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Top 9 Class difficulty List.


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This Top 9 is not about the skill needed to play the class, but about the minimum Skill needed to be considered **Usefull** in a Zerg setting.


Have Fun.





**Nr 9. Necro**

Skill needed: Very Low.


You can give a completly new Player a Scourge build and he will be usefull in about 2-3 hours.

Scourge can be played with large variants of stat sets , without loosing to much.

Berserker, Marauder, Cele , Dire , Trailblazer and many more.


**Nr 8. Guardian**

Skill needed: Low.


Very Tanky and mostly doesnt need to aim his skills.

This class can require some skill, but only when the opponents Necros are not Braindead.


**Nr 7. Revenant**

Skill needed: Low to Medium.


Mostly a 10 Target Boon Bot.

Energy management and CoR Aim are the only problems a Rev has to overcome.


**Nr 6. Mesmer**

Skill needed: Medium


Mostly a Utility Class with Portal, Veil and good CC.

Can play a role as a Support/Healer.


Mesmer is often seen as a difficlut class but most builds that are played and are usefull in zergs dont require to much skill.


**Nr 5. Warrior**

Skill needed: Medium


Only played because of the Spellbreaker Elite.

A good placed Bubble can win entire Zerg Fights.


A good warrior that knows when and where to place its Bubble is gold worth.


**Nr 4. Engineer**

Skill needed: Medium to High.


One of the best pure Healer in the Game.

Needs good CD management.

Skill needed, scales with the stupidity of your own zerg.

You basicly fight against your own Zergs idiots.


**Nr 3. Thief**

Skill needed: High


Often seen as not very usefull.

Can work wonders with Staff Daredevil, yes even in Zerg fights.


Mostly not recommended because the thief really needs to know what he is doing.


Note: Elementalist is higher on the list because Thief has higher Mobility and Stealth.


**Nr 2. Elementalist**

Skill needed: Very High


Weaver scales perfectly with risk.

A low skilled Elementalist that needs a high % of Marauder Gear is often not very usefull, but

a good Elementalist, who can survive with a high % of Berserker gear can be devastating for your enemy.


High risk / High Reward


**Nr 1. Ranger**

Skill needed: Extremly High.


Despite popular believe a Ranger can actuall be usefull, even in a Zerg.

However, the skill needed to archive this state is for most players out of reach.



_Feel Free to disagree and/or make your own list._

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i dont know on what u base ur list.


for example i find thief(yes main) piss easy to play in both ways zerg/roaming

while on rev i die faster when i make error and roaming is completely out of question for me right now on this char.


while a proper rev will give me a fight like no other..

think all classes are equally hard when u look at complete picture.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> i dont know on what u base ur list.


> for example i find thief(yes main) kitten easy to play in both ways zerg/roaming

> while on rev i die faster when i make error and roaming is completely out of question for me right now on this char.


> while a proper rev will give me a fight like no other..

> think all classes are equally hard when u look at complete picture.


Thief needs to be melee.

Rev dont.


Thief needs to know how to survive while doing dmg.

Rev has 2-3 passive auras and 3 skills on hammer he needs to press.






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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > i dont know on what u base ur list.

> >

> > for example i find thief(yes main) kitten easy to play in both ways zerg/roaming

> > while on rev i die faster when i make error and roaming is completely out of question for me right now on this char.

> >

> > while a proper rev will give me a fight like no other..

> > think all classes are equally hard when u look at complete picture.


> Thief needs to be melee.

> Rev dont.


> Thief needs to know how to survive while doing dmg.

> Rev has 2-3 passive auras and 3 skills on hammer he needs to press.







yes while a roaming rev forgot which server he was on destroyed me and multiple other thiefs in straight up 1v1, including many other classes.

rev isnt all about hammer.


like i said all classes are equally hard depending on situation ur being put in

rev might rock at range with massive dmg while thief easily survives in blob while bouncing around for 2 reasons, u have evades non stop and when guardians do drop down water fields u blast em constantly or any other decent field u just constantly put nice crap on for your self while evading.

so ye i dont see how some classes need more skill then another.


just requires class knownledge, and situation to say class X is good at it or not.

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Are you saying berserker > marauder for elementalist? and even base skill asumptions on that? WTF.


