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PvP Season 13 Titles

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Hanakocz.5697" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > @"Hanakocz.5697" said:

> > > Why are people even mad about this? It is probably the first season where was total lack of wintrading for titles (because there were no titles to begin with), so those titles are probably more genuine than any others ever.

> >

> > Read the thread and you'll see why they are mad? Are they more genuine if people were convinced to not participate?


> They convinced themself to not participate. If they don't like to play for the gameplay, why they want those titles after all? Why bother in a gamemode that is for them so boring that only such rewards make them to play it? In my eyes, people who played without the visible reward, are more suitable to actually get those titles, if they are so good that they ended up on the top of the ladder.


> Nothing was stopping anyone to play. They did it themself and they can blame only themself.





Why do we have rewards, achievements or titles at all for anything in game then?

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> There are people who play only for rewards ? (That surely explains the regular crying when playing...)

> (Ok I admit If I knowed that there were rewards, I probably spend less time on exotic chronotank builds :) .)

> But reward or not, it didn't change the objective of being first isn't it ?


I think a lot of people wouldn't play meme builds all season if they knew.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > At the risk of fanning flames, please keep in mind that the people who inadvertently got titles did not purposefully exploit anything. They simply opened the box later than usual. Currently, our only means of removing titles has very severe additional repercussions and is not something we do lightly.

> >

> > We had 3 realistic options:

> > A) Ignore it and hope no one notices.

> > B) Announce the mistake but not grant titles to anyone else on the leaderboard.

> > C) Announce the mistake and grant titles to everyone else who placed on the leaderboard, knowing that some segment of players would be understandably upset. We felt this was the most fair of the 3 options.


> Can we get more visibility around what the repercussions would have been?


My best guess is that it would be the same sort of random (or at least arbitrary) thing that can go wrong if they change someone's account display name.(1)


(1) The fact that changing a *display* name can do this indicates to me that it is not, as such, really a "display name". A display name *should* be 100% cosmetic, with all "real" links inside the system's data structures being made using a hidden "internal ID" that can be whatever seems appropriate (simple integer as a serial number, GUID, whatever, so long as it is unique, chosen by the system, never shown to end-users, and *never* changed).

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> @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> You had no problem removing God Walking Amongst Mere Mortal titles that were given out erroneously, so how, exactly, is this different? This is poor form, but I can’t say I’m suprised. ?


Good point. I want visibility on the repercussions they keep mentioning

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> You had no problem removing God Walking Amongst Mere Mortal titles that were given out erroneously, so how, exactly, is this different? This is poor form, but I can’t say I’m suprised. ?


I'm really not sure exactly. But taking a quick look at how that title is set up, it's a bit of a special snowflake because it's getting information on whether you qualified for that title from GW1 rather than any actions you took in GW2.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> > You had no problem removing God Walking Amongst Mere Mortal titles that were given out erroneously, so how, exactly, is this different? This is poor form, but I can’t say I’m suprised. ?


> I'm really not sure exactly. But taking a quick look at how that title is set up, it's a bit of a special snowflake because it's getting information on whether you qualified for that title from GW1 rather than any actions you took in GW2.


Wouldn't that make it harder (which it clearly is, since it's constantly removed and reapplied when there's a problem with the GW1 servers) than removing titles in the few accounts that lingered onto their chests?

Also, risking talking above my pay grade, i find it odd that your algorithm has tied titles so strongly to the chest rewards. I mean, personally, i find it a bit of a lack of foresight, in case you ever want to have seasonal titles (which meant that a chest reward opened on the following season would get the wrong title awarded) or something like this, it just makes things that more complicated.

Anyway, personally, it just feels you haven't been trying enough on the sPvP side. And, honestly, it's these small _faux pas_ that pile on top of other things and lead to my personal discontent, and current aversion to playing GW2.

Arena Net's vision of the game has extremely diverged from my expectations, and at this point, i'm just hanging on, waiting to be proven wrong.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> > > You had no problem removing God Walking Amongst Mere Mortal titles that were given out erroneously, so how, exactly, is this different? This is poor form, but I can’t say I’m suprised. ?

