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Active WvW Server on NA during EU Primtime


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Hello people \o/


I hope you are all doing fine and don't crucify me for this post as I am sure there are loads of posts like this but I haven't been able to find the answers to exact questions that I have been looking for so please help me out!!


Little backstory about me: I am/used to be a EU (7pm-10pm) prime time commander for both GvG guilds and Open tags. I would like to think I know what I am doing as I have been doing for almost 5 years now. I currently have taken a break and want to return to the game and start playing, however most of my friends on EU have left the game so I am looking for somewhere fresh and new to start., NA seems like a fine place to start fresh :)


So what I am looking for a is a server that is willing to fight and mainly only fight (when I am commanding that is, if the server wants to ppt it's perfectly fine but I don't want to hear on TS/discord people moaning that I am only fighting and not ppting), I am a fighting commander so PLEASE UNDERSTAND PPT bores me to death UNLESS WE ARE SOMEHOW TROLLING or need to attack a T3 to get fights. I am looking for any tier server where during the image posted below times we can get a group large enough to have good fights (I don't want to win them all as it would be boring otherwise) but at the same time I don't want a brain dead server where people have no thumbs.


https://imgur.com/a/EclBkaL Link to my play time (shows both EST and PST), it's basically 7pm GMT to about 1am GMT.

https://wvwstats.com/na - website I used to see kills/deaths during EU Time.


For me a good fight is roughly even numbers so can be 30v30v30 to zone blobs with +/- 10/15 people on each side.

It would be cool if the server has some EU guilds that are semi-hardcore with interests in scrims etc.

Benefits would be an open community that isn't to toxic (some toxicity is fine as for some reason skill always brings toxicity).


I currently have no preference on the servers and tiers.

If I move to this server, I can offer open tags at least 3 times a week during weekdays from 7pm GMT and being a willing and contributing member of the WvW Community.


If you have any more questions, hit me up on discord spygliukas#2893 or ingame.


Cheers Peeps! o7



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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> Why not just play on EU? I mean you are going to play in EU prime, looking for EU time guild. Interested in GvGs (which are pretty much dead on NA)... Why?


Firstly, I am not looking for a Guild, I said it would be cool if they had guilds.... not a requirement.


Secondly, I want to experience NA style of game play and maybe learn a thing or two from them or teach them a few things.


EU would be great, however most servers are either so stacked that there is no competition or so salty that you don't wish to be there. There are nice communities however the differences between the nice community and some skill is to huge here.


Hope that gives you so clarification.


Cheers o7

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> People apparently enjoy ppt. Even more of the population would prefer not to fight at all and just cap keeps the entire time.


> I hate them too and I argued with people about this in the past, trust me you're not going to win even when you're right.


I agree that sometimes you will still get people who will scream for you to PPT so it will cause issues... but there are communities who strive for PPT and others who don't mind what happens. It's just really making sure the server I got to is not 100% invested in being a PPT server if that makes sense.

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Most EU players are on EU servers. As with most EUtz guilds. That being said, there are populations during that timezone and SEA guilds staying up late.

OP I think your idea is to command against a server already organized at that time? Good servers to oppose would be Blackgate, Northern Shiverpeaks or Kaineng. Other than that you'll be in the backcapping race that makes up so much of off hours WvW.

With one caveat, weekends people/guilds are definitely active during EU as it's noonish for the east coast. If you login early on weekends, you'll also have SEA guilds to oppose on a different list of servers.


If you're serious about driving routinely we also have our very own Illuminati on NA who might render guidance you'd appreciate. (But that's a secret, shhhh)

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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> and OCX/SEA


You're wrong on that one. NA has all the ocx/sea guilds but they're stacked on 2-3 servers so for most matchups it's a map blob karma training against 5-10 players.

While EU servers don't have any ocx/sea guilds(if i'm wrong, hook me up), there's plenty of pugs to go around on all servers in all tiers. Servers with pugmanders always have action going around, though most commanders at these hours are ppt first.

Same situation for EU timezone on NA, if you're not against one of the few servers with coverage, it's pve with no loot for a week.

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> @"Boredom.3972" said:

> > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > and OCX/SEA


> there's plenty of pugs to go around on all servers in all tiers. Servers with pugmanders always have action going around, though most commanders at these hours are ppt first.


I am on FA and I can tell you we have no EU coverage at all. Maybe 10 people and never any tags during the week. Even being in T1 I rarely even see BG during EU tz. SoS has a decent amount during EU tz tho.


Note: this isn't a match up post. Just talking about time zone coverage so mods pls don't lock.


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> @"Crius.5487" said:

> Being on KN, we do have a healthy population of players who are willing to fight during EU time zone. We also have an EU guild so transferring to a server that may oppose KN so we can have fights instead of knocking on doors would be fun.


KN confirmed for having a decent EU population with Mi being the principal guild for that timezone. Could use some decent enemy commanders to fight.

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> @"Crius.5487" said:

> Being on KN, we do have a healthy population of players who are willing to fight during EU time zone. We also have an EU guild so transferring to a server that may oppose KN so we can have fights instead of knocking on doors would be fun.


This is what I am trying to figure out is what server to be on to face a EU population.. I know some servers have it some don't making this the hard task...

I want to be on a server that opposes a server that has EU population but at the same time has enough to be able to put up a fight.


> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > @"Crius.5487" said:

> > Being on KN, we do have a healthy population of players who are willing to fight during EU time zone. We also have an EU guild so transferring to a server that may oppose KN so we can have fights instead of knocking on doors would be fun.


> KN confirmed for having a decent EU population with Mi being the principal guild for that timezone. Could use some decent enemy commanders to fight.


Mi as in Monkey Inquisition or something like this? I mean if KN has a population of EU people, what server would be opposing this and do they have numbers but lack tags at that time to combat this?



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> @"spyglys.4793" said:

> My last question is since my game play time laps with EST a bit ranging from 3pm to about 6-7pm (maybe later depends on how tired am I) What time does prime time start in EST is the normal 7-10pm or is it earlier?


All people look at this differently but EST prime on NA hours tends to start around 8:00 est, or 0100 gmt.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"spyglys.4793" said:

> > My last question is since my game play time laps with EST a bit ranging from 3pm to about 6-7pm (maybe later depends on how tired am I) What time does prime time start in EST is the normal 7-10pm or is it earlier?


> All people look at this differently but EST prime on NA hours tends to start around 8:00 est, or 0100 gmt.


Ahh so i'll just be missing it T_T


Honestly this is tough as everyone seems to have their own opinions, so still deciding not gona rush this as this will be a long transition.

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