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Deadeye makes pvp not fun


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Well since this is a new trend and all i can read all day is scourge do this do that omg plz help they kill me. Spellbreaker omg plz he cant die its op broken. And other stuff like that. I wanted to point out participating in the same trend.

Deadeye is op.and broken needs damage nerfing cause its range its pretty big and its capable of killing 2 shot , 1 if u are glass cannon. It makes pvp not fun. Thanks

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Scourge is strong but can be killed. Damage output yes but no shroud so....no problem.

Spellbreaker is almost immortal in the hands of an experienced player, and i had really hard times with my druid against him...but ..is a spellbreaker and a warrior, so hit things is what he can do, and because i had my hard time with them doesn't mean i will cry. It is a very good class so no problem also there.

Deadeye from the other hand is a sniper and almost perma stealth, and is not good to have this kind in 5v5 pvp. It will be good if it has a liitle less damage 1output cause no matter if you re a glass canon or not, 2 shots are enough.

Reminds me campers from 1st person shooting game really, and this is an mmo so no. I dont like it.

I didnt like it even when i try it.

Pvp must be balance and because gw2 doesn't have any resolve system for cc, that stunt hit dead thing is unacceptable.

Sry for my poor english.

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> @Seteruss.4058 said:

> Scourge is strong but can be killed. Damage output yes but no shroud so....no problem.

> Spellbreaker is almost immortal in the hands of an experienced player, and i had really hard times with my druid against him...but ..is a spellbreaker and a warrior, so hit things is what he can do, and because i had my hard time with them doesn't mean i will cry. It is a very good class so no problem also there.

> Deadeye from the other hand is a sniper and almost perma stealth, and is not good to have this kind in 5v5 pvp. It will be good if it has a liitle less damage 1output cause no matter if you re a glass canon or not, 2 shots are enough.

> Reminds me campers from 1st person shooting game really, and this is an mmo so no. I dont like it.

> I didnt like it even when i try it.

> Pvp must be balance and because gw2 doesn't have any resolve system for cc, that stunt hit dead thing is unacceptable.

> Sry for my poor english.


You made a point here

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> @Seteruss.4058 said:

> Scourge is strong but can be killed. Damage output yes but no shroud so....no problem.

> Spellbreaker is almost immortal in the hands of an experienced player, and i had really hard times with my druid against him...but ..is a spellbreaker and a warrior, so hit things is what he can do, and because i had my hard time with them doesn't mean i will cry. It is a very good class so no problem also there.

> Deadeye from the other hand is a sniper and almost perma stealth, and is not good to have this kind in 5v5 pvp. It will be good if it has a liitle less damage 1output cause no matter if you re a glass canon or not, 2 shots are enough.

> Reminds me campers from 1st person shooting game really, and this is an mmo so no. I dont like it.

> I didnt like it even when i try it.

> Pvp must be balance and because gw2 doesn't have any resolve system for cc, that stunt hit dead thing is unacceptable.

> Sry for my poor english.


what's especially weird is that even though this is all true deadeye is still a really low tier build. it makes the game unfun for new players while being useless to good ones because other good players will block/reflect your shit and close with you and ruin you because you aren't specialized in melee fight

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> @Balerios.3679 said:

> Well since this is a new trend and all i can read all day is scourge do this do that omg plz help they kill me. Spellbreaker omg plz he cant die its op broken. And other stuff like that. I wanted to point out participating in the same trend.

> Deadeye is op.and broken needs damage nerfing cause its range its pretty big and its capable of killing 2 shot , 1 if u are glass cannon. It makes pvp not fun. Thanks


+1 You are not alone

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I like how people were saying deadeye is bad and now that thieves are learning to play it correctly - oops, it's OP.


As much as people feel like they want instant nerfs or buffs to *insert new spec you hate here* anet is actually in the right for waiting between seasons for the balance patch. This new meta JUST came out give it some time.


And for Deadeye I can really see it being annoying for people playing glass cannon. I'm mostly playing Revenant/Thief/War atm and can generally survive the burst ( Or stealth so I don't worry about it ) but for classes that can't survive the burst Deadeye probably feels really unfair.



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Deadeyes cannot kill players while holding a point though. Key difference compared to Spellbreaker and Scourge.

Deadeye effectiveness depends on the map, when someone needs to make jumps to reach the Deadeye then it's much stronger (Keep at Forest), when it's a fairly open field (all points in Coliseum) they are nearly useless.

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> @Khalin.7280 said:

> > @Seteruss.4058 said:

> > Scourge is strong but can be killed. Damage output yes but no shroud so....no problem.

> > Spellbreaker is almost immortal in the hands of an experienced player, and i had really hard times with my druid against him...but ..is a spellbreaker and a warrior, so hit things is what he can do, and because i had my hard time with them doesn't mean i will cry. It is a very good class so no problem also there.

> > Deadeye from the other hand is a sniper and almost perma stealth, and is not good to have this kind in 5v5 pvp. It will be good if it has a liitle less damage 1output cause no matter if you re a glass canon or not, 2 shots are enough.

> > Reminds me campers from 1st person shooting game really, and this is an mmo so no. I dont like it.

> > I didnt like it even when i try it.

