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necros ruin spvp


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Dr Anet,

Necros are overpowered in spvp. It is as simple as that and spvp boils down to this:

1) which team has more necros

2) which team has better necros

3) does a team have a necro with a support player that doesn't suck


We can all roll the class and fight to platinum and I did so at one point. After realizing how easy it was and how bad the counter mechanics are - I deleted the necro to play more challenging and fun classes. My current spvp routine is doing my daily and then porting to wvw - where I can at least kite a necro effectively and not lose the game because of it. I greatly enjoy spvp and hope you will consider fixing this incredible OP/faceroll class. If fixing the class is too difficult, please make battle arenas that don't involve point capture. A mobile necro is a dead necro, but toe-to-toe on point is near impossible (please see 1-3 above).



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What kind of weird build are you playing for it to be that you are the one kiting the necro and not the necro kiting you ?

Necro is good for only one thing : teamfights. (and even then, only when they get properly supported) They become useless as soon as there's no teamfights.

Sure, they're anoying to deal with, just like 90% of the meta builds in the current meta, but not overpowered.

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necros definitely ruin lower elo and more random builds


on high elo necro is the worst class and i hate having them


what ruins the game on high elo is super glass cannon power builds (mainly revenant). Game should be balanced over people that can control their character properly and know how to play and not around people that don't know how to play so the real problem isnt necro

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Scourge is terribly designed for conquest fun. It has far too much sustained area control from range. It's like having the ability to drop Wells indefinitely.


They also are one of the classes (not only one though) who kill the ability to make most melee builds. I have so many builds where I go...it's cool, but not enough blocks/evades/invulns to survive and pressure from melee range. Scourge and core necro we're fun to fight back in the day. They had a lot of strengths, and some clear weaknesses, making the fight interactive. With scourge it is just...of you are melee GTFO if you can't just burst and run.

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Necros ( and especially scourges ) aren't well designed because they are naturally not bad, and are exponentially good according to how bad opponents are, regardless of your personnal skill. Pretty much why you see a lot of them in average ratings, and not many at top ranks.


Often had matchs where 3 teammates would keep dying in 5 seconds to scourges without even trying to not stand in wells or ignoring it. That's pretty much the problem of the scourge.

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> @"biggoat.5392" said:

> Dr Anet,

> Necros are overpowered in spvp. It is as simple as that and spvp boils down to this:

> 1) which team has more necros

> 2) which team has better necros

> 3) does a team have a necro with a support player that doesn't suck


> We can all roll the class and fight to platinum and I did so at one point. After realizing how easy it was and how bad the counter mechanics are - I deleted the necro to play more challenging and fun classes. My current spvp routine is doing my daily and then porting to wvw - where I can at least kite a necro effectively and not lose the game because of it. I greatly enjoy spvp and hope you will consider fixing this incredible OP/faceroll class. If fixing the class is too difficult, please make battle arenas that don't involve point capture. A mobile necro is a dead necro, but toe-to-toe on point is near impossible (please see 1-3 above).


> Thanks


Try playing a DE or Berserker Soulbeast for when you want to counter Necros. Works every time, I assure you.

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No, they don't. Nec is pretty horrible in ranked imo, even though DuoQ made it a lot more viable. But it's still a slow class easily picked off in focus in a gamemode where people will rotate incorecctly all the time. The problem is that people just go ham into FB/Nec with the worst classes for a tf, instead of using their brains and playing around it.

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> @"biggoat.5392" said:

> Dr Anet,

> Necros are overpowered in spvp. It is as simple as that and spvp boils down to this:

> 1) which team has more necros

> 2) which team has better necros

> 3) does a team have a necro with a support player that doesn't suck


> We can all roll the class and fight to platinum and I did so at one point. After realizing how easy it was and how bad the counter mechanics are - I deleted the necro to play more challenging and fun classes. My current spvp routine is doing my daily and then porting to wvw - where I can at least kite a necro effectively and not lose the game because of it. I greatly enjoy spvp and hope you will consider fixing this incredible OP/faceroll class. If fixing the class is too difficult, please make battle arenas that don't involve point capture. A mobile necro is a dead necro, but toe-to-toe on point is near impossible (please see 1-3 above).


