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[Help]Custom musics


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I'm trying to add customs musics to my gw2 client, and I'm following carefully https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack, and I don't know why my musics aren't playing, I remember that it worked well 2-3 years ago. I have nothing against gw2 songs which are fabulous, but would like to add mine to some great moment like during world bosses, underwater...

Have anyone an idea about why it isn't working? :/ I created a folder named "Music" in my "guild wars 2" folder himself within "My documents", I tried several extension like .mp3, .ogg, .wav, do we have some limit about the length? Does the function have been removed? :'(

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If you look at what you linked, you need .m3u 'playlist' files that point to where your .mp3 files are located. I believe when I set mine up and tried it for awhile (I've been enjoying the standard music for the last few years), I created my playlists in iTunes and exported them from there. The play list names should match, don't recall if they are case sensitive off hand, but no harm in assuming so. :)

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Did you use Windows Media Player to create your playlist(s)? Unfortunately wpl playlists don't store the actual path to the songs but a relative path (open the file with notepad to see), so they MUST be inside your Windows Music Library in order to work, this is a limitation of wpl files, not Guild Wars 2 (blame Microsoft).


If you want to manage your playlists with Windows Media Player, then right click on your Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music folder and select Include to Library, from there pick Music and the Guild Wars 2 music folder will become part of your Windows Music library. Your playlists should play just fine after that.



For anyone else interested, detailed steps:

Make a folder Music inside Documents\Guild Wars 2\ folder (so it's Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music)

**Right click on that Folder and select Include to Library option then select Music, the folder will be part of your Music Library after that**

Open Windows Media Player and create a new playlist using one of the defined names (for example MainMenu)

Fill the Playlist with Music you like (you can add/remove later as well)

Right click on the playlist and select Open File Location

Cut the playlist and paste it inside your Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music folder

Everything should work fine


If you want to avoid the extra step of adding the Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music folder in your Music Library, use a different media player that stores m3u playlists instead, or use a conversion tool, you can just place those in the folder and they will work. But the library addition needs to be done only once anyway so it's your choice, depending on which media player you want to use.


edit 2:

I don't know if I can update that wiki page with this info, many people might be using Windows Media Player to make their playlists and without that include step it won't work

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thanks @"maddoctor.2738" :), but notebene too, I haven't figured about the playlist. But that's strange I always put ogg it worked well and now, only playlist work...

"Right click on that Folder and select Include to Library option then select Music, the folder will be part of your Music Library after that"

I don't have any option "include to library". I use VLC media player, will details the steps for players like me:

1- Create a folder named with the associated playlist name

2- put all the mp3 musics you want inside

3- right click on the folder -> Add to VLC playlist

4-In vlc, go in media ->save playlist

5-Select .m3u and name it with the associated playlist name. eg: BossBattle.m3u

6- Put it in Guild Wars 2/Music folder. You're done.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I don't have any option "include to library".


This is odd, which Windows version do you use? It's a core windows feature since Windows 7 and it's a good way to organize your files in general, you can have access to all your music from a single click no matter where all the files are on your hard drive (or multiple drives), same with pictures, video and so on. Works only on folders btw, not files.


![](https://i.imgur.com/LjGBe5O.jpg "")

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> No way, still not working... like totally ignoring my folder... maybe mp3 aren't supported...


Yes, they are. Mine work just fine. I constructed the playlist in iTunes(1), and then exported it as C:\Users\{something}\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music\Ambient.m3u and it just worked. A few surreal moments because of the stuff *in* the playlist, but it just worked. (That said, I'm not sure that Apple ".aac" files work in GW2, but some parts of my playlist are definitely .mp3 files.


Read the "Bugs" section in [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack") carefully, especially the stuff about paths and character types..


(1) Actually, no, I constructed it on my iPhone and synchronised it into iTunes, but the effect is the same.


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