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Guild Missions: Are they still viable?

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Over the past few years I have noticed a major decline in Guild Mission attendance and willingness to participate. Our guild at one time had to run guild missions twice a week and occasionally an additional makeup on Sunday, but as time has gone on and no additional missions available our number began to plummet. At present we no longer do guild missions, our guild level is 69 and I am seeing a complete lack of interest in doing guild missions. I am unsure if there is anything in the works to rebuild or revamp the structure of Guild Missions, but I believe the time is quickly approaching. Guild Wars should signify some equivalence to a battle or competition in my opinion of course. If I were asked to make suggestions, make the current guild bounties similar to the bounties we see in Path of Fire maps. Make Trek quests for small group or individuals and more competitive by setting up timers against another guild. Guild Puzzles are great maybe add a few new ones. The Moa races were awesome once upon a time so, why not bring them back with a twist and make the players the Moas' racing for their guild or best in their guild. To me Guild Missions was the highlight of our week bringing guild mates together for fun and laughs working together for common goals, but now it is time to move forward and reclaim our Guild Pride to once again make Guild Wars truly awesome.

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I think the problem is around the time of HoT or shortly thereafter, ANet got rid of their guild team, which is why we've seen virtually no guild content added since And unless you simply enjoy doing the current guild missions, the only reason for doing them is for guild commendations. If you don't need commendations anymore and the same missions ad nauseum have gotten boring, you have no motivation to show up for missions anymore.

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Exactly my point. At one time they were viable, but now they are not. My post was to try to inspire a new way of doing the guild missions. I would like to see Guild banners (like the Hero Banners) but possess extra bonuses in other categories for the tasks that are completed. For example: If you Guild does a mission of killing some many enemy Dolyaks in a specific time frame you may receive and bonus % to WvW reward Track or a % added to WvW bonus Experience. The same could be effective if a guild takes a mission to complete a Challenge Mote Fractal in a certain time and then they would receive bonus to -% Damage received in Fractal for that week.. I don't think it requires reinventing the wheel just a little creative effort in how rewards are earned.

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ANet has said that they aren't much interested in spending time on guild stuff. Turns out: lots of people aren't going to participate no matter what and those that do often get bored. They can't turn out guild-specific content any faster than they do living world stuff, and fewer people get excited by it, so why not focus on general content that nearly everyone enjoys?


I don't necessarily agree with their stance. Except for this: say ANet released 20 g-mish today. In 12 months, just as many of us would be bored of them, so they'd have to keep releasing 20/year to keep us motivated.


Instead, I think guild leaders should find other things to do for a weekly activity. For example:

* Open world achievements. Help people get things like ley-line anomaly or JPs or so on.

* World bosses and map metas: there are always some taking place at whatever time you have things scheduled.

* Open world zerging/map completion. It's actually kind of fun to have a large group just take over a map, especially if led by someone who knows where events are. Silverwastes RIBA is the highly-efficient PUG equivalent.

* WvW: with 10-30 people, you don't have to be good except when running into a similar sized force. (Remind people that death is likely if they don't stick together, don't worry about builds & gear, because most people won't want to change until they've wiped too many times.)


ANet could do some simple things to incentivize g-mish, like change the drop tables or guaranteed rewards. Throw in a crystalline ore (required for a lot of guild-oriented purchases) or a chance for a currency voucher etc. That seems more likely than expecting any sort of overhaul.



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If participation were important for Anet, all that they’d have to do is add new rewards.


For example, they could create a new ascended set like requiem and lock the recipes behind guild hall merchants requiring commendations. Crafting all eighteen pieces would give a recipe to craft an ascended back item that goes with the new sets.


This would get players to start doing guild missions again and also give daily ascended material crafting value again. At least until everyone has gotten everything which would be based on how many commendations are needing excluding if a special material is needed for crafting the insignia.

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Once upon a time, simply running events or missions together as a guild gave some small amount of rewards (for the guild). However, the rewards were based on repping and were also handed out for individual activity and led to the annoying rep requirements that soured some people on guilds.


Still, I'm not sure why they couldn't let a guild earn at least a mission's worth of favor each week from just free playing content together. Not even for commendations, necessarily, just to encourage some camaraderie.

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It doesn't help that, past the useful amount of commendations, the bulk of material rewards for GMs is rare gear (i.e. ectos). When GMs were first introduced, ectos were still quite valuable and their value has slowly eroded over time until becoming almost trivial in the post-PoF economy. So one way to address GM attendance is to revise rewards in such a way as to be relevant to the modern grind, e.g. allowing people to buy Amalgamated Gemstones with commendations. The key to remember is that GM rewards are capped at once-weekly because they are supposed to be lucrative. Currently, there's no reason for the cap to exist at all, as it isn't worth the time for anyone to do. Even as a form of guild activity it is difficult to justify spending time in missions as opposed to doing something else with your group of 6+ people.

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Beside community Guilds have of no use in GUILD Wars anymore. I have tryed to build up several guilds. But everytime the guilds were disbanded cause we couldnt find a common goal. Guild missions were an easy way to obtain accesior for fractal. At thouse times joining a guild for Guild missions was a good reason. Nowadays i do as the guild leader solo guild missions for the upgrade task of the guild. My guild is a language based guild. So ppl gahter in my guild so they can speak beside english. Even so. I couldnt motiviate my guild mates to do guild activities as a guild team. Every memeber has his own goals and works towards thouse goals. So ppl tend to play "solo" through lfg.


