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Is Gazelle bugged?


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Seems to me that the damage is a bit too high on, 10k-20k from a pet, even a buffed pet, seems silly.


That being said, it is fairly limited. Gazzelle has to slowly skip its way towards the target then stops for like 2 seconds before charging slightly faster in a really clearly telegraphed way. And those big hits are crits + a bunch of buffs (including attack of opportunity) and typically require taking BM as well (turns you to glass if taken with SB).


But despite that, I tend to agree its a bit too much. I wouldn't mind it toning down the damage but making it a bit quicker and less telegraphed.

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ye, i was wondering aswell, why my gazelle was oneshotting ppl. in a different thread i read, that the gazelle charge, which is the skill that hits that high, is super ez to doge/misses in most of the cases and thats why it has to hit this high...

i cant rly say im a friend of that explanation :D, but its still funny, to see my stupid goat being a bigger threat than myself.

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I was wondering the same thing. I have a very tanky build and the Gazelle was the 1st source of damage everytime I was getting killed by a specific ranger (happened again a few matches after). I was like what the heck is going on why that puny animal is dealing 8k damage with a random automatic ability ?

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Gazelle might be broken, but it's the only way to fight spellbreakers now! So if they fix spellbreaker too, I'm happy they fix gazelle dmg too.


And it's not a bug. It's just high in dmg. So when balance patch comes, it will get nerfed. Hopefully Spellbreaker too to the ground so we can actually start enjoying 1v1s again in PvP. :)

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> @Vancho.8750 said:

> It has existed long long before POF hit check out Bootts Bad builds just it has Tiger do the 20k burst.


> it just amplifies the the base damage with high %.No body played it cause Druid was always way better for the team,maybe now too.


I've been hit for over 70k.

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> @Mutaatti.2789 said:


> And it's not a bug. It's just high in dmg.


It is a charge attack that hits the same target multiple times with its full damage. I am pretty sure this is not intended, thus a bug. It is somewhat similar to how fgs4 and some other skills worked except that it works without blink/without a wall because the charge is so slow.



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> @Erzian.5218 said:

> > @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> >

> > And it's not a bug. It's just high in dmg.


> It is a charge attack that hits the same target multiple times with its full damage. I am pretty sure this is not intended, thus a bug. It is somewhat similar to how fgs4 and some other skills worked except that it works without blink/without a wall because the charge is so slow.




The electric wyvern does the same thing with its F2, but because it lunges forward the target needs to against a wall.

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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> -Releases a ridiculously powerful pet with HoT (smokescale) and everyone loses their mind, then proceeds to nerf it time and time again.


> -Repeats the same mistake with PoF /facepalm.





I mean 95% of pets can't hit anything and that is considered balanced, it has never been changed since launch...now god forbid you get a pet once in a while that can hit targets and players lose their shit; yes the attack is bugged and will be fixed , still....

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