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Suggestions to make Dungeons more fun

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> when you kill a monster they blow up in confetti

> perma superspeed

> unlimited dodge, monster do tons more damage

> when you kill a monster they split into 2 smaller monster

> occasionally monster will attack in big fat waves outta no where

> no dodge, do double damage




Stupid as that is it kinda does sound fun hahaha

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I find dungeons to be pretty easy for story and balanced for explorable mode already if you have a group that knows what they're doing and don't really see a need to make them even easier.

Also I really don't see any major changes being made to old content like dungeons at this point, which have been pretty much replaced by fractals and raids in terms of development priority.

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> @"jwaz.1908" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > **1: Insta Rez**. Now you will be instant rez at the location of your choice regardless if anyone is in combat or not.

> >

> > **2. No Bills on repair**- It gets expensive and some people don't have money.

> >

> > 3.** Optional Boss Skip-** If a boss is too hard for the group like that Goblin Cave Slave I ended up dying near. Now you just enter which boss you want to skip

> >

> > 4.** Lower difficulty.** If a boss is too hard and you wipe more than 3 times than you can have an option to make the boss less difficult. This will save time, remove frustration and promote Harmony.

> >

> >

> > Can you offer some suggestions also?


> I honestly thought this was a joke....


I honestly hope it's a joke.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> There was a game i played, it had many things done wrong but ONE thing (making sure that low-level dungeons won't be empty) they did right.


> If only Arena.NET would adopt this idea. Thing were simple as far as you had a low-level player lets say lv 35-40 in your party for dungeon, in this case it would be AC, on clearance high level players would get special currency required for crafting top tier gear.

> Dungeons in that game never were empty, new/low level players wouldn't wait for a party, it was opposite, parties were looking for low level players.

> And on top of that it only worked for a particular low-level had to be or no more then 5 levels above the dungeon entry level and they can be carried only only 3 times .

> System was abuse free


That would not work well at all.


Funnily enough dungeons already give that except not many people need the item(Empyreal Fragments).


There are also the Nightmare runes from TA which are used in various condi builds at different points but that doesn't seem to have made much difference either.


As for abuse ... keep a lv75 char around on a F2P account. Have that char leave the dungeon before the boss dies. You could prevent that by requiring the lower level character to be around when the reward is given but that brings us to the next issue. Leveling speed in GW2 is much faster that most other games. 5 levels is ~7 dungeon paths.



> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> Realistically, one doesn't even need to know the mechanics any more. The PoF specs simply steamroll dungeons without much thought. The way to make dungeons more fun would be :


> A.) Reinstate the previous rewards.

> B.) Require core specs in dungeons. This would force players to play the mechanics.


A great idea if your goal is to have even fewer people running dungeons.

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Dungeons were meant to be the hardest content in the game and prepare people for what comes after. Making them easier would in sense, make no sense, because people would STILL not know how to play the game. The real thing is, you can, anyone can, learn how to play. I can't think of any dungeon bosses that take anywhere near 15 minutes. Even older harder bosses like Lupi, never took us that long. Maybe with wipes and everything, but then, that's the point of learning. Every time you do dungeons you get better and you wipe less or not at all. I can't remember the last time we wiped in a dungeon. Again, maybe Arah or the Aetherblade path of TA. But yeah dungeons are fine as they are. It really is a learn to play issue.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> Dungeons are already very easy, unless you mean Arah, which is too long and complex for the rewards offered


And that is the answer. This has nothing to do with "fun" or even "complexity", but the rewards. Last night I did the Flame Legion dungeon as it was the daily and I was bored. Is the dungeon fun? I think so, especially with guild members on comms.


But at the end of it all I walked away with 100+ dungeon marks I have no use for, except perhaps to unlock skins. But I made about 20g and picked up 2 ascended rings + 1 weapon chest doing T4 dailies + recs earlier that evening.


Dungeons are fine.

Dungeon rewards are not.


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