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So new PVP mistforged armor skin is better than PvP Legendary Armor


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you can unlock skin, then transmute to leg armor. I have transmuted my leg armor into many different skin. like ze dos said, similar to wvw, you need to unlock all skin to be able to get to the last tier skin. :) if you truly deserve pvp skin, you will play pvp game to get it. and it is easy to get .. you just have to play the game.

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > > Can you upgrade these mistforged armour skins into legendary?

> >

> > Yep!


> Owners of Ardent legendary armor should get its skins upgraded for free or at least 50% of cost of a new set of mistforged one. Why we got stuck with a crappy looking armor after so much work to get it ? You guys could've done better with the first legendary, for sure.

> Look at the raid one, its amazing.


Entitlement? All those that want the new skins would have to purchase those from prior tiers anyway. Whether or not you already converted an existing set from a lower tier doesn’t matter. It’d be like if they added new skins for having 3000 rank in WvW and you requesting they they give the skins automatically to all those that already went through the effort to craft the legendary armor.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > > > Can you upgrade these mistforged armour skins into legendary?

> > >

> > > Yep!

> >

> > Owners of Ardent legendary armor should get its skins upgraded for free or at least 50% of cost of a new set of mistforged one. Why we got stuck with a crappy looking armor after so much work to get it ? You guys could've done better with the first legendary, for sure.

> > Look at the raid one, its amazing.


> Entitlement? All those that want the new skins would have to purchase those from prior tiers anyway. Whether or not you already converted an existing set from a lower tier doesn’t matter. It’d be like if they added new skins for having 3000 rank in WvW and you requesting they they give the skins automatically to all those that already went through the effort to craft the legendary armor.


I would somewhat of agree with you if the armor had a real new skin, being to acquired on a pvp reward track or so. But it is not. It's just some sparkle on the glorious armor that has been in the game forever and that is existing in 4 versions now. Some sparkle that should have been on the pvp legendary armor in the first place to bring it on par with other legendary items in the game. And to reward players for taking the effort to get it. And the main reason why it hasn't, was Arenanet, saying that the design effort for the pve legy armor was too high, they would not undergo such a design attempt again. And a year later, here we are with the years old glorious armor being spiced up with some gfx. But instead of giving it to pople who already earned it, they implement it as another carrot on the stick for us donkeys. Yes, go ahead and spend 20 crafting marks (among other materials) for a full set after you already bought the first ascended set. I could, as well, buy a much better looking skin on the gem store for nothing but a bit of gold and would end up the same: The pvp legy armor does not stand out in any way and just looks like its precursor template which I find hard to accept.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> I like the fx, but not the chest skin :/


I agree. I have the PvP legandary armor and now all the new skins (except the boots: I'll get the last 3 tokens in this seasons), but only use the shoulders and gauntlet skins; the other ones look cool in terms of fx but their forms are abhorrent.


To be honest this game isn't that great in terms of armors: I you go for realism in heavy plate the best looking one is the Phalanx armor, which was released like 1 million years ago, and if you go the flashy route most of options are meh (outfits included). I think that games like Tera, Black Desert and now Lost Ark have waaay better looking heavy armors than GW2, and the thing is that for light clothes and butt-cape users the things are even worse.

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> @"ilmi.5369" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > > > > Can you upgrade these mistforged armour skins into legendary?

> > > >

> > > > Yep!

> > >

> > > Owners of Ardent legendary armor should get its skins upgraded for free or at least 50% of cost of a new set of mistforged one. Why we got stuck with a crappy looking armor after so much work to get it ? You guys could've done better with the first legendary, for sure.

> > > Look at the raid one, its amazing.

> >

> > Entitlement? All those that want the new skins would have to purchase those from prior tiers anyway. Whether or not you already converted an existing set from a lower tier doesn’t matter. It’d be like if they added new skins for having 3000 rank in WvW and you requesting they they give the skins automatically to all those that already went through the effort to craft the legendary armor.


> I would somewhat of agree with you if the armor had a real new skin, being to acquired on a pvp reward track or so. But it is not. It's just some sparkle on the glorious armor that has been in the game forever and that is existing in 4 versions now. Some sparkle that should have been on the pvp legendary armor in the first place to bring it on par with other legendary items in the game. And to reward players for taking the effort to get it. And the main reason why it hasn't, was Arenanet, saying that the design effort for the pve legy armor was too high, they would not undergo such a design attempt again. And a year later, here we are with the years old glorious armor being spiced up with some gfx. But instead of giving it to pople who already earned it, they implement it as another carrot on the stick for us donkeys. Yes, go ahead and spend 20 crafting marks (among other materials) for a full set after you already bought the first ascended set. I could, as well, buy a much better looking skin on the gem store for nothing but a bit of gold and would end up the same: The pvp legy armor does not stand out in any way and just looks like its precursor template which I find hard to accept.


