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The game needs more collections


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We have this collections system in the game, but 3 (?) years after its introductions we still receive sets of items without collections. Why is that?

Recent example: In PoF we have a lot of sets without a collection achievement. In HoT almost every set had a collection. Why the change?


Also we need new miniature set collections. For some reason they stopped getting introduced after LS 1 (set 3 achievement). We need a collection each for raids, LS2+HoT, LS3+PoF. It would really increase the value of less popular miniatures. Some of the new PoF minis are already below 10 silvers...


And while you are at it make them give decent achievement point rewards. The dry top weapon collection gave 50 AP. Now most collections are 3 AP, 10 AP if lucky. The whole expansion seems to give less than 1200 AP, the HoT release was about 1700 AP. How are people ever going to reach 39k/42k AP for the backpieces if we progress so slowly. At this rate even top achievement hunters like me will not see the first backpiece before 2021.


You do not even have to think of new titles or special rewards for every collections. At this point I am happy with some AP even for the most time consuming collections imaginable (like crafting every single legendary weapon).

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I do kind of agree with you, that ANet could have done by now far far more to provide Achievement Points, as they make not very good usage of the potential the game has for basically alot of new achievements.. but its not so that this lack for achievements/AP does come only from missing collections, even if Anret could add alot of more collections for sure - the solution is rather more, that anet shoudl expand ALL of the achievement categories with new achievements and new achievement tiers.

They should also revaluate alot of the existign achievements, even if this means for alot of people a gift of free AP... its neccessary to ensure, that people will gain enough AP to be able to reach in a reasonabl amount of time the achievement reward ranks...

anet has currently planned already ahead for 60000 AP and after al the years, we even have roughly slightly over the half of that - and that only the most active kind of addicted/no job players there you can find, which have the time for this extreme activity, that peopel with jobs never will be able to have like that


ANet has still so much unused potential for more AP:


- Add finally Jeweler and Chef 500

- Add finally all the missing Minigame Activities with their own Meta achievements, like Polymok, Bar Brawls, add back Basket Ball ect.

- Implement Ascended and Legendary Cultural Armors for the Fashion Category

- Add the missing Legendary Weapons of Round 2, as also Legendary Rings/Earrings as missing legendary Accessoires for more Achievements for Legendary Items

- Add Meta Achievements for exploring all Regions/Maps, just like you did in LS Season 2 with Drytop, Silverwastes ect. this woudl be very good to revive also the older maps by giving Achievement Hunters in all older maps again somethign to do for a while/can be also combined with Adventures for the old maps being added

- Remove the Daily Achievement Cap and remove Daily Achievements and replace them instead with the return of Monthly or either Weekly Achievements with a new rebalanced cap, which lets players also reach quicker this cap.. if done by a Weekly System, peopel shoudl gain per Week 100 AP, that would be compared to now a bonus of 30% more points (70>100), if the Cap would get increased from 15000 then to say 20000, that would be a great step forward with a Weekly System, that lets you gain also faster the points. From that point on

- Give each Dungeon its own Set of Meta Achievements (youve shown you can do that with Twilight arbors aetherpath, which had its own meta achievement, each dungeon path should have this) with new dungeon related rewards, like ascended Dungeon Armors/Weapons you can gain access to by new NPCs which will sel you these then for Dungeon Tokens to rekindle the interest of players to play actualyl dungeons and to give players more access to gain ascended gear for their alts quicker

- Increase and expand the Slayer Achievement,s add alot of missing slayer achievements for various enemy types, which don't have 5 years later yet their slayer achievements in this game, what is a shame... and especially add more giants to the game..its nice to say that the pof giants count towards giant slayer, a beginning ...

- Add new playable races with Tengu and Largos for new Hero Achievements fro mthe personal story

- Add new Weapon Types to the game for new Weapon Mastery achievements, like Chakrams, like Polearms, like Crossbows (merge Staff+Trident, merge Rifle and Harpoon Gun)

- Add new Weapon Mastery Achievements, like not only such for kills, but also such for dealing Criticals, for using Downed Skills, lettign each Weapon have its very own set of Downed Skills, what woudl make the Downed System more interestign as well if not everybody would use with their classes the same downed skills anymore)

- Add more Community Achievements that are linked to all the various Festivals as Meta Achievements for halloween, Wintersday, Dragon Bash, Jubilee ect. pp

- Let us have access to the Hall of Monument again and implement a GW2 Version of it, where we can link our GW2 Acccount Milestones to to gain HoM Achievements based on what we achieved all in GW2 and implement ways how we can earn as well the old GW1 Hom based achievements in actualyl GW2.. no one should be forced anymore to return to a slowly but surely dieing out GW1 just to earn some achievements, when th players could do also somethign SIMILAR in GW2 that is of equal time effort,, skill level requirement ect. to unlock and obtain these achievements/titles in GW2..if Naet would basicalyl implement the items, miniatures ect. that are linked to the HoM as GW2 versions as well, so that players could earn the thigns they haven't earned yet in GW1 as well in GW2... plays absolutely no role, if i earn now primordus weapons in GW1 and link thenm with the Hon, or if i earn primordus weapons now in GW2 and link them to my HOM, the result should be for th player the same, regardless of which game I play.