As the leader of the guild, i try to help my members. But it is impossible for me to do so for each of them one by one.


Simply The Name GUILD Wars is in GW2 entirly missleading cause their is no activity left that requires a guild (Guild missions included). It is easier to use the lfg. U simply dont need a guild anymore. The only thing that a guild is good for is its Guildhall, which u can use as a housing system. Or show of ur statues like the Hall of Monuments of GW1. But even so nobody is willing to work for the guildhall as well.


Even the highest organized mode the PVE raid of guild wars 2 doesnt rquire guilds, cause their is no benefit of it or any pride. PPL organize themself through discord. The discord server of thouse ppl are functining like a guild system of the game. Where they add their desired players, plan dates for the raids and so on. ANd each meber of this discord is in an entirly diffrent guild.


So basicly the problems do not just liy in the guild missions. Its is the entiere guild system thats not working.


What could be the solution. Guild missions failed cause u needed the currency from guild missions to buy the accesoirs which were needed to participitate in Fractals. For a causual game a no go.


The old guild system was a probelm as well, cause to upgrade ur guild u needed 2 curencys, which needed as well a highly organisation for a causual game.


Warframe has a good system u have to join a guild, cause the clan shop offers unique items, which u need, for the lets say gold. U can farm Gold everywhere, but u need to upgrade ur guild.


Destiny 2 has a system where if u finish a raid ur entire guild gains the reward of the raid.


And u need a system where every memeber can upgrade the guild individaullay. Without the need of an entire Squad.


So for guildwars 2 we need stuff thats required for the gameplay (lets say unique stats of armor and weapons), which u can buy with gold and not any other currency.


If u finish a boss like raids, worm, Hot meta maps as aguild, the entire guild gains a reward. Like the Dailys 2gold.


To upgrade the guild, the guild members have to do missions they can do without interrupting their usual gameplay. Like kill 100 monsters in 12 hours. Where they can farm their gold (which they dont need to spent into the guild) and upgrade the guild as well.


But well $$$$$$$


I dont think they will implement such a system without their scoop in their mind. and it will end up in a gold sinking machiene like the guildhall upgrade it is now.

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In a game I used to play guild tasks were on bad position. They just added daily/weekly tasks for guild members. Like killing an OW boss, clearing dungeon (outside of pve daily) . Those weren't tied to 'guild runs' any member could do with whoever they want, it was good for big guild members that had players with different playtime. We get to keep the loot, bit of sweets for guild missions and guild would get currency to upgrade itself.


Much like PvP/WvW guild missions in GW2. Would be nice if PvE could get something like it

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Loved doing them, it was one of _the_ events with guild on Sunday afternoon. The problem though is that with many things Anet introduced: they just let it rot after introduction. Maybe a few tweaks here and there, but like many other things, they won't touch it anymore. It's really questionable, but I wonder why they didn't even add the slightest thing to the initial missions. They are the same since a damn 4 years or whenever they were introduced. After doing them more or less regularly for 3 years, I got bored. Our guild consisting of around 160 ppl did GMs twice a week which had around 30-50 participants. Now it's down to either no GMs at all or around 10 people once a week.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> ANet has said that they aren't much interested in spending time on guild stuff. Turns out: lots of people aren't going to participate no matter what and those that do often get bored. They can't turn out guild-specific content any faster than they do living world stuff, and fewer people get excited by it, so why not focus on general content that nearly everyone enjoys?


> I don't necessarily agree with their stance. Except for this: say ANet released 20 g-mish today. In 12 months, just as many of us would be bored of them, so they'd have to keep releasing 20/year to keep us motivated.


> Instead, I think guild leaders should find other things to do for a weekly activity. For example:

> * Open world achievements. Help people get things like ley-line anomaly or JPs or so on.

> * World bosses and map metas: there are always some taking place at whatever time you have things scheduled.

> * Open world zerging/map completion. It's actually kind of fun to have a large group just take over a map, especially if led by someone who knows where events are. Silverwastes RIBA is the highly-efficient PUG equivalent.

> * WvW: with 10-30 people, you don't have to be good except when running into a similar sized force. (Remind people that death is likely if they don't stick together, don't worry about builds & gear, because most people won't want to change until they've wiped too many times.)


> ANet could do some simple things to incentivize g-mish, like change the drop tables or guaranteed rewards. Throw in a crystalline ore (required for a lot of guild-oriented purchases) or a chance for a currency voucher etc. That seems more likely than expecting any sort of overhaul.




But that applies to any content - fractals, raids, pvp maps etc. If they stopped doing content becuase people will eventually get bored and not do it, then the game would have no content at all.


I'd rather they just built on what they have with each expac (these would be unlocked via the Guild Hall as an upgrade and wouldn't replace core missions o ppl wouldn't get fully excluded)


- expac related bounties. They could even just use the existing PoF ones and randomly add those in, with hard ones requiring legendaries

- expac specific treks. That should also be fairly easy to add in

- expac specific races. I'm sure plenty of areas in the maps could benefit from a race.


Challenges and puzzles would def need a lot more work, but I'm sure they could do something with ay the Dwarven mine or a Horde mode at Glints Lair maybe.


I know Guild additions need work and resources are tight, but Guilds are a pillar of the game as they epitomise the cooperation that the game is built on. They shouldn't be neglected as feature

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