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in raids. i get kicked everytime by people using ARCdps. why are they allowed to see my dps?


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The point remains: envoy armor is a skin that was specifically designed as a reward for those committing to so-called challenging group content. For those without inherent interest, there are two choices: don't try it (giving up on the skins) or take a stab (after which one might decide it is fun or that it's worth pushing through or give up on it).

Yes, that is indeed the current situation. Whether it's good or not remains a different matter however.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Fun fact, iirc the per person dps to beat vg on timer is around 6k.

Sure, but that ignores druids, and split phases (as it only counts boss dps, it doesn't count time lost on small colored guardians).

In reality, if your dps players do 6k, you won't be able to come even close to killing it before enrage.

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> @"Blake.1908" said:

> I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow

> 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.

> 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?

> 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know

> 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)


> thank you in advance for any feedback



1. You are in group content. If your build brings nothing to the fight, (if your DPS build isn't doing DPS) what specifically gives you the right to be carried? Arenanet has decided that Arc is fair game. It's not your DPS, it's your contribution to the group's DPS and as such the group has every right to know if you are holding up your end.

Post your "unique" build. Let's see if your "own style" actually brings any other great attributes to the team.

2. There are plenty of stat sets that can offer acceptable DPS. Or you using one of those or are you one of those players showing up for a rain an a mismatched collection of Rares and uncommons?

3. Have you ever tried to hit a good skill rotation in the middle of a fight?

4. This is Group Content. Just because you dont want to play support doesn't mean no one else does. Why marginalize those players just because you want to be "unique"?


What's clear from your post is you don't play much group content and have decided that rather that do your job in the group adequately (and conform to the expectations of 4-9 other people relying on you), you have hopped on the forums to argue about why you should be carried. It's typical of a huge number of players in this community who believe that just showing up and tagging a boss is good enough for top tier rewards in this game.

It's not.

Nor should it be.


I'm starting to think this is indeed a troll looking for a slot on one of Nike's raid rant videos.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > > @"Blake.1908" said:

> > > > i understand that people prefer the tried and trusted and i have no issue with the players in raids, my real issue is the content that is restricted to that, im sure a lot of people want the legendary armor but cant get it because they cannot raid, i would just like to be able to get my armor even if its in a different way or even another armor set that has some good looking features because lets be honest the WvW/pvp armor doesn't look nearly as good as the raid armor, its like they put 0 effort into them. i say add a Pve armor set make it grindy sure i still don't mind, but atleast then i know i am able to obtain it the same way i was able to make 7 legendary weapons

> > >

> > > If you want the shiny raid skin, then you have to put in the effort to raid. If you just want non ugly legendary armor, you can craft wvw or pvp then reskin it with your favorite pve cosmetics.

> > >

> > > Raid bosses have an enrage timer, meaning they will wipe your group if you dont kill them in time. If you dont deal enough damage, you wont kill them in time. You need to find a build that deals enough damage to beat the timer. Your build right now isnt working for that. Groups have a right to replace you if your personal performance is bad enough to cause failure.

> >

> > Just an FYI, but PvP is releasing a new shiny skin on November 13, that can be converted into a Legendary status item.

> But we also know, that the actual legendary unique skins for wvw and spvp aren't going to happen, and that the legendary armor for both of those modes was allowed only under this (no unique skin) requirement. And only because they neither count for already existing legendary armor achievement, nor have they their own achieves.



At this point it is the other way round: WvW and PvP get their legendary skin without the need to upgrade it to actual legendary status for some currency.

It's just like if the PvE leg armor precursor would be the same skin as the actual leg armor, you have your skins, with pretty neat effects. It's just not legendary stat swap to begin with, but can be upgraded.

What's better is for you to decide, I think it's fair that you can show your dedication to the gamemmode with the skin without being forced to also have the currency to upgrade it, but it also makes it "easier" to get, but the complaining about the lack of PvP/WvW leg armors is getting old....

