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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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Controller support. Believe me, i was all about the pc masterace with mouse when playing shooters and rts-es in the past, even with gw 1 and core gw 2. Now 42 (yes im old) its not so nice anymore on the wrist, hand, arm and neck to the right. Hot is the most demanding in that part. Thats why i like the action games on steam for example that have controller support. Many people who swear by mouse only forget (or are to young to know) that there was a time when pc games where all about having different input support (joysticks, flightsticks, stearing wheels/peddals etc). That is the power of the pc, customability.

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* Fire orchid seeds continue to drop long after you finish the Wayfarer's Henge collection. I'm tired of destroying them.

* Boar bristles continue to drop long after you finish the Bifrost precursor collections.

* Toward the end of the personal story step "Source of Orr" (lvl 80), King Reza says, "For this service, I grant you an ancient honor: you shall carry the title "Champion of Orr" from this day forward." Yet you do not actually get this title in your achievements. **I WANT THIS TITLE!!!!**

* At the beginning of the personal story step "A Fragile Peace" (lvl 40), Forgal gets stuck near where the waypoint would be in Ebonhawke. You don't really need his help, but it irritates me that he's all "we were glad to help" when HE didn't. I have a screenshot of it, but I can't find a way to insert it in here and I don't have image hosting anywhere.

* White Mantle Knights in Bloodstone Fen. They have an aggro radius of about 5 miles and can see through walls, rocks, hills, whatever. Five or six of them will come out of nowhere just to beat on your keester.

* Typos in the personal story that are still there after 6 years. *twitch* *twitch* Come on, guys. You must have a gazillion reports on each one.

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My grievances:

* No build templates yet

* No elementalist out-of-combat-only weapon swap

* Grenade kit and mortar kit skill #1 cannot auto-attack (or have an option to do so)

* You've sold too much message on the trading post

* Invisible walls

* Using LFG to find a squad only to get the map full message

* No tome to hold all lounge passes yet

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Some of this has been mentioned already, but I'll include them just to drive the point home of how annoying they are.


-Chain CC

-White Mantle Mesmers

-The animation for Charr walking and running with rifles.

-Anet being scared of letting vast explorable areas be to 'empty', and filling the area with annoying enemy mobs, so it's not possible to just stop and enjoy the view or enjoy the journey.

-The Karka Exterminator/Turl Sharptooth's Rifle not being an obtainable rifle skin.

-Enemies that have crazy long kiting ranges (as in how long they chase you for, not aggro range)

-Game giving me a ridiculous amount of loot, and then timing me out of the trading post when I try to sell it.


-Dodge not dodging in the direction I'm moving.

-Items that look the same, have the same name, and do the same thing, but don't stack.

-The core map boundaries being highlighted with grey rectangular mountain ranges that stand out way to much.

-Engineer backpieces not being obtainable.

-Warrior shield anims (Holding them out to the side, instead of infront.)


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Getting endless stacks of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and such which I will NEVER use because I hate crafting, I hate the mystic forge, and I have no interest in legendaries. The eaters can only consume a limited amount per day, which is annoying and more trouble than it's worth, so I don't use them. I just delete.... have probably deleted hundreds of thousands of these materials.

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I would say the indesicive or inconsistent skills design?

Back in the first few year, we have a director that openly said the changes is to "shake" the meta

Then, after that, we have another director changing the direction.

I hope they really sit together and talk among themselves what they really want about the future of the skills design.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> Lack of functional jetpacks.


Oh heck, I'm waiting for those in real life. I mean, The Jetsons made a promise.... ;)


> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> Friendly NPCs walking through other friendly NPCs.


> Story/achievement items that serve no real purpose (Nuhoch Warbler, Stone Dwarf Thumb, books like the one of Caudecus' letters, things that Belong In A Museum, etc.).


> The pronunciation of Jormag, jotun, and golem. (And maybe some others I've forgotten?)


Wyvern. It's from the Latin, it's not a matter of preferences, it's absolutely, linguistically clear: WHY-vern. We had someone on the team start the nastiness of WIV-ern, and it drives me nuts every time I hear it.


Ok, I'm done now. :anguished:


And we did say "petty" right? :D

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > Lack of functional jetpacks.


> Oh heck, I'm waiting for those in real life. I mean, The Jetsons made a promise.... ;)


> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > Friendly NPCs walking through other friendly NPCs.

> >

> > Story/achievement items that serve no real purpose (Nuhoch Warbler, Stone Dwarf Thumb, books like the one of Caudecus' letters, things that Belong In A Museum, etc.).

> >

> > The pronunciation of Jormag, jotun, and golem. (And maybe some others I've forgotten?)