> > Pvp must be balance and because gw2 doesn't have any resolve system for cc, that stunt hit dead thing is unacceptable.

> > Sry for my poor english.


> what's especially weird is that even though this is all true deadeye is still a really low tier build. it makes the game unfun for new players while being useless to good ones because other good players will block/reflect your kitten and close with you and ruin you because you aren't specialized in melee fight


Well..yes. If you have reflect (not retaliation), or a shield.

I found myself trying to cover somewhere and also not been able to play when i am in sight.

From the very first second you'll see the red mark on you, if you're not in cover and have no shield/reflect, you're done.

Is not a problem to face a deadeye. The problem is that during battle with someone, you 're dead out of nowhere, and while i can understand that this is what it supposed to be, is a little bit unfair cause of the lack of time you have to react to such an attack.

Still can face them or at least manage to survive with some tricks(LB4, evades, hiding etc), but still very annoying..

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in spvp deadeye is annoying but manageable - he does damage but cant finish oponents and if you look at him he dies easier than zerker ele. I seem to have more of troubles with him in wvw - in bigger team fights delay/desync/enemy showing out slower after stealth ends makes dealing with them very difficult. I get hit by his skills mid dodge on regular basis, or wont even see the skill coming before i lie dead on the ground. But then again I always had such issues with thieves in wvw, this time it is no different except they don't have to be close to me.

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I guess you haven't been +1'd by a decent Daredevil lately.

It's amusing how this is a complaint about Deadeye when Thief has always been capable of this. Backstab for basically the same damage as Death's Judgment, and then do the rest with high dps auto attacks, the only differences being that LoS doesn't completely shut you down, there isn't a big red warning signal for the enemy and also you're not slow as molasses. You don't even have to use your steal to initiate the fight and waste like half the traits that are much more useful in the middle of a fight, and when you're able to respond with immediate damage.

Honestly, the last thing Deadeye needs is more nerfing if it's ever supposed to become competitive in sPvP.

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Lol have u even tried playing DE rifle? I made it to plat with daredevil easy as hell, then i swapped to try my best with Rifle, sure u got OP burst, but anyone in a ranked match knows to focus a rifle DE, and when they do you either stealth up and run away or you instantly melt. The last thing rifle DE needs is a nerf

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@"Keyang.3729" the op doesn t know


he s probably one of thoose lets say in foefire fights 1v2 and then suddenly gets pewpewd by de rifle sitting on the tower


and then he keeps running into mid and getting pewpewd by the de before zhe reaches the node


then the game is over and no way for op to have won this match the enemy time had a fuking op pew pew


only way to fight this is go on the forums qq a bit and hope for a nerf





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> @Cougre.6543 said:

> I guess you haven't been +1'd by a decent Daredevil lately.

> It's amusing how this is a complaint about Deadeye when Thief has always been capable of this. Backstab for basically the same damage as Death's Judgment, and then do the rest with high dps auto attacks, the only differences being that LoS doesn't completely shut you down, there isn't a big red warning signal for the enemy and also you're not slow as molasses. You don't even have to use your steal to initiate the fight and waste like half the traits that are much more useful in the middle of a fight, and when you're able to respond with immediate damage.

> Honestly, the last thing Deadeye needs is more nerfing if it's ever supposed to become competitive in sPvP.


it actually need the invis/desync feature back , with that it was at least viable to some extend

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I finally got around to making a dead eye build today. It was as annoying as it was entertaining tbh. Critical Strikes/Trickery/Dead Eye with Rifle and S/P. You have less tools to deal with stuff, and are a lot slower (so I picked up shadow trap), but can still pull off the escapes you need.


It's by no means overpowered, but I do hear what people mean. Overpowered or not, it's not fun when someone just 2 shots you from stealth and max range lol. This one game, the other team had a dead eye, too. So I used dead eye mark on a war on the way to mid. By the time I was at mid, I had full malice and could see the enemy Dead Eye. Sniper's Cover, Death's Judgement (DJ), dead. I'm pretty sure it's not meant to work that way; shouldn't the extra damage per stack of malice effect on DJ only apply if you're hitting that marked target? Sounds like a bug to me, but that's just one of the things you can pull off with it to get a kill shot without spending time *in* the fight to gain your malice stacks. I like the idea behind it, it won't really be the same without that high hit potential, and it does already get countered easily and the Dead Eye itself easily taken out by Daredevil, core Thief, probably Revenant - Spellbreaker was actually no issue - but, when it works, which isn't hard to do at all if you're not being kept in check all game, it is rather out of order lol.

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Honestly I probably haven't fought any good deadeyes so I can't really relate. The most I can add is a: reflecting deadeye shots right back into their smug "nah nah i spent 5 minutes getting up here you can't get me" faces is the most satisfying thing in the world, and b: If you see the mark on you, its either do whatever burst you have left and disengage, or just disengage althogether, go into defense mode and start looking for the deadeye so it can't do the same to the rest of your team.

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> @Kitten.4162 said:

> Deadeyes are a meme - as soon as you spot them you have to pounce on them because they have 0 escape lol


Other than all the escape that core thief has plus shadow meld, shadow swap and death's retreat. I don't know why people keep running into dead-eyes that can't survive, they have more escape capability than any thing other than daredevil.

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