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> @"Zunki.3916" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > > > @"Blake.1908" said:

> > > > > i understand that people prefer the tried and trusted and i have no issue with the players in raids, my real issue is the content that is restricted to that, im sure a lot of people want the legendary armor but cant get it because they cannot raid, i would just like to be able to get my armor even if its in a different way or even another armor set that has some good looking features because lets be honest the WvW/pvp armor doesn't look nearly as good as the raid armor, its like they put 0 effort into them. i say add a Pve armor set make it grindy sure i still don't mind, but atleast then i know i am able to obtain it the same way i was able to make 7 legendary weapons

> > > >

> > > > If you want the shiny raid skin, then you have to put in the effort to raid. If you just want non ugly legendary armor, you can craft wvw or pvp then reskin it with your favorite pve cosmetics.

> > > >

> > > > Raid bosses have an enrage timer, meaning they will wipe your group if you dont kill them in time. If you dont deal enough damage, you wont kill them in time. You need to find a build that deals enough damage to beat the timer. Your build right now isnt working for that. Groups have a right to replace you if your personal performance is bad enough to cause failure.

> > >

> > > Just an FYI, but PvP is releasing a new shiny skin on November 13, that can be converted into a Legendary status item.

> > But we also know, that the actual legendary unique skins for wvw and spvp aren't going to happen, and that the legendary armor for both of those modes was allowed only under this (no unique skin) requirement. And only because they neither count for already existing legendary armor achievement, nor have they their own achieves.

> >


> At this point it is the other way round: WvW and PvP get their legendary skin without the need to upgrade it to actual legendary status for some currency.

> It's just like if the PvE leg armor precursor would be the same skin as the actual leg armor, you have your skins, with pretty neat effects. It's just not legendary stat swap to begin with, but can be upgraded.

> What's better is for you to decide, I think it's fair that you can show your dedication to the gamemmode with the skin without being forced to also have the currency to upgrade it, but it also makes it "easier" to get, but the complaining about the lack of PvP/WvW leg armors is getting old....


Agreed, and it once again brings up the topic of, why does spvp get a legendary to begin with? Absolutely useless for the game mode. If at all spvp should have gotten an amazing skin for very devoted players, would have made way more sense game mode wise.


The only reason for the spvp legendary armor availability is to bring players into the game mode which don't actually want to be there. We could start an entire argument on if that is a good or bad idea alone.


As such my position is, and this thread derailed heavily by now, let people be happy with what they have and hope that spvp and wvw (biased here, way more of a wvw player than spvp) get some much needed love game mode wise (not only rewards).

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> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> Delete raids from the game and ban all third-party software users. Case solved nice and easy. Raids have no place in GW2, nor do DPS meters.


As long as there is absolutely no need to attend raids to reach your strength maximum, nor it being the absolut best way to farm curreny, raids can coexist with everything. I never PvP but I'm fine with games having a PvP mode, I also don't really do WvW but I like GW2 having this as it can perfectly coexist. I never think I am really forced into any gamemode beside maybe that WvW legendary material needed for the weapons, but I mostly do them through daylies so I don't care much...


Even if you think that ressources are wasted in one of the parts you don't play yourself I wouldn't be so sure about that. Some people come for the raids but give it up but stick to other things, some play only 10% of their time raiding but would completely go if they would not exist, and and and.

More than 12%/22k of the 188k HoT-Accounts registered on gw2efficiency.com have fully completed wing 1-3. I know this represents not everyone, but it gives at least a number that 22k players cleared w1-3.

Also, already 12.7k of those players defeated the first boss on the newest wing.


And then there is more, the "Raiding Party" of Teapot actually does quite good on twitch, compared to other gw2 stuff, so you could argue that this brings peaople in the game and spreads the word that gw2 is still fully functional and alive.


Anet has a reason why they implemented raids, I don't think they do it for nothing.