> >

> > I'm really not sure exactly. But taking a quick look at how that title is set up, it's a bit of a special snowflake because it's getting information on whether you qualified for that title from GW1 rather than any actions you took in GW2.


> Wouldn't that make it harder (which it clearly is, since it's constantly removed and reapplied when there's a problem with the GW1 servers) than removing titles in the few accounts that lingered onto their chests?


The fact that it does this is probably why it's possible to remove the title without other repercussions. But as I mentioned, I'm not super familiar with how those titles work, so I shouldn't really speculate too much.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> > > > You had no problem removing God Walking Amongst Mere Mortal titles that were given out erroneously, so how, exactly, is this different? This is poor form, but I can’t say I’m suprised. ?

> > >

> > > I'm really not sure exactly. But taking a quick look at how that title is set up, it's a bit of a special snowflake because it's getting information on whether you qualified for that title from GW1 rather than any actions you took in GW2.

> >

> > Wouldn't that make it harder (which it clearly is, since it's constantly removed and reapplied when there's a problem with the GW1 servers) than removing titles in the few accounts that lingered onto their chests?


> The fact that it does this is probably why it's possible to remove the title without other repercussions. But as I mentioned, I'm not super familiar with how those titles work, so I shouldn't really speculate too much.


I agree, speculating is bad. Can one of the staff members clarify things for us? More visibility behind their reasoning would be nice. I'm leaning more towards just letting the people that wrongly got their titles keep them - the rest, sorry

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> @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Ben, don't you think Duo Q + Tittles is going to be a bad idea? Why not remove the Duo Q and leave the titles? If people go crazy manipulating matchs in Solo Q ... Dont you think it will be worse now with the availability of the Duo Q?




I've been saying the same thing. A lot of us know it's going to happen again

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> @"Hanakocz.5697" said:

> Why are people even mad about this? It is probably the first season where was total lack of wintrading for titles (because there were no titles to begin with), so those titles are probably more genuine than any others ever.


It goes both ways. There was less wintrading, sure, but also less participation/tryharding at the top so getting top positions was way easier and as it wasn't nearly as competitive as usual.


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> @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Ben, don't you think Duo Q + Tittles is going to be a bad idea? Why not remove the Duo Q and leave the titles? If people go crazy manipulating matchs in Solo Q ... Dont you think it will be worse now with the availability of the Duo Q?




Duo que helps prevent match manipulation. If someone on the enemy team decides to que an alt on your team and afk, you and your duo can still carry hard and win 4v5. This is impossible to do while solo quing.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Ben, don't you think Duo Q + Tittles is going to be a bad idea? Why not remove the Duo Q and leave the titles? If people go crazy manipulating matchs in Solo Q ... Dont you think it will be worse now with the availability of the Duo Q?

> >

> >


> Duo que helps prevent match manipulation. If someone on the enemy team decides to que an alt on your team and afk, you and your duo can still carry hard and win 4v5. This is impossible to do while solo quing.


I know we always disagree on this subject, but I really can't see a disadvantaged duo-queue beating a duo-queue with a full team.


If you and your teammate are plat 3, and the other duo is plat 3 with three other plat 2 team mates... I can't see a 4 man beating a 5 man. Some crazy stuff would have to happen (like the 5 man having two staff Eles meme'ing)


Edit: let this not stray us from the topic of this thread... :)

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Good. I'm in favor of this decision.


As a veteran player from 2012 that took a long break and came back to PVP, I only found out halfway through the season that climbing the leaderboards meant nothing in S13, but I gave it a go and climbed anyways.


I think removing all titles from S13 was a bad decision in the first place so I'm happy to hear that they will be retroactively awarded. If they remove any titles it should be from the accounts of win traders, not players who worked for them.


A lot of salty people in here thinking that just because they decided not to personally try at all this season means others who played PVP for the sake of competition shouldn't receive any rewards. PvP is about competing in the first place, so if you are crying about not getting titles this season because you didn't try then you're not a true PVP player anyways.

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