Anyone that wants those new skins has to purchase the previous tier in order to acquire them. It doesn’t matter whether they have gotten PvP legendary armor or not.


The conversion system from ascended to legendary is the same regardless of which set is being used as the precursor. Creating legendary armor using lower tiered sets doesn’t grandfather you in to automatically get all future PvP set skins. That’s just being entitled to expect that.

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> Creating legendary armor using lower tiered sets doesn’t grandfather you in to automatically get all future PvP set skins. That’s just being entitled.


Don't exaggerate. Nobody requests that. I think it becomes clear that me and others complaining about pvp legy armor having no special look. Plus the design history of its creation is just odd. These complaints have a beard already and are now heated up again. What's your rational for a legendary armor looking like its precursor?



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> @"ilmi.5369" said:

> >

> > Creating legendary armor using lower tiered sets doesn’t grandfather you in to automatically get all future PvP set skins. That’s just being entitled.


> Don't exaggerate. Nobody requests that. I think it becomes clear that me and others complaining about pvp legy armor having no special look. Plus the design history of its creation is just odd. These complaints have a beard already and are now heated up again. What's your rational for a legendary armor looking like its precursor?




You and the other poster(s) did. You’re expecting Anet to automatically give you the new set’s skins because you already crafted legendary armor. Had this set, and any future ones, been released with the previous ones when the PvP armor was introduced, you **STILL** would have had to unlock the previous set to acquire this. It’s just about the same system as in WvW.


WvW and sPvP were never intended to have legendary armor in the first place. Enough players complained about it and a compromise was met where Anet created a way to upgrade ascended armor from those modes into legendary armor but without the flashier skins you saw with the PvE set.


It’s entitlement to expect future skins to automatically be given to you simply because you used a lower tier ascended as the precursor.

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This is pretty reasonable honestly. It was the same way with WvW armor.


The only issue I have is that the base forms of almost all glorious armor besides the medium chest and the heavy pauldrons/gloves are absolutely terrible to me, while it's much easier to mix and match with triumphant armor's base and upgraded forms.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> You and the other poster(s) did. You’re expecting Anet to automatically give you the new set’s skins because you already crafted legendary armor. Had this set, and any future ones, been released with the previous ones when the PvP armor was introduced, you **STILL** would have had to unlock the previous set to acquire this. It’s just about the same system as in WvW.


Rather than telling me what you believe I expect, try to understand: My complain is about a legendary armor set that does look identical to other skins in the game and Arenanet's lackluster reason why. Yet, that alone is a reason to complain. You might have a different opinion but stick to the facts.



> WvW and sPvP were never intended to have legendary armor in the first place. Enough players complained about it and a compromise was met where Anet created a way to upgrade ascended armor from those modes into legendary armor but without the flashier skins you saw with the PvE set.


That's true. But so what? There are a lot things in the game that were never intended: ascended items with better stats, raids, healers and tanks and pvp ending up as Arenanet's unloved child for sure was not intended, too. So what's wrong with expecting a legendary armor becoming legendary looking eventually? Also, the lackluster reason for not having a unique skin for pvp armor was always effort. It was flawed back then and has not gotten better since. My naive hope was that the bit of sparkle, now introduced as a new skin, would come for the legendary armor eventually (also for the wvw set).



> It’s entitlement to expect future skins to automatically be given to you simply because you used a lower tier ascended as the precursor.

It does not get more true if you repeat yourself, you know. Why are you judging what people may or may not expect? I could call it pretentious to go to an online forum and react in such way - as if arguments did not exist.


EDIT: Still have not heard an answer to my first question:

What's your rational for a legendary armor looking like its precursor?

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> @"ilmi.5369" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> >

> > You and the other poster(s) did. You’re expecting Anet to automatically give you the new set’s skins because you already crafted legendary armor. Had this set, and any future ones, been released with the previous ones when the PvP armor was introduced, you **STILL** would have had to unlock the previous set to acquire this. It’s just about the same system as in WvW.


