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Revenant Tips/Weapon choice? WvW/PvP


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I've been enjoying Revenant on a PvE side of things for many months now.


I am a reasonably OK player regarding PvP and a hardened veteran when it comes to WvW.

Problem is; that's all with a Guardian.


I've checked Meta builds for Revenant and they generally seem similar across the board for both PvP and WvW, build-wise, apart from the obvious armor/trinket stat changes.

What I want to know is if anyone has any tips, play-styles, or preferred weapon choices for either PvP or WvW, as a Revenant, as I'm struggling to play either with any efficiency.



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If you play on a server that plays very ranged bomb heavy then power hammer is always going to be a solid choice.


If you play on a server that melee balls a lot and gets up there and you want to survive through the front line then most of the frontline metabattle builds are pretty accurate. Power hammer works here too, but you gotta work a bit harder to survive if you get caught out as part of the back line.

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In WvW it's entirely about what you can bring to your team.

As such, you'll unquestionably be running Mallyx, even if you're power. Sorry, pain absorb is too important in the current WvW meta.


Your choices from there will be dependent on what the group needs. Dwarf offers stability for the group & survivability for you, glint is mostly for the heal (If you're in any organized group you'll have plenty of might anyway), and ventari is for a hilarious knockback tank build.


Really, there's quite a few ways to play revenant and I can't just say "Do X".


I can tell you that running shiro is sub-optimal in pretty much every scenario over your other options. And that if you're running a build that isn't tanky, then don't expect to sit on the front line tanking it up.

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Check the Builds on metabattle. But these are the most useful:

**Backline Rev**

- Full dps with Hammer/Staff

- Strength runes

- Invocation/Devastation/Herald

- Glint/Shiro

- Usage: Damage Spikes from backline, kinda glasscannon


**Melee Rev**

- dps with Hammer/Staff

- Durability runes

- Devastation/Retribution/Herald

- Dwarf/Mallyx

- Usage: Melee Support and damage


**Heal Rev**

- Healspam with Staff

- Healrune of your choice

- Salvation/Retribution/Herald

- Ventari

- Usage: 14k+ aoe heals every 3s + alacrity


I hope this helps. Its all regarding of the situation

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Not much has been said about condi rev, but I think a good hard look should be given at this. Mace/Axe with Vipers armor and Trailblazer trinkets. There is s lot of stat flexibility here to get the desired power / condi ratio. Also, given the durations of your primary damage (torment) full 100 condition duration is not necessary.


This build works very well when running with a coordinated Frontline and with condi reaper. And when traited for corruption, all mallyx skills give you resistance!

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Two big differences of guardian vs rev 1) no invuln and 2) very limited stability.


You might think the glint heal and shield block provide invuln. But I've lost count of how many times I've seen stunlocked/immobbed rev die right after the heal expires, and the shield immobs you (usually means death) and you can get CCed out of it. Because of these deficiencies the best real "invuln" you have is staff 3 and 5.


For stability you have retribution trait and dwarf roads. I think retribution is unreliable and never there when you need it. Road requires you to run dwarf legend which is a pretty big penalty to power damage and also not super useful for condi rev. This is one weakness of the metabattle builds; they assume you will get good stability from guardians in your party, which is is only true for a small number of guilds (and certainly not for pug zergs).


Therefore when running power rev, if I plan to push with tag, I run staff/hammer and jalis/mallyx and use road before engage to give myself stab. Otherwise I run a glassier backline rev and swap jalis for glint to get the damage boost, then try to be really careful with positioning.


Lately I've been fond of an off-meta "Death Cleric" build. It is Vanilla rev Salvation/Corruption/Invocation, Mallyx/Ventari, Apothecary/shaman gear for Toughness/Vitality/HP/Condition damage. Trailblazer Mace/Axe and Cleric staff, with a second axe with stacking sigil that I swap out depending on whether I want to stack HP or Condition damage. No stability, so still need to be careful about positioning - not as big of a deal when running in heal mode, but in damage mode you have to be careful of skills 3 and 4 since they could move you into a stunlock death bomb. Use staff for block and escape. I run traveller runes because I hate going slow, and use the mallyx jump to keep up with the group if I get behind. Stay with the group because you are easily picked by any gank build if you fall behind. Have had some really good fights with this build, the ventari can really help group sustain. Been the last one standing a few times and gone out in a blaze of glory.


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> @Kodiak.3281 said:

> If you play on a server that plays very ranged bomb heavy then power hammer is always going to be a solid choice.


> If you play on a server that melee kitten a lot and gets up there and you want to survive through the front line then most of the frontline metabattle builds are pretty accurate. Power hammer works here too, but you gotta work a bit harder to survive if you get caught out as part of the back line.


I am a huuuge fan of the melee kitten meta. ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/5SAEMo07UV0ha/giphy.gif "")


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This is **solely** regarding WvW - I cannot offer PvP Rev Advice

When it comes to WvW, I use the worst of all choices from the looks of it.

* [Hammer x Mace/Shield]

* [Ventari/Glint]

* [salvation / Corruption / Herald] Condi/Healer Mashup

* Hammer/Range keeping the 4 up as point defense for the small group I run with

* Tablet bubble for emergency rescue (Shield bubble to counter range pewpew death - then explode to counter stomp)

* Tablet Alacrity to tighten siege CDs

The list of choices / reasons I could offer for perspective come from small group (3-5 persons) decisions

As you have not come back yet to comment I would be curious as to what lessons from your time as a Guardian aren't applying to playing the Rev, if this question is still valid/pending.

Or if there is a different 'role' you're curious about playing in the WvW environment to help those more experienced to advise you

Also which Tier/Match-ups/Etc that you're normally facing could help


Just some thoughts.

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