EDIT: Also apart from necro and rev it's pointless to discuss minimum skill required to be usefull. As those 2 are only classes that are usefull with relativly(compared to other classes) little skill.

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As a Zerg-Noob (only roaming) I have no proven Basis but:

Why is a bersi ele so much more useful than a marauder ele? the Damage difference between marauder and bersi is known to be small, even more if it is a mixture anyway. So why do 3-4% of dps make a big difference in zerg where it mainly Comes down to the number of Players and stickyness?


Why do you list engineer only as a healer? Why can't a DPS Holosmith AOE Close-range Damage Machine that can also provide Superspeed-Fields for the whole zerg (theoretically) not be equally useful than other Close range classes, such as e.g. the daredevil?


Same for Revenant, he can provide incredible burst range damage.





Ah now I see "the Minimum skill needed" for Zerg fights, so you just take the easiest build/function for each class and rank those.

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You really need to specify more of what goals you have in mind.


For example, ranger can indeed go for high-risk playstile and be more impactful that way and that is far from easy, but ranger also has the easiest of all classes pew-pew from absolute safety mode (not impactful but still efficient in terms of getting rewards progress and delivering high damage on few people).


Thief is somewhat similar on that matter, one can go for gimmick long-stealth lurking around bursting unfortunate zerglings once per 5 min and making edit-queen video while at it. That is also not very difficult. But one the other side if he wants to be impactful and take part in real fighting that becomes increasingly difficult due to having the least of all classes access to easy/passive defences and defensive boon-farting.


List goes on.

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Many people will probably disagree however I run my staff weaver with marauder and some knights and durability runes. I also run air and arcane trait line instead of air and fire. That way I supply boons (like protection from attuning to earth) and easily blast water fields by dodging while in earth. Sure it is not the highest damage however it brings some group utility and does not drop dead if someone happens to breath your way. Meteors still hit for 8-9k, autos for 4k, and that's more than fine to me. If anything it deals more damage than the dead weaver what went full glass and only got 1 meteor shower off.

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The list is silly.


I find it quite hard to be a good guardian amongst 20+ other guardians that are probably all better than me, but I find it incredibly easy to be the best ranger in a squad since the assumption that there even is a ranger in the squad have to be that I'm leading it and that I kick every other ranger that try to join.

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Everything is easy when you don't care about any sort of contribution to the squad.

Playing a necro is easy, being in top 5 dps and boon corrupts isn't.

Playing a firebrand is easy when you're a bad firebrand.

Playing a revenant is easy, flanking and topping damage charts isn't.


Btw, you must be new if you think that the bubble is the only thing the warrior is good at.

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Thief doesn't need to be melee range (DE) and it would depend on what the thief' s role is in that zerg/blob fight. I for example usually designate myself (core s/d) to taking out stragglers, anyone that falls out of line and harassing backline while circling the zerg fight. A ranger can potentially do the same. There's more to zerg fights than just having 30 people clash against another 30 full on.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> **Nr 1. Ranger**

> Skill needed: Extremly High.


> Despite popular believe a Ranger can actuall be usefull, even in a Zerg.

> However, the skill needed to archive this state is for most players out of reach.




TIL you need a lot of skill to press 2 and then spam 1 mostly while standing on a wall.



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Any class who dose not need to swap wepon or whom can see skills cd at all times is easy. So the more cd you must track the harder the class is to play its even worst when you cant see thoughts cd at all. Made all the worst when you have cd on the ability to get to thoughts hidden cd. That just pure rotation when it comes to viability the lower hp / def classes are harder to play.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Yes scourge noob profession, ranger pro profession. You're playing freakin bow and arrow in a tab target game, how much skill do you think is needed here. Imagine if ranger actually had to aim to hit its arrows. Oh boi, every ranger would be re rolling right now.


And projectiles are even able to track down stealthing players xD

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Anyone can post a list. Here's mine, easy to hard:

Necromancer-Guardian-Warrior > Ranger > Mesmer > Revenant > Thief > Engineer-Elementalist

That said, top tier rangers take a lot of skill to play, as does sustaining well on non heal-bunker Druids. Its only a "pug class" because (like warrior) you can get mroe out of it as a brand new player. The list I posted is what I consider the average result based on average player input.


~ Kovu

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