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As someone who in an off meta static, i can tell ya that dps is important.

The websites help players to understand which are damaging skills and you can do this, do that to create a rotation loop. In time, you'll get better as your muscle memory remembers everything.

However, like me and my friends, we'd have to spend extra time, even golds to test other options, figure out your own rotation. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. But hey i like that and we just have to switch trinkets to get back to wvw. Kinda convenient. Plus you don't change with the meta unless something worthy come out. Like rune/sigil rework.

The dps meter pull data from Anet. So there's nothing against you.


As a dps, you have to perform your part to a certain degree. Noone would expect you to hit the benchmark but at least reasonable so that you pull your own weight.

If you can't dps, you could play support. And these roles are harder. Mechanics that you have to do alone. But you'd still get your leggy armor. Just need more practice.


It's teamwork so we rely on each other boons/heal. So as a dps, people could rest assure that they're covered and can focus their skills instead of running around trying to heal themselves.

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> @"Blake.1908" said:


> I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow

> 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.


If you are a warrior in raids the only real contributions you have to a fight in raids is Banners, Empower Allies, DPS and some boonhate (for fights where it matters).


The DPS is not on your account, it is towards the boss, from your account. This basically reads as "I am aware of that I am performing poorly, I don't want people to see it however so I can leech of them and get what I want without contributing".


> 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?


You are entitled only to a chance to earn it like everyone else. You are entitled to have the ability to make your own groups where you call the shots.

You are not entitled to people not kicking you if they don't want you in the group. Whoever is raid leader is entitled to kick whoever they want to, if people don't like it they are entitled the right to leave the group .


> 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know


That would be all of PvE more or less?


> 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)


Because this is raids. They are group content, group content is supposed to be made for groups, the only way to change this would be to remove support builds, which would kill the desire for many people to play PvE at all.

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I agree with everything the OP says. I don't play raids so I can only talk about my experiences in fractals and I can tell the elitist attitude of some players is really annoying. I have been getting kicked from groups lately because of my 'low dps'. This is strange to me because in groups with normal people I don't have any problem and we clear the fractals in a decent time. FYI I run a full berserk stats herald. This isnt considered to be a meta build anymore on sites like metabattle but who cares? I still love playing the build and IMO that's the thing that should matter the most in PVE. Therefor I also don't like people getting information on my performances. In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.

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> @"DiZ.1086" said:

> I agree with everything the OP says. I don't play raids so I can only talk about my experiences in fractals and I can tell the elitist attitude of some players is really annoying. I have been getting kicked from groups lately because of my 'low dps'. This is strange to me because in groups with normal people I don't have any problem and we clear the fractals in a decent time. FYI I run a full berserk stats herald. This isnt considered to be a meta build anymore on sites like metabattle but who cares? I still love playing the build and IMO that's the thing that should matter the most in PVE. Therefor I also don't like people getting information on my performances. In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.


While I feel your pain, let me repeat what you said though:


> @"DiZ.1086" said:

> **In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.**


This goes both ways, you get to play the game the way you like and other people get to play the game how they like. If you play with like minded people who do not care as much about peak performance, then all is fine. Why do suddenly players who want better performance be forced to adapt to your play-style?


Isn't that a double standard?


EDIT: and just to be clear, arcdps tells people NOTHING about your gear or build or setup. It merely gives an indicator of your performance. As such you are given as much freedom as possible to be creative, as long as your performance is up to par (and par is very VERY low in pug groups). This is most evident for people who run their own off meta builds and no one ever notices.

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> @"Blake.1908" said:

> I play my own style making me as a player unique

You are not unique. It might sound harsh but every role and player is replaceable.

> yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes

What attributes do you bring? A raid encounter has mechanics that get solved by matching a number of successful combined attributes of the players in the squad. If an encounter has a mechanic of CC then the squad need to bring a combined amount of CC dealing skills or the mechanic fails and the teams die. A great attribute is ones that solve the mechanics of the raid, and bad attributes are those that do not solve the mechanics. Warrior is commonly given the role of bringing CC to counter CC mechanics and DPS and DPS boosters to counter DPS mechanics. All other attributes that do not contribute to solving the mechanics of the raid are by definition worthless, not unique.

> 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.

Every player in the squad can see the mechanics being solved in a raid encounter. They can see who has highest toughness, who has low health, high health, has poison, get teleported and so on. DPS is just one of many mechanics that a squad need to solve, so why would you want to make it harder for the group to see if they are succeeding with the mechanic?

> 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?

As many other players has said, you are not entitled to having 9 other players help you get your legendary armor. If you want to dictate the ways you get your armor, either form your own group or pay up. Just like real life, if you want people to work together you either pay, cooperate as a group, or dictate the terms and hope others will accept them.

> 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know

A raid encounter has a long list of mechanics, one is DPS. if you don't want to do DPS then switch to a role that deal with other mechanics. Anet has so far not made a raid boss without a DPS mechanic so you can always wish that anet make one.

> 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)

There is a easy individual way to get this. Pay others to do it for you. Raid is a team activity so its pay or cooperate.


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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > Many people don't like the idea that anyone can just buy a legendary with gold (generation I) and many don't like the idea that legendary armor is just a matter of grind (gen I & II). "Legendary" to some folks means something requiring more than showing up at the right place on enough occasions.

> > > Sure, but then you dig deeper, and realize that the envoy armor doesn't fit their definition of "legendary" either.

> >

> > Which also speaks against the OP's argument.

> >

> > The point remains: envoy armor is a skin that was specifically designed as a reward for those committing to so-called challenging group content. For those without inherent interest, there are two choices: don't try it (giving up on the skins) or take a stab (after which one might decide it is fun or that it's worth pushing through or give up on it).


> They also have the option of buying raid kills. If you buy just enough to get the collections done, and then just grind to 150 LI from MO,escort, and trio weekly, it only doubles the cost and takes around 10 months. This is a pretty reasonable way for a non-raider to get the armor.

Listen to yourself. The "reasonable" way for a non-raider to get legendary armor should be _to craft it_, same as the weapons. There is _literally_ no reason the acquisition of the two should be different, unlike every other tier of gear.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"DiZ.1086" said:

> > I agree with everything the OP says. I don't play raids so I can only talk about my experiences in fractals and I can tell the elitist attitude of some players is really annoying. I have been getting kicked from groups lately because of my 'low dps'. This is strange to me because in groups with normal people I don't have any problem and we clear the fractals in a decent time. FYI I run a full berserk stats herald. This isnt considered to be a meta build anymore on sites like metabattle but who cares? I still love playing the build and IMO that's the thing that should matter the most in PVE. Therefor I also don't like people getting information on my performances. In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.


> While I feel your pain, let me repeat what you said though:


> > @"DiZ.1086" said:

> > **In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.**


> This goes both ways, you get to play the game the way you like and other people get to play the game how they like. If you play with like minded people who do not care as much about peak performance, then all is fine. Why do suddenly players who want better performance be forced to adapt to your play-style?


> Isn't that a double standard?


> EDIT: and just to be clear, arcdps tells people NOTHING about your gear or build or setup. It merely gives an indicator of your performance. As such you are given as much freedom as possible to be creative, as long as your performance is up to par (and par is very VERY low in pug groups). This is most evident for people who run their own off meta builds and no one ever notices.


You make a valid point but I am afraid you are mixing some things up. Of course I have nothing against people playing with metabuilds. However, the whole discussion was about how people interact with each other in PUG. If people want to play in optimized groups thats their choice but I just feel like in PUG you should be prepared to have people with you that run builds they love playing and aren't rly the best of the best. You don't have to go around kicking people for that.

