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Rune and Sigil Changes - 13 November 2018 [Merged]

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> @"Taobella.6597" said:

> Anet Please before you delete this rune set in a terrible way. just change it to have a limited amount of sources an it will be perfectly balanced. Do not for life of me put a CD on it :(.


> make it 5 sources highest healing power take priority overall.


> that is all thanks for reading :).


Or make it give stability in someway? _Wink wink, nudge nudge._



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> @"Lolivia.3219" said:

> "A majority of runes and sigils are also changing to create greater variety and versatility and to promote more active gameplay."



> Anet employee 1: lets change every 60% to 100% and all 10% damage to x-species to 7%to x-species + 3% overall and just call it a day

> Anet employee 2: sold, lets make tyria great again

> what a joke


7%to x-species + 3% overall is actually pretty genius. This is a clever improvement so that they aren't useless in all situations other than for the intended enemy type. And now you can use that with force to get 8% damage increase.

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> @"Ebonfire.8270" said:

> The combination of Nightmare and Trapper have been a staple for condi classes, but Nightmare has been changed from general condi duration to Fear duration. Trapper has been improved, but still, the change to Nightmare, given the means to attain it, is kind of uncool.


Fear should be at the end of the set, not at the second rune.

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I am most irked by the change to salvage to be honest. I went bouncing merrily into HoTW not because I really needed the new runes but because the dungeon was active again, and I'd like to finish p the basic collections for each dungeon at last. I purchased a skin I hadn't bothered to unlock, I got my Master's Salvage Kit out as usual and.. odd. No rune.

I went into TA later after I belatedly realized that I was short one nightmare rune to try on a condi toon. I already had about 118 tokens, and figured again 'Hey, why not.'

Salvaged as before.

Odd. Nothing.

So I asked guilds and that was evidently a line I missed in the patch.

Seriously, this is not a good thing. It forces me to buy Black lion Salvage kits just to get the rune? I'm normally a fairly big ANet fangirl but that just felt like a really low blow. Changing it so that salvaging an exotic always takes out the rune and THEN you can decide whether to salvage that rune would be vastly preferable than having it simply automatically melt everything. Having it just as with the salvage kits, you can select 'rare' and exotics have to be melted selectively, but now, the same goes for runes, would be very much preferable. I just wasted those dungeon tokens, in effect, and that genuinely is irksome.

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So guys forgot to make crafting recipes easy to use. For example:

To craft Pile of Lucent Crystal you need 10 lucent motes, but how am I supposed to know if the game does not tell me the items required to craft it.

I need to look for outside sources....


make crafting recipes easy to use. If a crafting material requires sub crafting materials then let us know just like you have been doing for other crafting materials in the past.


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> @"Aethgar.1784" said:

> I am most irked by the change to salvage to be honest. I went bouncing merrily into HoTW not because I really needed the new runes but because the dungeon was active again, and I'd like to finish p the basic collections for each dungeon at last. I purchased a skin I hadn't bothered to unlock, I got my Master's Salvage Kit out as usual and.. odd. No rune.

> I went into TA later after I belatedly realized that I was short one nightmare rune to try on a condi toon. I already had about 118 tokens, and figured again 'Hey, why not.'

> Salvaged as before.

> Odd. Nothing.

> So I asked guilds and that was evidently a line I missed in the patch.

> Seriously, this is not a good thing. It forces me to buy Black lion Salvage kits just to get the rune? I'm normally a fairly big ANet fangirl but that just felt like a really low blow. Changing it so that salvaging an exotic always takes out the rune and THEN you can decide whether to salvage that rune would be vastly preferable than having it simply automatically melt everything. Having it just as with the salvage kits, you can select 'rare' and exotics have to be melted selectively, but now, the same goes for runes, would be very much preferable. I just wasted those dungeon tokens, in effect, and that genuinely is irksome.


Yes. Honestly, not being able to salvage runes and sigils off of things and having to craft or buy them somewhere isn't good. I prefer being able to have the option to salvage the runes and sigils after getting them. We were getting silver from them in vendors and now its 8 copper when we have too many.

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OK, most of the changes I like...but why in the kitten did you remove Flesh weaver from the superior sigil of demon summoning. ( now superior sigil of demons) ?