A linked GW1 Miniature, should i have also in GW2, a linked Weapon/armor Skin should I be able to earn/craft in GW2 too, and we all know howm uch people would love to have especialyl the GW1 armor skins back in GW2

- WvW shoudl have 3 individual Borderland Maps, where each of the 3 borderlands shoudl provide its very oewn map based Meta achievements, but also EB shoudl have its very own achievement,s same asl ike EotM has its very own achievements

- Fractals should have like they did with Nightmare/Chaos all theior own sets of achievements plus meta acbhievement rewards for doign all the achievements within set specific fractals, instead of this chaotic unsorted mess that Fractals currently is in regard of achievements

- More Weapon Sets could become Basic Collection Sets that coudl reward players for compltign these sets with an ascended version of the weapon set skin of choice to help players more out gearign their characters up with ascended weapons, would help making lots of weapons more valuable, than they are currently



Aside of this, we can do wait only on ANet adding more Expansion,s more LS Patches that continue the story, to provide every few months new achievements for more AP slowly but steadily... but like said, thy shoudl also revalue existign achievements... there hsould exist achievements, that give only lousy 1 or 2 AP

AP should range this way from lowest to highest possible amount of points: 5> 10> 15 > 25> 50 > 75 > 100

Gaining through crafting for example a legendary weapon, should grant the highest amount of 100AP for each Weapon as gainign these items is basicalyl the most endgame content you can do in this game, which requires the most effort of the player to receive them, thus its only logical,y that gainign these items should let the playr gain also the highest amount of AP you can receive in GW2, that would make sense.. and not only lousy 5 AP.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Not everything needs a collection. Things are more interesting if there are some things to do that aren't because there's a specific achievement.

I feel the opposite. I have low interest in collecting everything if there is no use for it. I have over 4k skins unlocked and guess what? I use maybe 100 of them.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Not everything needs a collection. Things are more interesting if there are some things to do that aren't because there's a specific achievement.

> I feel the opposite. I have low interest in collecting everything if there is no use for it. I have over 4k skins unlocked and guess what? I use maybe 100 of them.


A lot of people feel as you do, and many as I do. I 'collected' all the basic ascended skins (that weren't gated behind account-bound RNG), use none of them, spent a ton of spirit shards & gold, and I'm quite happy with my accomplishment, simply because it was there.


I get that you prefer utility over "just because", but ... I'm not sure why ANet should put in extra effort to cater to that preference. I'd rather see more skins rather than ANet have to worry about tying everything to a collection/achievement.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Not everything needs a collection. Things are more interesting if there are some things to do that aren't because there's a specific achievement.

> > I feel the opposite. I have low interest in collecting everything if there is no use for it. I have over 4k skins unlocked and guess what? I use maybe 100 of them.


> A lot of people feel as you do, and many as I do. I 'collected' all the basic ascended skins (that weren't gated behind account-bound RNG), use none of them, spent a ton of spirit shards & gold, and I'm quite happy with my accomplishment, simply because it was there.


> I get that you prefer utility over "just because", but ... I'm not sure why ANet should put in extra effort to cater to that preference. I'd rather see more skins rather than ANet have to worry about tying everything to a collection/achievement.


because making collections is dead easy if anet programmed it right. copy and paste an existing collection and change the item ids required to finish it. If that is more than 10min of effort there is something wrong with the way anet is programming achievements. It is insulting that every new black lion collection gets an achievement, but a lot of ingame sets get skipped.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> I would love a collection for all events. Per map.

> Pro: after 5 years, im sure there are hundreds of events ive never even heard of

Sounds good until you remember all those events that are still bugged most of the time, 5 years after their release. They already have problems fixing all the events for precursor collections, so it is unlikely this would even be considered.


I wonder how many events there are that noone ever completed because they are not starting to begin with and thus noone noticed that they are not working.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> So how do people feel about this one month after the expansion release?


I still have plenty to do.

It's not the regular players' fault that some people need to locust content and then flail around for more.

Wait for the raid wing to open; that'll give some AP.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > So how do people feel about this one month after the expansion release?


> I still have plenty to do.

> It's not the regular players' fault that some people need to locust content and then flail around for more.

> Wait for the raid wing to open; that'll give some AP.


Same, I still have lots and lots to do in the Path of Fire maps. I've barely even scratched the surface for Vabbi.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > So how do people feel about this one month after the expansion release?


> I still have plenty to do.

> It's not the regular players' fault that some people need to locust content and then flail around for more.