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> @"DiZ.1086" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"DiZ.1086" said:

> > > I agree with everything the OP says. I don't play raids so I can only talk about my experiences in fractals and I can tell the elitist attitude of some players is really annoying. I have been getting kicked from groups lately because of my 'low dps'. This is strange to me because in groups with normal people I don't have any problem and we clear the fractals in a decent time. FYI I run a full berserk stats herald. This isnt considered to be a meta build anymore on sites like metabattle but who cares? I still love playing the build and IMO that's the thing that should matter the most in PVE. Therefor I also don't like people getting information on my performances. In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.

> >

> > While I feel your pain, let me repeat what you said though:

> >

> > > @"DiZ.1086" said:

> > > **In the end, this is just a game and people should be able to play it as they like.**

> >

> > This goes both ways, you get to play the game the way you like and other people get to play the game how they like. If you play with like minded people who do not care as much about peak performance, then all is fine. Why do suddenly players who want better performance be forced to adapt to your play-style?

> >

> > Isn't that a double standard?

> >

> > EDIT: and just to be clear, arcdps tells people NOTHING about your gear or build or setup. It merely gives an indicator of your performance. As such you are given as much freedom as possible to be creative, as long as your performance is up to par (and par is very VERY low in pug groups). This is most evident for people who run their own off meta builds and no one ever notices.


> You make a valid point but I am afraid you are mixing some things up. Of course I have nothing against people playing with metabuilds. However, the whole discussion was about how people interact with each other in PUG. If people want to play in optimized groups thats their choice but I just feel like in PUG you should be prepared to have people with you that run builds they love playing and aren't rly the best of the best. You don't have to go around kicking people for that.


This is not about meta builds or non meta builds. There is tons of people who play non meta builds, but they also bring performance.


There is tons of people who play meta builds and suck big time.


Meta builds =/= good performance.


Terrible dps on arc = terrrbile dps.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:


> Listen to yourself. The "reasonable" way for a non-raider to get legendary armor should be _to craft it_, same as the weapons. There is _literally_ no reason the acquisition of the two should be different, unlike every other tier of gear.


Some items requires you to do map completion, some force you to do sPvP, some WvW and others Raids. Just because item A can be acquired one way doesn't mean item B should be acquirable the same way. Legendary is not another tier of gear, legendary is a huge "waste" of gold for a minor convenience. Even so you can get legendary armor currently from sPvP and WvW too. I hardly see how this is a problem.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> There is _literally_ no reason the acquisition of the two should be different, unlike every other tier of gear.

There literally is a reason: it's a reward for raiding.


And incidentally, you do craft legendary armor; the recipes are unlocked via collections which are completed primarily (not exclusively) through raiding, as well as one of the mats/currencies. It requires a lot of PvE, too.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > Many people don't like the idea that anyone can just buy a legendary with gold (generation I) and many don't like the idea that legendary armor is just a matter of grind (gen I & II). "Legendary" to some folks means something requiring more than showing up at the right place on enough occasions.

> > > > Sure, but then you dig deeper, and realize that the envoy armor doesn't fit their definition of "legendary" either.

> > >

> > > Which also speaks against the OP's argument.

> > >

> > > The point remains: envoy armor is a skin that was specifically designed as a reward for those committing to so-called challenging group content. For those without inherent interest, there are two choices: don't try it (giving up on the skins) or take a stab (after which one might decide it is fun or that it's worth pushing through or give up on it).

> >

> > They also have the option of buying raid kills. If you buy just enough to get the collections done, and then just grind to 150 LI from MO,escort, and trio weekly, it only doubles the cost and takes around 10 months. This is a pretty reasonable way for a non-raider to get the armor.

> Listen to yourself. The "reasonable" way for a non-raider to get legendary armor should be _to craft it_, same as the weapons. There is _literally_ no reason the acquisition of the two should be different, unlike every other tier of gear.


The method I described above is the crafting method....Do you not know that legendary armor is crafted?

