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Thank you for localizing Guild Wars 2!

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I would like to thank all localization teams from the beginning of Guild Wars to the current Guild Wars 2 for their terrific work!

It always felt as if Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 was originally created in my native language (German). Playing in German always felt like this game was specifically made for me. I felt I was at home, and not in some foreign place.

Even some untranslatable wordplay was translated successfully or replaced by some German counterpart.

There were a few irritations (such as world name translations at the start of GW2, or Ektoplasmakugel / Ektoplasma-Batzen), but such things happen. No harm was done.

Keep up the good work.

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Spanish didn't get voice acting.

While some people resent that, it is actually something I'm thankful for.


First, people from Spain are too afraid to use English, they want everything translated, but nowadays everyone needs it.

By having a button to quickly switch the text language, GW2 becomes a tool to learn English. Don't know what something means? Press AltGr, get the Spanish text. Boom. Instant language change. Magic.


And Spanish speakers react badly to foreign accents. Standard Spanish from Spain sounds 'forced', 'over-corrected' or 'snobbish' to South American speakers, and South American Spanish accents sound 'cheap', 'unprofessional' or 'low budget' to Spaniard audiences.

It's enviable how British and Australian accents sound so cool to American speakers.

To make things worse, Spanish voice actors have very low standards, their syndicates operate almost like a mafia, and they get their positions mostly by cronyism and/or nepotism rather than merit, so the quality of their work has been steadily deceasing over the years.

I would never blame any company for not getting anywhere near any of that. It is only fair.


So good work indeed, all things considered.

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