> Wait for the raid wing to open; that'll give some AP.

Locusts? It is not my fault PoF plays like a single player game with zero replayability. First playthrough good - then nothing worthwhile to do. More and more people seeing this luckily. PoF = living story 4 + mounts.

HoT kept me and many others interested for much longer and many are already abandoning PoF content and go back to HoT maps since they are much more worthwhille and engaging.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > I would love a collection for all events. Per map.

> > Pro: after 5 years, im sure there are hundreds of events ive never even heard of

> Sounds good until you remember all those events that are still bugged most of the time, 5 years after their release. They already have problems fixing all the events for precursor collections, so it is unlikely this would even be considered.


> I wonder how many events there are that noone ever completed because they are not starting to begin with and thus noone noticed that they are not working.


I have actually done all available events in the game using http://gw2timer.com/?enu_Language=en which takes info from API and lists all possible events, bugged or otherwise.

Theres actually not that many that fail to start altogether but tons of them have stalling problems where npcs stop moving halfway through. Its not really possible to complete every single one though, because alot require preevents to fail, or to have a large number of people in usually dead areas to spawn.


On topic, I really wish anet would make use of the collection system more. I especially wish there were more collections for food, as so many cooking recipies are essentially pointless. I also think mawdrey needs its own collection now as its hard to keep track of. POF really should have had more collections. I agree not EVERYTHING needs a collection but theres no harm in having them there for people who enjoy them, you dont lose out and can ignore collections if they arent your thing. Only secrets and exploration really benefit from NOT being in a collection anyway.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> Locusts? It is not my fault PoF plays like a single player game with zero replayability. First playthrough good - then nothing worthwhile to do. More and more people seeing this luckily. PoF = living story 4 + mounts.

> HoT kept me and many others interested for much longer and many are already abandoning PoF content and go back to HoT maps since they are much more worthwhille and engaging.


Yeah, you blew through the content, and now there's "nothing for you to do." Go figure.


For the amount of space it takes up, yeah, PoF could definitely use some extra events, and the bounty system could be revamped to be more compelling.

But the only reason HoT is "engaging" is because it blocks progress at every turn and *forces* the content to be played through.


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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > Locusts? It is not my fault PoF plays like a single player game with zero replayability. First playthrough good - then nothing worthwhile to do. More and more people seeing this luckily. PoF = living story 4 + mounts.

> > HoT kept me and many others interested for much longer and many are already abandoning PoF content and go back to HoT maps since they are much more worthwhille and engaging.


> Yeah, you blew through the content, and now there's "nothing for you to do." Go figure.


> For the amount of space it takes up, yeah, PoF could definitely use some extra events, and the bounty system could be revamped to be more compelling.

> But the only reason HoT is "engaging" is because it blocks progress at every turn and *forces* the content to be played through.



I didnt blow through the content, I just played 1-2 hrs per night with my partner and ive finished pof. Thats hardly 'blowing through it' in MMO context. POF has very little replayability. HOT is engaging because its rewarding and requires cooperation. POF doesnt have that.

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Yesterday i finished the treasure kit collection bit in Deso map. After that and another collection item i find those kits useless. Shit loot anyway form them, so was thinking, why not some kind of archeology collection for them to dig up gw1 items? Or anything like that. Would give em a better purpose too.

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i agree with all but the new races adding them would be a huge Load on Dev time and resources.

For example a whole personal story created, voice acting would have to be recorded for Core, HoT, LW3 and HoT, Rigging armor and outfits too much investment of time and money that could be best added on other endevors

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> I didnt blow through the content, I just played 1-2 hrs per night with my partner and ive finished pof. Thats hardly 'blowing through it' in MMO context. POF has very little replayability. HOT is engaging because its rewarding and requires cooperation. POF doesnt have that.


Story isn't the only content.

I haven't gotten around to the elites and other collections, so maybe I'll confirm how paper thin PoF really is, but I'm not going to buy that HoT's waiting for metas and constant map-taxiing is 'engaging'. But hey, if Dragon Stand ever starts without me having to taxi and die or grind it 25 times for Crystalline Ore, maybe I could like HoT again.

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> @Offair.2563 said:

> Yesterday i finished the treasure kit collection bit in Deso map. After that and another collection item i find those kits useless. kitten loot anyway form them, so was thinking, why not some kind of archeology collection for them to dig up gw1 items? Or anything like that. Would give em a better purpose too.

That sounds like a great idea! I quickly stopped using treasure kits after realizing that they give nothing interesting. You usually get less than doing a quick event somewhere else :(



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> @pah.4931 said:

> Yo dawg. We heard you like collections, so we put some collections in your collections.


> (is that meme still relevant? Am I relevant? What year is it?)

Not entirely relevant, but I see no issue connecting multiple smaller and thematically connected collections to a "collection collection" for a bigger reward.

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