> Rather than telling me what you believe I expect, try to understand: My complain is about a legendary armor set that does look identical to other skins in the game and Arenanet's lackluster reason why. Yet, that alone is a reason to complain. You might have a different opinion but stick to the facts.



It’s been stated many times that the PvE legendary armor was very time intensive. WvW and sPvP were not intended to have legendary armor but that changed when they offered the functionality of it by upgrading ascended armor obtain from either mode. Those are facts stated in AMA’s or guildchats so I don’t know why you’re telling me to stick to facts wen I am.


> >

> > WvW and sPvP were never intended to have legendary armor in the first place. Enough players complained about it and a compromise was met where Anet created a way to upgrade ascended armor from those modes into legendary armor but without the flashier skins you saw with the PvE set.


> That's true. But so what? There are a lot things in the game that were never intended: ascended items with better stats, raids, healers and tanks and pvp ending up as Arenanet's unloved child for sure was not intended, too. So what's wrong with expecting a legendary armor becoming legendary looking eventually? Also, the lackluster reason for not having a unique skin for pvp armor was always effort. It was flawed back then and has not gotten better since. My naive hope was that the bit of sparkle, now introduced as a new skin, would come for the legendary armor eventually (also for the wvw set).



And now I’m confused as you agree with this even after telling me that I should stick to the facts when I was.


> >

> > It’s entitlement to expect future skins to automatically be given to you simply because you used a lower tier ascended as the precursor.

> It does not get more true if you repeat yourself, you know. Why are you judging what people may or may not expect? I could call it pretentious to go to an online forum and react in such way - as if arguments did not exist.



Anet has stated that there would be no unique legendary skins in WvW and sPvP. They have given no indication that they intend to ever change that stance. Anyone that wants a specific skin has to unlock it. Those that want the new sPvP set skins have to unlock them whether or not they already have legendary armor through sPvP.


It’s entitlement to assume that you should automatically get these skins.


> EDIT: Still have not heard an answer to my first question:

> What's your rational for a legendary armor looking like its precursor?


I did address this in my previous post.


Edit: Since I’m already repeating myself, and I see that I’d likely have to do it again if this continues, I’m out. It’s highly unlikely that Anet is going to just give you those skins because you feel entitled to something fancier than what you have and that you should get them cheaper than those who haven’t crafted their legendary armor yet.

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> It’s entitlement to assume that you should automatically get these skins.



Not at all. Especially when this is not the core of this argument although you boil it down to it. But I'm happy to leave you with your opinion as this has already gotten repetitive.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396"


> Edit: Since I’m already repeating myself, and I see that I’d likely have to do it again if this continues, I’m out. It’s highly unlikely that Anet is going to just give you those skins because you feel entitled to something fancier than what you have and that you should get them cheaper than those who haven’t crafted their legendary armor yet.


Ben did state this though in another forum. The PvP Legendary Armor is a lot work to craft. 3 separate league chest completions. Huge amount of ascended shards as well. Not to mention the clovers and Materials.


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"ZerotheFang.5890" said:

> > here is a question i have legendary ardent is there a way to upgrade it to mistforge version? if not eh oh well next set


> There isn't right now. That might be something we add in the future.

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Someone from anet already mentioned in reddit that legendary armors from pvp and wvw is only for their functionality but not appearance.


Also if you have to craft legendary one of the mistforged armor, you still have to buy ardent ones then mistforged ones. Now you have to pay for mistforged ones for their skins. There is no difference.

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > > Can you upgrade these mistforged armour skins into legendary?

> >

> > Yep!


> Owners of Ardent legendary armor should get its skins upgraded for free or at least 50% of cost of a new set of mistforged one. Why we got stuck with a crappy looking armor after so much work to get it ? You guys could've done better with the first legendary, for sure.

> Look at the raid one, its amazing.


They should also upgrade my gen 1 legendary weapon to a gen 2 legendary weapon based off the same reasons.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > > > Can you upgrade these mistforged armour skins into legendary?

> > >

> > > Yep!

> >

> > Owners of Ardent legendary armor should get its skins upgraded for free or at least 50% of cost of a new set of mistforged one. Why we got stuck with a crappy looking armor after so much work to get it ? You guys could've done better with the first legendary, for sure.

> > Look at the raid one, its amazing.


> They should also upgrade my gen 1 legendary weapon to a gen 2 legendary weapon based off the same reasons.


Nah it’s like working really hard on the dreamer and only getting the lover skin. A year later the dreamer skin is released and you then have to complete additional steps to obtain it, after the entire Legendary process.

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