How else is my Reaper going to summon his winged terror as he mows down mobs in Orr....but seriously it was a fun effect and I personally enjoyed watching my character spawn the lil guy.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Lolivia.3219" said:

> > "A majority of runes and sigils are also changing to create greater variety and versatility and to promote more active gameplay."

> >

> >

> > Anet employee 1: lets change every 60% to 100% and all 10% damage to x-species to 7%to x-species + 3% overall and just call it a day

> > Anet employee 2: sold, lets make tyria great again

> > what a joke


> So, you don't like the changes. I get that, and you're entitled to your opinion. But "what a joke" and a snarky pretend conversation don't really make for meaningful feedback. Don't like it? Explain why. Have a better idea? let's hear it.


"Have a better idea?" => Leave it as it is.

"Explain why" => explain why, in the world, did you did this?!?!?


this game have soooo much to reapair/correct, and you "Fix" only good constant thing here. Can i have a word with project manager there?


can get fix to be able to sell Pile of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore and Empyreal Fragment?

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I loved the old water sigil, but the fact that it now procs 100% on criticals rather than 30% on normal hits means it's not particularly usable on my character. I know using Magi gear is a thing for a lot of healers, but not all of us, and it's a shame that those of us without precision can't make use of the water sigil any more. If there was one change I could revert from this patch, this would be it.


I believe the new purity sigil has questionable design as well: If you're flanking, then the enemy must not be targeting you. But if they aren't targeting you, do you have conditions you need to shed? Seems like a self-invalidating sigil. Additionally, anything with a flanking requirement is bad for ranged fighting, since moving around to something's back is a lot harder at a distance than if you're up close. The purity sigil has gone from a nice little thing that I put on some characters to something that I won't use on anybody.


Overall I think there are a lot of good changes in this patch, but those two things rub me the wrong way. It's no fun having things I liked changed so I can't use them any more.

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the only change I don't like is the change to Sigil of Demon Summoning. It was never a useful sigil in terms of meta builds and optimising stuff. But it's a fun to use novelty sigil. Back when guardian loot stick was still a loot stick I used to run around in zergs with that sigil on. With a good enough commander/group there have been points where I had like 7-8 fleshreavers running around and the people on my side were confused as to what they are and where they came from.

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The rune that turns 20% of all heals into barrier with lifesteal passive blood magic traits on necro and the scourge trait that grants might and condi cleanse every barrier means currently necros can remove 4 condis and 8 stacks of might everytime they deal damage. Very broken at the moment.

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the sigil and rune changes are a welcome change and in many cases much better. but some of the changes either don't continue the design pattern they others where going in (less random triggers) or have lack luster effects or overtuned and broken effects.


just listing a few sigils/runes that could do with altering


sigil of rage now don't really have a purpose after the celerity change and that sigil is much better on the 20cd. can rage be made to grant fury for 5 seconds on a 15cd since thiers not a fury granting sigil.



rune of the defender and rune of sanctuary are over performing. defender prob needs icd made into 3 seconds as most blocks don't last longer than 3 seconds and sanctuary just needs the 6th bonus changing as it broken.



rune of the necromancer could do with summon a flesh reaver when in combat (removing fear duration) to replace the loss after the demon summoning sigil change. and +10 fear duration should be added to the nightmare runes making them the main fear based rune.


durability runes lost 5% boon duration b what I can except since leadership got same treatment. but can the 6th bonus not be an on hit thing since you trying get away from them, can it become on heal with a 10cd instead to make up for the 5% boon loss because leadership got a 6th bonus slight buff.


runes of rata sum I decided to test out wondering hope much might it would grant and whether the field still poisons foes. turns out it unreliable and the might duration is very short and not many stacks when it works that is. some times when it triggers it grants nothing and even sets off when u leaving combat when that massive cd ends.

I think it needs looking at the effect be better triggering on an elite with 45icd and granting a reliable 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds per pulse



other than that I am pretty happy with the changes


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my concern is some of these materials required one rune requires are rather rare for example Azurite Orbs, ot "Giant Eye" this is a drop that i have yet to even see in game.


The changes to the runes i love and hopefully it will bring back the old strategic use of boons we had then the first shipped instead of the all the boons all the time we have in the meta. but i do worry that the rarity of some of these crafting materials, and the RNG element of Symbols and Talismans are going to drive up the price of items which play such a vital role in build-craft its bad enough we have some stat sets behind a crafting wall.

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