> Thanks


atm there is no class that has more counterplay against itself than necros. it is since years the same Story:


-cc gim

-outmove him

-range pressure him

-so many classes have invuls, which you can use to facetank any reaper

-core necro is still trash

-and scourge has 1 stack stability


if you are not able to use

- CC

- range attacks

- invuls/dodges/blocks

- teleports


than you shoud start to improve your skillset. anet ALREADY gave you a lot of opportunities to fight against necros in several ways. but it is YOUR turn to use what anet gave you. if you dont do it, its your fault. not the necro ones, not the developer ones.


what did you suggest should anet do? creating MORE counterplay? i mean, how Long should the list above become? if you are not able to use the already existing possibilities, why it should get better with even more?



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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> what did you suggest should anet do? creating MORE counterplay? i mean, how Long should the list above become? if you are not able to use the already existing possibilities, why it should get better with even more?



Come one, think outside the box! Isn't the best way to prevent necromancers to ruin the fun of other profession to just put necromancers into a separate PvP mode. In this PvP mode there will only be necromancers facing necromancers while in the regular PvP mode there won't be necromancer. Ironically, I think this necromancer PvP mode could end up being the most balanced PvP mode due to all players starting with the exact same bases.


The necromancer don't ruin sPvP, class diversity does. It's stupid but there will never be a "fair" sPvP as long as there is class diversity. There will always be a profession with tools that are somewhat differents and make other profession cringe as soon as they are hit by those tools.

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Yes, exactly. Necros ruin sPvP... in particular these scourges and more so the brain-dead reaper spam...


Oh no, wait: Deadeye ruins sPvP with their perma stealth and hard hitting bs from stealth...


No no, it's engi with their perma stun (+big dmg) combo and their ridiculous sustain...


Or was it maybe soulbeast? Or spellbreaker? I'm so confused... It has to be Mesmer !!!

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Anyone who says they hate scourges are low elo period. High elo players get ecstatic when they see a scourge. Because thats a free kill and a chance to move game in their favour. If its a scg+fb duo then you should die there because a teamfighter+support should never lose to a single player unless theres something broken in the game.

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oh jesus. Necromancers are noobstompers. Thats it. They run rampant in lower elo because they are the easy chump class anet has decided that is meant for people who are just drunk or slow or both and all the cool fun classes that zip around and deal absurd damage are the _real_ classes of the game. Nobody really mains necromancers and those mains (even on twitch) are almost always being supported by a guardian.


necromancers concept from Anet:

"we need a class that is stupidly easy to play and only does one thing which is throw aoe around so they dont have to manage anything. I mean we suuuuck at balancing aoe anyways so we can always just nerf the bejesus out of them and not care. We resent the fact a lot of people like edgy dark looks so we're going to just scapegoat all our bad nerdy D&D resentments on them and give them the shaft their entire existence. Whenever they're "viable" they're just stupidly broken because we have no fucking idea how to balance aoe lol. So basically, its going to be for all those players who want a cool dark themed character but will never actually be able to 1v1 or stand on their own two feet. We'll make guards able to also _maybe_ support them if they feel like it so necros are the _only_ class that has to feel inferior. Hmm, OH and fuck core necro because why? Hmmm Oh and lets give Revenant all those cool condi ideas that were floating around necro forums before rev release. Hmmm, oh for our next elite spec (_pff_ its just the same shit), we're going to make a "new" elite that does.... AOE. Bahahahaahha. You see? Genius! You see how much effort that took to create? No fun mechanics, no interesting playstyle, just aoe. All the other classes get new and inventive ways to play. Like Dragonhunger for instance. Completely different. We only _say_ 'It's all about flavor' when talking about Necromancer. We don't really mean that lol. We want fun new specs for _other_ classes but fuck necros they just get to do the same dumb shit they've been doing since launch. Hah 'flavor' lol. Anyway, since none of us are going to actually touch this abomination in spvp, lets make damn sure all the classes we play are going to wipe the floor with them. So, just make sure all the other classes have means of kiting necromancers aoe and then re-engaging whenever they want. Also make sure Necros have stupidly long cast times, absurd cooldowns, and just weaker traits.... like purely weaker. Not just 'oh its a little different'. Fuck all that we want the traits to _plainly_ be weaker than other classes. Ok? Done."