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> @"Blake.1908" said:

> I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow

> 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.

> 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?

> 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know

> 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)


> thank you in advance for any feedback



I completely agree with you, Iam quite new player (about 330hours in), playing mirage and I am still learning new things. I recently went to Jahai and started closing those rift where there are hordes of creatures and a boss, I found out that with my build I am able to deal all by myself without dieing (actualy without a problem, just requires sashing buttons for a while) yet I think I would get kicked from raids too because people are like you need to play meta or you are useless.

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> @"Vashan.3098" said:

> > @"Blake.1908" said:

> > I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow

> > 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.

> > 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?

> > 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know

> > 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)

> >

> > thank you in advance for any feedback

> >


> I completely agree with you, Iam quite new player (about 330hours in), playing mirage and I am still learning new things. I recently went to Jahai and started closing those rift where there are hordes of creatures and a boss, I found out that with my build I am able to deal all by myself without dieing (actualy without a problem, just requires sashing buttons for a while) yet I think I would get kicked from raids too because people are like you need to play meta or you are useless.


Again, in the end noone is even able to see your build, so it's not about being meta. It's about doing your job and not messing up mechanics. If you get kicked, it's because you failed at one (or both) of those.

Unfortunately, raids have relatively high requirements in that regard. 10 people playing their usual non-meta open world builds simply won't be able to do those encounters, unless they also happen to be extremely skilled and accidentally fulfill the minimum requirements (that last is by no means a guarantee, by the way).

If having a few of such people didn't result in much lower chances of succesfully finishing the encounter, i'm sure there would be far less discrimination going out. Unfortunately, it _does_ result in lower chances, and not by a small degree.

It's an encounter problem, not people problem.

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> @"Vashan.3098" said:

> > @"Blake.1908" said:

> > I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow

> > 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.

> > 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?

> > 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know

> > 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)

> >

> > thank you in advance for any feedback

> >


> I completely agree with you, Iam quite new player (about 330hours in), playing mirage and I am still learning new things. I recently went to Jahai and started closing those rift where there are hordes of creatures and a boss, I found out that with my build I am able to deal all by myself without dieing (actualy without a problem, just requires sashing buttons for a while) yet I think I would get kicked from raids too because people are like you need to play meta or you are useless.


no one requires meta DPS builds. there are off meta build that work really well in raids. im pretty confident to say a player with high knowledge of his off meta build and class will achieve higher dps numers than a player that copypasted a metabuild 15 minutes before heading in the raid.

The Problem is, a lot of traits are pretty useless and you lose a lot of dps by n using them. also there are only 2-3 viable stat combinations for dps classes, the rest again, is pretty useless in instanced pve content. tanking mechanics and staying alive isn´t achieved through stats, its achieved via teamplay and knowing the encounter. but you can simply see for yourself. would be actually awesome if you would go to the golem trainings arena and post your results here with your "pretty good ow build" or share it with us via http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ . remember all you are in for as a dps class in raids is doing dps.

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> @"Vashan.3098" said:

> > @"Blake.1908" said:

> > I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow

> > 1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.

> > 2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?

> > 3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know

> > 4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)

> >

> > thank you in advance for any feedback

> >


> I completely agree with you, Iam quite new player (about 330hours in), playing mirage and I am still learning new things. I recently went to Jahai and started closing those rift where there are hordes of creatures and a boss, I found out that with my build I am able to deal all by myself without dieing (actualy without a problem, just requires sashing buttons for a while) yet I think I would get kicked from raids too because people are like you need to play meta or you are useless.


If there's a raid encounter that requires one to solo a bunch of mobs and a boss you'll be the first one I call. The current raid environment does not require that. If I'm taking a mirage they need to be dealing 15k+ dps in a raid setting. If your open world mirage can do that you're more than welcome to join. Don't actually care what build you run as long as it produces results.

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