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ArenaNet can we get a test server pls?


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > In my experience GW2 is by far the smoothest running MMO I've ever played. Sure, they have bugs...everyone does...but so does WoW and ESO. Heck ESO had massive problems on launch...really bad bugs...anyone remember the phasing issues?


> When ANET releases a patch you get the odd bug, but generally it's still playable, and you have to endure 2,3 or 4 more patches over the next 48hours. Annoying as you have to drop group, etc, but you can still play.


> Compare that to Blizzard who takes the servers offline for 8hours at a time to deploy a patch.


> I've been through both, and ANET definitely does it better.




Yes, have you played Neverwinter? Those releases and bugs border on the comical.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > In my experience GW2 is by far the smoothest running MMO I've ever played. Sure, they have bugs...everyone does...but so does WoW and ESO. Heck ESO had massive problems on launch...really bad bugs...anyone remember the phasing issues?


> When ANET releases a patch you get the odd bug, but generally it's still playable, and you have to endure 2,3 or 4 more patches over the next 48hours. Annoying as you have to drop group, etc, but you can still play.


> Compare that to Blizzard who takes the servers offline for 8hours at a time to deploy a patch.


> I've been through both, and ANET definitely does it better.




Wow takes the servers down once per week and outside of that their launchers are smooth and fine immidiately after launch, meanwhile gw2 updates need constand builds relogs are might even be unplayable for longer than even the 48 hours. Quite a few of those issue are dealt with during the ptr phase too, i get why ppl like "the always live" state of gw2, but id make a case that nobody plays 24/7 so some hours of downtime esp during times the greatmajority isnt even playing could have its benefit. Thats not tho what the point of the thread tbh.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:


> Wow takes the servers down once per week and outside of that their launchers are smooth and fine immidiately after launch, meanwhile gw2 updates need constand builds relogs are might even be unplayable for longer than even the 48 hours. Quite a few of those issue are dealt with during the ptr phase too, i get why ppl like "the always live" state of gw2, but id make a case that nobody plays 24/7 so some hours of downtime esp during times the greatmajority isnt even playing could have its benefit. Thats not tho what the point of the thread tbh.


Nobody plays 24/7 but it's an international market which means any significant downtime would affect a portion of the player base. For my experience, other than the aforementioned PoF launch fiasco, GW2 has never been unplayable for 48 hours.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:


> > Wow takes the servers down once per week and outside of that their launchers are smooth and fine immidiately after launch, meanwhile gw2 updates need constand builds relogs are might even be unplayable for longer than even the 48 hours. Quite a few of those issue are dealt with during the ptr phase too, i get why ppl like "the always live" state of gw2, but id make a case that nobody plays 24/7 so some hours of downtime esp during times the greatmajority isnt even playing could have its benefit. Thats not tho what the point of the thread tbh.


> Nobody plays 24/7 but it's an international market which means any significant downtime would affect a portion of the player base. For my experience, other than the aforementioned PoF launch fiasco, GW2 has never been unplayable for 48 hours.


But it has been unplayable, thats the issue. Asking for the updates to be playable without having to log out and getting crashes every 5 mins isnt unreasonable to ask for imho.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Which times, when the Devs are at work, are the times when the majority of players aren't playing? Or, are you suggesting that ArenaNet pays Devs overtime to work outside regular hours? I'd be worried that those costs would be transferred to the players, if that was the case.


Idk how much of the process is automated and how much of it isnt But they pick the other based on Na standarts and since blizzard can pull it off without prob having to pay overtime (as that seems ineficient) i believe anet can do it as well. Thats not the point tho of the thread i care little about mentainance.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> >

> > > Wow takes the servers down once per week and outside of that their launchers are smooth and fine immidiately after launch, meanwhile gw2 updates need constand builds relogs are might even be unplayable for longer than even the 48 hours. Quite a few of those issue are dealt with during the ptr phase too, i get why ppl like "the always live" state of gw2, but id make a case that nobody plays 24/7 so some hours of downtime esp during times the greatmajority isnt even playing could have its benefit. Thats not tho what the point of the thread tbh.

> >

> > Nobody plays 24/7 but it's an international market which means any significant downtime would affect a portion of the player base. For my experience, other than the aforementioned PoF launch fiasco, GW2 has never been unplayable for 48 hours.


> Butit has been unplayable, thats the issue.


Not for me, but that's because I'm still at work. There are others sleeping, so it's not unplayable for them. For my experience, Anet fixes these problems by the time I get home, have dinner, spend time with the family and then get online.


I'm not downplaying the issue that it is unplayable for some right now. My original point was that I didn't believe that they have the financial resources to set up the test environment that you advocate.

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