> Wyvern. It's from the Latin, it's not a matter of preferences, it's absolutely, linguistically clear: WHY-vern. We had someone on the team start the nastiness of WIV-ern, and it drives me nuts every time I hear it.


> Ok, I'm done now. :anguished:


> And we did say "petty" right? :D


Ive noticed that people from the west coast are more likely to pronounce it WIV-Ern, all my friends from San Diego did when i moved there, and it was so annoying to listen to,, but id rather here that than get into a semantic argument over whats a dragon and whats not.



Petty Grievances? (sorry Gaile for having you quoted in this post!!!)


Complete disregard for a classes description(what anet defines the class as) when it comes to balance.


Powercreep thats been going on in both expansions, i fear what the third expansion will look like.


The Invisible walls added when mounts where added that blocked off a few really cool unfinished, but still interesting areas of the game(please remove these walls) that didnt affect gameplay whatsoever.


My beetle mount not drifting no matter what i do!


Updated with moar:

being unable to tame a wider variety of friendly animals that would make awesome pets(the Basenji for example).

seemingly random nature of when AI gives up even if its the same type of mob

inconsistency of progress towards heart quests, and heart quests that have no rapid way to progress it

events that got pulled from the game with the NPE yet the hearts in the zone still reference the event(looking at you Arena in plains of ashford), either add the event back or remove the reference(preferably the first one as it was the fastest way to do that heart.)

weapons/items/armor that uses the same icon as another item

not being able to see when people last logged on on my friends list



***And the big one***


My Charr not telling the Shining blade to buzz off when it came to "joining them" and serving the Queen, sorry, but no. that was just..god that pulled me out of the story instance so quick, and the "SO MUCH DEATH" shouted later in that story made me want to leave the instance...instantly. Jfc that is one instance when having individual dialogue for different races would have helped so freaking much.

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When you get a really sick aura/infusion effect and know it's not purchasable. Would look great on my Thief... It has distortion on the character, swirling blades around me and black smoke coming from my feet.

From the back it's not distorted but clear:

![](https://i.imgur.com/TFX09Lt.jpg "")


From the Front, I'm distorted:

![](https://i.imgur.com/tcf8x44.jpg "")


and 2 from the side to show the swirling blades around my character:

![](https://i.imgur.com/Qvh9asf.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/dnF8OZk.jpg "")



Also logging into this annoys me in a funny way:

![](https://i.imgur.com/2QXHXaj.jpg "")

Like thanks mate, really needed to log into an Ogre having a scratch n sniff of his arm pit.


Otherwise: Jumping puzzles and Vistas.... If I wanted to play Assassins Creed, I'd play Assassins creed... And Hearts, some are very sadistic. (in the middle of map completion)

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Those Reinvent themed weapons we were teased with Pre HoT and my Cute Asura Reinvent is still waiting to get his grubby little clawed mits on. poor little guy is practically in tears


some professions still lack a real condi removal *cough* thief *cough*


Pocket Raptors, Smoke scales, and those annoying things that shoot there spines at you like a Browning 50 Caliber machine gun

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> - Guild Wars don't having any war between guilds.


We used too but they removed team queue from PvP... Used to be filled with Guilds fighting it out but it was changed to accommodate solo players and solo rankings.


I think Guild v Guild might be a thing in WvW still? I know it used to reign heavy, some guilds I knew of even practiced their squad rotations in team queue pvp.

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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> Those Reinvent themed weapons we were teased with Pre HoT and my Cute Asura Reinvent is still waiting to get his grubby little clawed mits on. poor little guy is practically in tears


> some professions still lack a real condi removal *cough* thief *cough*


> Pocket Raptors, Smoke scales, and those annoying things that shoot there spines at you like a Browning 50 Caliber machine gun


You can get those Revanent weapons FYI. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zeghai_of_the_Lost <- Merchant for the recipes.

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* Not being able to use waypoints linked on chat while in Mistlock Sanctuary because you get stuck on the 4th layer of the map.

* When looking at a location through the PVE Daily Panel, you cant zoom in/out or move the map while the 'preview' is going on.

* Charr not having the Charr NPC /talk emote.

* The awful sPvP Matchmaking, and i'm not talking about afkers or trolls, but being matched against dragon players as a simple wolf rank player.

* Instruments being serverside instead of client-sided (you can't hear the note the same time youre playing it because of high ping/latency).

* Game demands more GPU power than necessary, I have a gaming laptop and I can run many games easily, but just having GW2 active my laptop starts feeling like a toaster and I can't even use internet browser freely.

* Dye-previewing...

* A lot of basic features like bank space and living world chapters being microtransactions on the game.

* Contested Waypoints, like if you would exploit anything on open world by resurecting instantly or something.

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