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> @"biggoat.5392" said:

> Dr Anet,

> Necros are overpowered in spvp. It is as simple as that and spvp boils down to this:

> 1) which team has more necros

> 2) which team has better necros

> 3) does a team have a necro with a support player that doesn't suck


> We can all roll the class and fight to platinum and I did so at one point. After realizing how easy it was and how bad the counter mechanics are - I deleted the necro to play more challenging and fun classes. My current spvp routine is doing my daily and then porting to wvw - where I can at least kite a necro effectively and not lose the game because of it. I greatly enjoy spvp and hope you will consider fixing this incredible OP/faceroll class. If fixing the class is too difficult, please make battle arenas that don't involve point capture. A mobile necro is a dead necro, but toe-to-toe on point is near impossible (please see 1-3 above).


> Thanks


Looks like l2p issue. Just range damage necro he will automatically move offpoint to get cover. Go on node and try to cap and retreat if he goes all in with their cooldowns and repeat. If you start the engagement this way you will 1000% win against necro on any class.

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I recently ran a sword/shield holo in ranked with the thumper turret + trait that makes it pulse prot, prot on shield skill use, cleanse on prot application, and condi-to-boon conversion (for those juicy cleansing vuln for prot and getting another cleanse out of that). Suppose hard light arena counts, too.


Anyway, the other team had two scourges and they were pretty much useless the entire match vs me.


You can change out traits/etc before a match. Make use of it.

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Any of you clowns that comment l2p or necros are only good low.... I already said I play high gold/low platinum. Further, I already said I have no problem soloing a necro... cake most times. My core message is they (necros) skew the balance of play in spvp more than any other class without regards to skill of player. Learn to read.


One useful comment which I will grant you - DE/SB counter necros really well. Sadly in most games it is 4x necro and randomly a DE/SB.


My games today alone:

Games with single necro or no necro: 9/10 wins (the luckiest/longest streak of no necro ever - I honestly thought anet read my post LOL)

Games where opposing team has more necros: 1/5


For those that posted useful info, thanks... much appreciated.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Current list of OP classes according to the Forum:

> Mesmer

> Necro

> Engi

> Thief

> Ranger

> Rev

> Warrior

> Guardian


> Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......


Eles can't even afford to be on that list :/ but even if people complained it would be moved to ele subforum. Next espec: the unwanted.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Current list of OP classes according to the Forum:

> > Mesmer

> > Necro

> > Engi

> > Thief

> > Ranger

> > Rev

> > Warrior

> > Guardian

> >

> > Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......


> Eles can't even afford to be on that list :/ but even if people complained it would be moved to ele subforum. Next espec: the unwanted.


I have seen "Nerf this" threads for all the classes above but i cant remember one for ele.

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> @"biggoat.5392" said:

> Any of you clowns that comment l2p or necros are only good low.... I already said I play high gold/low platinum. Further, I already said I have no problem soloing a necro... cake most times. My core message is they (necros) skew the balance of play in spvp more than any other class without regards to skill of player. Learn to read.


> One useful comment which I will grant you - DE/SB counter necros really well. Sadly in most games it is 4x necro and randomly a DE/SB.


> My games today alone:

> Games with single necro or no necro: 9/10 wins (the luckiest/longest streak of no necro ever - I honestly thought anet read my post LOL)

> Games where opposing team has more necros: 1/5


> For those that posted useful info, thanks... much appreciated.


"I lost when there were necro in enemy team hence necro are ruining pvp"

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They're not really OP, there's a reason you stop seeing them as much at high ratings. Its just really, really easy to do damage as one so people trying to get easy rating flocks to it. Its the same thing in every game, its why you see champs like Master Yi everywhere up to like Gold in League then vanish from existence, or stuff like TSG or WWDK all stuck at 2k-2.2k rating in WoW.


Reaper and Scourge is basically the equivalent of that stuff hence why every game in Gold 1-2 involves 2 necros on both side, but chances they won't move from there.



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