, I agree toxicity is a big problem. Honestly I can deal with someone being rude in general chat, but my problem is when people get really ugly and whisper you all sorts of things.


I had folks calling me pig and telling me to go die because I didn't storm into enemy base 2vs4. I had a person telling me how a human doesn't argue politely with a pig when I asked them to mind their manners.


I actually had an idea to start a public shaming thread. You take screens of people being rude and post it in the thread. But I'm not sure if that would be in complience with the rules.


On topic of argumentation "Yolo its internet deal with it" - that kind of stance really wont help us solve anything and improve community of the game. Apathy never helped improve anything. Why should I stay silent if there is something bothering me and not demand an objective improvement? Human beings have agency to react to perceived injustice around us, you are not just some passive bystander.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> I had folks calling me pig and telling me to go die because I didn't storm into enemy base 2vs4. I had a person telling me how a human doesn't argue politely with a pig when I asked them to mind their manners.


Ah, yeah, lower ranked PvP is full of both wannabe-goddess/gods-of-PvP blaming all the others, and pure trolls making their dailies and wanting to ruin everyone else's game play. It makes it bit hard to anyone new to GW2 PvP to start climbing PvP ladders to make them better players.

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Just answering myself. At PvP side, including both unranked and ranked, I have ever received positive feedback from my enemies, never from my team mates so far. And that positive feedback from my enemies can be divided to two sections: (1) someone has really said after the battle, that "goosh, you was good, it was really difficult to fight against you", or (2) someone has said "fuck you on your ranger/necro/guard/mesmer/whatever, I know I would won you on different class, you little bastard!". From my "own" teams, I have never ever really heard anything positive. Not a single time, not ever, not even once. In best case they have been silent, at some point they have maybe told 'gg' at the end when winning, most of the time nothing.

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> (...) Ah, yeah, lower ranked PvP is full of both wannabe-goddess/gods-of-PvP blaming all the others, and pure trolls making their dailies and wanting to ruin everyone else's game play. It makes it bit hard to anyone new to GW2 PvP to start climbing PvP ladders to make them better players.


On a side note, do not worry - plenty of high tier players are awful as well. :smile:


I might be missing the comparison though.


> @"TamX.1870" said:

> Just answering myself. At PvP side, including both unranked and ranked, I have ever received positive feedback from my enemies, never from my team mates so far. And that positive feedback from my enemies can be divided to two sections: (1) someone has really said after the battle, that "goosh, you was good, it was really difficult to fight against you", or (2) someone has said "kitten you on your ranger/necro/guard/mesmer/whatever, I know I would won you on different class, you little kitten!". From my "own" teams, I have never ever really heard anything positive. Not a single time, not ever, not even once. In best case they have been silent, at some point they have maybe told 'gg' at the end when winning, most of the time nothing.


Sadly, that is something everybody should realise. Few people are actually positive and/or helpful. I am trying to say something from time to time, if everybody started doing it, the community would already improve! :smile:

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"TamX.1870" said:

> > (...) Ah, yeah, lower ranked PvP is full of both wannabe-goddess/gods-of-PvP blaming all the others, and pure trolls making their dailies and wanting to ruin everyone else's game play. It makes it bit hard to anyone new to GW2 PvP to start climbing PvP ladders to make them better players.


> On a side note, do not worry - plenty of high tier players are awful as well. :smile:


Hahah :D :D :D Thanks for this, now I am really motivated to get higher ranks in sPvP :D :D :D

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